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India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

POTW! YOU are a true gentleman and patriot. You deserve a Ferrero Rouche milkshake!

one of our greatest strengths is that everyone underestimates us so much

They just dont understand how we are still standing, how we come up with nukes, missiles, weapons, how our people overcome all odds and keep going

Pakistan faces down insurmountable odds, faces down superpowers, & a country 7 times larger then us

in their confused minds they then come up with excuses, falling american cruise missile, stolen tech, ripped off korean missiles

Not bothered or unduly concerned. Could not care less about india. You people are an alien and evil race to me. But as long as you don't bother us I could not care less what you do or don't. That's why I'm on a Pakistani forum not an indian one. That's why you have to come on a Pakistani forum and spout your indian dribble.

Of course i am not here to satisfy every pakistani's or indians in this forum.I make a point with all kinds of evidence and there is nothing written in pdf that india's should not comment pakistan forum.But since you do not have valid points to counter my opinion, it is easy for you to get rid by accusing others with out any logic.
Indian does not need to attack pakistan, as it is itself suffering from the last 15 years following failed policies and by the way it is not because of india, you are fighting war for other country to get military aid.That's why we fenced our border with your country and not you and so taking over your land is not our priority.Pakistan becomes a buffer state with much troubled afghanistan.
The correct sentence is India cannot attack Pakistan that's why you are busy in fighting proxy wars by using Afghanistan Land to help TTP and few other miscreants in Balochistan. But you forget that, it will have to pay back. Yes we were suffering from this bullshit created by india but now Pakistan is coming out of this mess and we have defeated all those indian paid culprits and we will be more stronger in future in sha ALLAH. Your dreams will never come true to annihilate Pakistan. See Pakistan stands firm and india even dont influence Pakistan and you talk about to be a super power. Even a small country Nepal refused to take dictation from might super power India and you are dreaming about world super power :). Good luck for your dreams.
First i didnt say China will become super power in near future. Its you who dragged china into it.
Regardless the achievements you mentioned in your post, Super Power game is about global politics and influence on world. You what you are thinking that you have so much influence in global politics like USA that you can force them to change decisions made by them. Or those big players will allow you to attain that position where they have to compromise their influence. How innocent you are? Being an economically stronger country doesn't assure that you can be a super power.
And yes sure please enjoy the close relationship with US. You will understand what US will do with you ;)

Do you think that India is pakistan.US becomes stronger only because of its economic muscle which they utilize also in military and budget and become sole super power.In fact Soviet Union was a super power with out a major economical muscle.It is always a combination of economy,military and political muscle that makes any country to become super power.I believe Super power only stands for first 3 countries and first country considered as sole super power.India can attain the super power status in a decade time.
one of our greatest strengths is that everyone underestimates us so much

They just dont understand how we are still standing, how we come up with nukes, missiles, weapons, how our people overcome all odds and keep going

Pakistan faces down insurmountable odds, faces down superpowers, & a country 7 times larger then us

in their confused minds they then come up with excuses, falling american cruise missile, stolen tech, ripped off korean missiles


More like your greatest weakness, how you lot overestimate yourselves at every turn.
Our positions in the 21st century is a testament to this fact, about how you lot always thought you were better than us, 1 Pakistan soldier=10 Indian soldiers, will break India into several pieces and what not. We were in the same boat 60 years ago and now look, we are a BRIC nation with the fastest growth rate in the world on the very precipice of world power status and where are you?

LOL what? :rofl:No one is worried about how you are still standing. Everyone is worried about what you lot will end up doing when you eventually fall.
Pakistan has done nothing, that the larger world powers has allowed it to do or decided not to pursue.

You want us think otherwise when every country in the world fails at the initial stages of their missile development, but pakistani due to some "rouhani" technology can do it in a few years without a speck of failure? Yeah right.

Yeah you be rollin, you be rollin into the ditch.:omghaha:
Pakistan is not even a blue water navy nor a green water navy and countering india is out of question.We are expanding leaps and bounds and we acquire technology to monitor 1200 kms away from our sea shore with IRNSS in case of hostile situation, where we do not need to depend on GPS neither to depend on other country.

It is better to discuss at least pakistan to become a green water navy....The budget towards your navy is negligible in order to compete india.
We dont need a blue water navy. But i think your knowledge is not up to date. Pakistan is a green water navy and we have everything which is required to defend our coast and supply routes. Those days of blockage of supply routes are gone now. Even we can hit hard your so called blue water navy in case of any misadventure by your mighty navy. Pakistan's ambitions are not to be a super power but to live in peaceful world with respect and dignity. But its your evil thinking and mad approach to be a regional Thanedar. And we will not jump into a mad race of spending billions of dollars on military hardware which can shatter our economy. Pakistan spend its resources very carefully and adequately and procure whatever suits our requirement and can assure our credible defense against any aggressor.
Pakistan is not even a blue water navy nor a green water navy and countering india is out of question.We are expanding leaps and bounds and we acquire technology to monitor 1200 kms away from our sea shore with IRNSS in case of hostile situation, where we do not need to depend on GPS neither to depend on other country.


It is better to discuss at least pakistan to become a green water navy....The budget towards your navy is negligible in order to compete india.

Yet despite this all powerful military you could do nothing to a nation 8 times smaller than your country after mumbai 26/11/2008. That renders your military pathetic and useless.

You know that's true that's why you have to come on a Pakistani forum and tell us the above wheras I have never ever been on any indian forum/website. I could not care less what you people say or think about my nation or race. I know what my nation's TRUE capabilities are and are confident in them. Wheras you are not. If you were than you would not be on PDF.
1. India trade with Iran even under US Sanction
2. India supported Russia, when US put sanction on Russia
3. India selected france rafale even under enormous pressure from US to select their fighter
4. India still dealing with Russia for Nuclear reactors,Nuclear submarine.Aircraft carriers
even under Russian sanctions

Do you people still thinking that India is Pakistan.US allied with India only because of shared
interest as India is a biggest market for them be in normal business or military hardware.US
threat from china increased this co-operation further.
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The correct sentence is India cannot attack Pakistan that's why you are busy in fighting proxy wars by using Afghanistan Land to help TTP and few other miscreants in Balochistan. But you forget that, it will have to pay back. Yes we were suffering from this bullshit created by india but now Pakistan is coming out of this mess and we have defeated all those indian paid culprits and we will be more stronger in future in sha ALLAH. Your dreams will never come true to annihilate Pakistan. See Pakistan stands firm and india even dont influence Pakistan and you talk about to be a super power. Even a small country Nepal refused to take dictation from might super power India and you are dreaming about world super power :). Good luck for your dreams.

It's not that we can not ....but..we realized ..outsourcing is better. Any way , you guys believed in your non state actors. We made it larger....we put our dollars on State Actors ( not Indian State though).

Nepal ...ha ha ha....Nepal is being dealt with. Stay tuned..
Indians turning Pakistan into a lil beast, Nukes in the sea on the way :angel:
Yet despite this all powerful military you could do nothing to a nation 8 times smaller than your country after mumbai 26/11/2008. That renders your military pathetic and useless.

You know that's true that's why you have to come on a Pakistani forum and tell us the above wheras I have never ever been on any indian forum/website. I could not care less what you people say or think about my nation or race. I know what my nation's TRUE capabilities are and are confident in them. Wheras you are not. If you were than you would not be on PDF.

I told several times that our priorities are different and we are no race with pakistan, as we consider pakistan negligible in every field and we bothered you only because of your hostile policies.You concentrated on military and that's why even a single pakistan companies not worth to mention in a global scale.South korea is a small country and look where they are ! Even they have hostile neighbour like North korea but still they progress.Even though US is sole super power, have they have they attacked Iran even under height of tensions?

The path of pakistan is like North korea.Both are going under wrong priorities.....There is a proverb saying ' Don't open mouth by a squirrel by seeing an elephant', 'don't spend money like your billionaire neighbour'
Do you think that India is pakistan.US becomes stronger only because of its economic muscle which they utilize also in military and budget and become sole super power.In fact Soviet Union was a super power with out a major economical muscle.It is always a combination of economy,military and political muscle that makes any country to become super power.I believe Super power only stands for first 3 countries and first country considered as sole super power.India can attain the super power status in a decade time.

You cannot become a superpower when you nation/race has 40% of the world's most severely malnourished and poor:


The soviet union did not have the above problem. Nor any other nation that is or has become a superpower.
You cannot become a superpower when you nation/race has 40% of the world's most severely malnourished and poor:


The soviet union did not have the above problem. Nor any other nation that is or has become a superpower.

Yes US becomes sole power by fixing all their problems, good logic dear keep it up.This like saying don't spend money on R&D,unless every people get properly feeded.By the way why are you spending in the internet and wasting time and money when many of your own country men are not get even proper food.

I know at the end you people come up with poverty class out of argument and i am expecting a toilet chapter on your upcoming messages.
More like your greatest weakness, how you lot overestimate yourselves at every turn.
Our positions in the 21st century is a testament to this fact, about how you lot always thought you were better than us, 1 Pakistan soldier=10 Indian soldiers, will break India into several pieces and what not. We were in the same boat 60 years ago and now look, we are a BRIC nation with the fastest growth rate in the world on the very precipice of world power status and where are you?

LOL what? :rofl:No one is worried about how you are still standing. Everyone is worried about what you lot will end up doing when you eventually fall.
Pakistan has done nothing, that the larger world powers has allowed it to do or decided not to pursue.

You want us think otherwise when every country in the world fails at the initial stages of their missile development, but pakistani due to some "rouhani" technology can do it in a few years without a speck of failure? Yeah right.

Yeah you be rollin, you be rollin into the ditch.:omghaha:

Our standing is great and cannot be questioned by someone from a nation/race that has 40% of the world's most poor and severely malnourished:





Indians should worry more about the above reality of their nation and race rather than Pakistan's international image. Whatever Pakistan is at least we did not let the above become our reality. indian people really need to solve the problems of not letting their people starve to death.

As the above articles indicate, the vast majority of Indians are literally "rolling in their own faeces and vomit".
Do you think that India is pakistan.US becomes stronger only because of its economic muscle which they utilize also in military and budget and become sole super power.In fact Soviet Union was a super power with out a major economical muscle.It is always a combination of economy,military and political muscle that makes any country to become super power.I believe Super power only stands for first 3 countries and first country considered as sole super power.India can attain the super power status in a decade time.
No i dont think that India is Pakistan even i dont think that India is China or USA. I know that economy is one of the most important factor to be a Super Power but for that matter the strong economy should be based on your domestic production. Where are you standing in domestic production or your high industrial based economy as compare to China, Japan, USA or EU. And Soviet Union collapsed because they didnt maintain the balance between their arms and their size of economy. And USA , China and EU have strong industrial base economies to support their military expenditure and R&D. Where as India's Economy is dependent on those developed countries and mind it they will never allow India to challenge their monopoly. USA sustained that they played and playing sensibly and not go as a lone nation. It always gone in an alliance to overcome the consequences of any campaign. And about your claim that only first 3 countries can attain super power status because you are at number 3 in GDP (PPP). but what about GDP (nominal) which actually shows that how much strong economy you have. so you stands at number 9 in GDP (nominal). And Italy, Brazil, Japan, Germany, France, UK, USA and China are ahead of India.
I am sure that if India even stands at 5 in GDP (PPP) you must mentioned that only first 5 countries have the status of Super Power :)
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