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India’s covert nuke plant to ‘assert regional leadership’

India is a regional power no doubt, but so are Pakistan and China. Nuclear weapons possessed by all three will ensure proper restraint will be exercised by all sides, I am sure.

Having said that, both Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have to keep in mind that they cannot be on bad terms with India in order to serve their own national interests.

Trinity of regional powers is actually an assurance of regional stability. India instead of trying to break the trinity should try to compartmentalize its role. Pakistan should take care of Afghanistan and India should take care of its close group. We can all share power rather than fighting over it. India's pitch to use Afghanistan to foster insurgency in Pakistan will have consequnces for India.
Relevance and stability, or their lack, cannot eliminate the fact of existence of Sri Lanka. They are an important country in their own right. Besides, they have some damn great beaches!
I'm trying to say that in the grand scheme of things in South Asia, Sri Lanka is irrelevant and holds no influence. And about great beaches:
Trinity of regional powers is actually an assurance of regional stability. India instead of trying to break the trinity should try to compartmentalize its role. Pakistan should take care of Afghanistan and India should take care of its close group. We can all share power rather than fighting over it. India's pitch to use Afghanistan to foster insurgency in Pakistan will have consequnces for India.
Why should India abandon Afghanistan? Its our route to central Asia. Only this narrow thinking of considering Afghanistan a backyard of Pakistan has led to the current terrorism in Afghanistan.
Trinity of regional powers is actually an assurance of regional stability. India instead of trying to break the trinity should try to compartmentalize its role. Pakistan should take care of Afghanistan and India should take care of its close group. We can all share power rather than fighting over it. India's pitch to use Afghanistan to foster insurgency in Pakistan will have consequnces for India.

Attempts to carve out local spheres of influence will cause complications, but for the immediate future, the struggle to force Afghanistan into one camp or another, will likely not be successful for either side. Besides, it is important to keep Iran in mind where Afghanistan is concerned. If they decide to help India, like they are doing with Chahbaar, then Pakistan will find it quite difficult to hold on.
Attempts to carve out local spheres of influence will cause complications, but for the immediate future, the struggle to force Afghanistan into one camp or another, will likely not be successful for either side. Besides, it is important to keep Iran in mind where Afghanistan is concerned. If they decide to help India, like they are doing with Chahbaar, then Pakistan will find it quite difficult to hold on.

This idea of leaving Afghanistan to the "tender mercies" of Pakistan is simply absurd. And as you rightly aver, all efforts to carve out "spheres of influence" are only fraught with hazards for the world at large. The Age of Imperialist and Colonial thinking is over. Even a half-baked Banana Republik in Africa will be more assertive than ever before in History.

Now as far as Iran is concerned the havoc being created in the name of Sunni Revivalism in the ME is simply going to get the backs of the Ayatollahs up like never before. So do you think that they will countenance any expansionist moves by Pakistan in Afghanistan?
Another stark reality is that Pakistan is nowhere near possessing the clout (Military or Economic) that it did at the time of the last upheaval in Afghanistan after the melt-down of the SU and the exit of USA from Afghan which led to the Taliban take-over.
Now Pakistan is faced with a neo-Taliban which cannot be fitted into the familiar (and oh so comforting :) )matrix of Good Taliban/Bad Taliban. The inter-mutations that are taking between these Taliban factions that exist today are becoming unfathomable even to the "old Afghan hands in the Pakistani Deep State".

The emerging scenario in Iraq, is ironically a god-send to Iran; where primarily USA as well as other countries will now scramble to mend fences with Iran. Which will be another setback to any Pakistani moves to re-gain ascendency in Afghan matters.
There is probably only one rational way out for Pakistan to handle Afghanistan in the future; i.e. give up all ideas of turning Afghanistan again into its exclusive back-yard or lackey and instead try to create a more equitable relationship with Afghanistan while working in sustained fashion to bring stability there.

Chah Bahar is a reality and one that will increasingly be a lynch-pin of the Iranian effort to regain stature as a regional power. The fact that India has interests in Chah Bahar too will be used by Iran to the fullest, make no mistake about that.

The ideas of the "Dull Dulles Brothers" just cannot be re-incarnated now, even the minor players are less Lilliputian now than the hoary days of the Cold War.
There is probably only one rational way out for Pakistan to handle Afghanistan in the future; i.e. give up all ideas of turning Afghanistan again into its exclusive back-yard or lackey and instead try to create a more equitable relationship with Afghanistan while working in sustained fashion to bring stability there.

You said it yourself: the only rational way. Since when did that adjective apply to Pakistani policies? :D
Since when was pakistan a regional power? Their economy is smaller is less than $250 billion. For reference, Mitsubishi group has an annual revenue of $250 billion. They have no military clout beyond nukes that can reach North India. They have no cultural clout. So pray tell me, how is pakistan a regional power?

Mitsubishi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trinity of regional powers is actually an assurance of regional stability. India instead of trying to break the trinity should try to compartmentalize its role. Pakistan should take care of Afghanistan and India should take care of its close group. We can all share power rather than fighting over it. India's pitch to use Afghanistan to foster insurgency in Pakistan will have consequnces for India.
So we should just accept what ever happens to us, accept a sub optimal place in the world??
When we got independence we got sh*t like this, telling us we can not be a democracy and would fail in a decade and the americans will have to put boots on the ground. Look who's laughing now:azn:
We are not going to accept the status quo. It may take a lot of time to change it. It will change.
India has already fought the war under nuclear shadow with an opponent with first use policy and was ready to respond only if Pakistan had stroke first. Such guts are only the signs of responsible states. So, any doubts on India would be shame to every one and those who have already used it in a war.
India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.
Are you joking? Whatever influence Pakistan has in BD is dwarfed by the influence India has. Do you really think India wouldn't be aware of and able to block such plans not to mention the international community would stand by and let you proliferate such tech openly?
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

You know Afghanistan wont say No to Nukes from India either. And they hate your guts much worse than Bangladesh hates us ;)
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.
can we talk about reality ? the moment you even plan that, or are prepared to transport it ... India doesnt have to do a thing .. NATO and US will act.

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.
you still have the Muslim unity banner, Look at the world around you, it has collapsed centuries ago.
Pakistan can do little even if India wanted to have a hegemon aspiration, bilateral trades plays an important role, China can play its cards here but for that we would have to wait and see, as it will open doors for India to look at south east asean countries

Trinity of regional powers is actually an assurance of regional stability. India instead of trying to break the trinity should try to compartmentalize its role. Pakistan should take care of Afghanistan and India should take care of its close group. We can all share power rather than fighting over it. India's pitch to use Afghanistan to foster insurgency in Pakistan will have consequnces for India.
pitch differs while Pakistan has interest with Afghan taliban, India wants a democratic afghanistan with sole power lying with state and no influence of non-state actors.
If Pakistan can help in create such Afghanistan we would be very happy
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Relevance and stability, or their lack, cannot eliminate the fact of existence of Sri Lanka. They are an important country in their own right. Besides, they have some damn great beaches!

Yes more ,
A) Srilanka :- the Buddhist in Srilanka their want to kill muslims.
B) Myanmar want to kill BL,
C) JAPAN , Vietnam, +++ want to kill China
D) Iran should love to bomb PAK and KSA....

They are already surrounded .....and Russia is always check China...

Now how about above ;)
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