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India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

You cannot be a super power untill you resolve all pending disputed issues with your neighbors. Also to be a super power you must have strong voice in UNSC as a permanant member which is also very unlikely.

You mean like Russia or China have with their respective neighbors?

Our standing is great and cannot be questioned by someone from a nation/race that has 40% of the world's most poor and severely malnourished:





Indians should worry more about the above reality of their nation and race rather than Pakistan's international image. Whatever Pakistan is at least we did not let the above become our reality. indian people really need to solve the problems of not letting their people starve to death.

As the above articles indicate, the vast majority of Indians are literally "rolling in their own faeces and vomit".

What imagined standing are you talking about?

Are you a BRIC nation?
Do you have the world's largest growth rate?
Come back when you have those

Everything else you just spouted is rhetoric, our HDI is far better than yours, that literally proves that you lot are more in that "feces and vomit" than we will ever be.
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Pakistan is not even a blue water navy nor a green water navy and countering india is out of question.We are expanding leaps and bounds and we acquire technology to monitor 1200 kms away from our sea shore with IRNSS in case of hostile situation, where we do not need to depend on GPS neither to depend on other country.


It is better to discuss at least pakistan to become a green water navy....The budget towards your navy is negligible in order to compete india.

Pakistans aim is not to be a blue water navy its to simply protect Pakistan

Pakistan is a growing economy ready to take off

we have 8 AIP subs coming, 3 already here

we will have 11 AIP equipped subs in the next few years, possibly a nuclear sub if we go down that route

our surface fleet is small but will grow as CPEC comes online, and we are improving our missile and sea air defence

india is 7 times bigger with a much larger coastline, we dont need to match it just defend our territory

As our economy grows our ability to add assets will increase and our threat to india will grow
Wrong policies of pakistan will make situations like this

When you accuse india, we have every right to counter them, whether it is indian defense forum or pdf.This platform is the only way we can mention our arguments against you people.You people coming to india, not because they feel better but because your country do not have that facility be a hospital or in a film industry.Your policy makers, push you people in a North korean way rather than south korea.Ultimately what happened neither your military failed to match indian military might nor able to establish any industrial base.It is not an indian leader told that 'we will eat grass, but will never give up nuclear ambition' which shows desperation.

LOL...You just proved my point. Make no mistake about. Indians and Pakistanis are enemies of each other forever. That is never ever going to change no matter what. You people can never understand us, we can never understand you. You can never be positive about us and we can never be positive about you. That is the eternal unwritten rule that both nations and peoples adhere to. For that reason I will never ever go to an indian forum or website or ever endorse anything indian whatsoever. I am also confident in my race and nation so I don't feel the need to go to an indian forum and express my beliefs to a people that are alien to me and are different to me in every way possible. A people that are an enemy of my race and nation. The fact that you as an indian go to a Pakistani forum to express your views to your enemy race, explicitly exposes the fact that no matter what you say or what your nation does, you are in no way confident or really believe in your country or race. The fact you feel the need to shout it out in a place where you are not really welcomed or wanted. A place that is the domain of your enemies. That exposes your lack of belief and confidence in india.
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stick to the topic mate.....indian toilet comments will follow if you want to go this lane.

Yes this is your platform, so your people can insult like we are dirty, still i don't insult in such a way.Better it is better to suggest your fellow member rather lecturing us what to speak and not to speak.Most of the times it is pakistani's who divert the topic since they don't have any argument to counter us.We are forced to divert topic because of many of you people.
The highlighted portion indicate that you still have a lot to learn regarding nuclear weapons of Pakistan before acting over smart on such topics :tsk:

If your elite strategic command thinks the same way, then God bless you ......................
Thats is a useless, post doesn't add anything to the debate. Rather of waste bandwidth rant.

If you have a logical counter to the points, I have made.. Make them..or don't quote me.
More like your greatest weakness, how you lot overestimate yourselves at every turn.
Our positions in the 21st century is a testament to this fact, about how you lot always thought you were better than us, 1 Pakistan soldier=10 Indian soldiers, will break India into several pieces and what not. We were in the same boat 60 years ago and now look, we are a BRIC nation with the fastest growth rate in the world on the very precipice of world power status and where are you?

LOL what? :rofl:No one is worried about how you are still standing. Everyone is worried about what you lot will end up doing when you eventually fall.
Pakistan has done nothing, that the larger world powers has allowed it to do or decided not to pursue.

You want us think otherwise when every country in the world fails at the initial stages of their missile development, but pakistani due to some "rouhani" technology can do it in a few years without a speck of failure? Yeah right.

Yeah you be rollin, you be rollin into the ditch.:omghaha:

india has 1.2 billion plus people we have under 200 million, the ratios have remained constant

1 pakistani has had to face down atleast 5/6 indians and we have stood firm

our nation was largely better then india on most indictators well into the 1990s and even now we have better sanitation access to clean water etc

our country is much more managable and as our economy improves we will beat india on a range of indicators

As our economy grows so does our ability to hurt india
Yes this is your platform, so your people can insult like we are dirty, still i don't insult in such a way.Better it is better to suggest your fellow member rather lecturing us what to speak and not to speak.Most of the times it is pakistani's who divert the topic since they don't have any argument to counter us.We are forced to divert topic because of many of you people.
Thats why sticking to the topic will help.
You mean like Russia or China have with their respective neighbors?

What imagined standing are you talking about?

Are you a BRIC nation?
Do you have the world's largest growth rate?
Come back when you have those

Everything else you just spouted is rhetoric, our HDI is far better than yours, that literally proves that you lot are more in that "feces and vomit" than we will ever be.

Errrh that's well and good. But I'd rather be a nobody then have to endure the fact and reality the 40% of the world's most severely unfortunate, malnourished and dirt poor are part of my race and nation. I don't care about standings, status or titles especially in light of that fact. As long as I'm confident and happy in my race and nation that's what ultimately matters. As Floyd Mayweather said "titles only collect dust, I'm here for the happiness of myself and family".
LOL...You just proved my point. Make no mistake about. Indians and Pakistanis are enemies of each other forever. That is never ever going to change no matter what. You people can never understand us, we can never understand you. You can never be positive about us and we can never be positive about you. That is the eternal unwritten rule that both nations and peoples adhere to. For that reason I will never ever go to an indian forum or website or ever endorse anything indian whatsoever. I am also confident in my race and nation so I don't feel the need to go to an indian forum and express my beliefs to a people that are alien to me and different in every way possible. A people that are an enemy of my race and nation. The fact that you as an indian go to a Pakistani forum to express your views to your enemy nation explicitly exposes the fact that no matter what you say or your nation does you are in no way confident or really believe in your country or race. That you feel the need to shout it out in a place where you are not really wanted or welcomed. A place that is the domain of your enemies. That exposes your lack of belief and confidence in india.

It is those strong believes in india that i am still in pdf with my arguments and proving my points with facts rather than spreading lies and hatred.At least some one will be confident enough to be in a different forum to prove points
india has 1.2 billion plus people we have under 200 million, the ratios have remained constant

1 pakistani has had to face down atleast 5/6 indians and we have stood firm

our nation was largely better then india on most indictators well into the 1990s and even now we have better sanitation access to clean water etc

our country is much more managable and as our economy improves we will beat india on a range of indicators

As our economy grows so does our ability to hurt india

CPEC and other economic programs will address those programs in the coming years and decades.

It is those strong believes in india that i am still in pdf with my arguments and proving my points with facts rather than spreading lies and hatred.At least some one will be confident enough to be in a different forum to prove points

Precisely, but WHY do you feel the NEED to prove those points against an enemy of your peoples? That indicates only 1 thing.
Thats why sticking to the topic will help.

Moreover my points also related to thread in one way. I am proving that pakistan wrong policies are the real reasons what they are suffering since their policy always about nukes and military.
Thats is a useless, post doesn't add anything to the debate. Rather of waste bandwidth rant.
This post is meant to block such debate which is adding false claims in the debate.

If you have a logical counter to the points, I have made.. Make them..or don't quote me.

On every Thread based upon Nuclear weapons of Pakistan you are making such childish and naive claims,
some times you destroy nuclear weapons by anti radiation missile, sometimes you detect Pakistan nuclear weapons through their ''radiation signature'' via satellites and consider TEL as piece of cake...................
If you have any person in sight who is associated with nuclear weapons then discuss him how irrlevant and out dated your claims and logics are..................

If you continued to spread false claims, I will bring mods and ban you for good.................


Here, have a read with cool mind. Take nothing personal....................

Moreover my points also related to thread in one way. I am proving that pakistan wrong policies are the real reasons what they are suffering since their policy always about nukes and military.
Every one blame other policies as ''wrong policies'' which do not match with their own interests.
When it comes to ''wrong policies'' every one is rider of same ride..............
Economy hubs means more economic resources which can easily converts in to diplomatic clout and technological advancement .
It is not that easy my friend .Our economy is integrating with world economy especially with West ,China ,Japan,GCC etc .
So we can manipulates some connection ,something that you cant do.
That is what I said Pakistan is no match for India .

Sir, I like ur sensible posts it is explained many times that Pakistan was going to loose 71 war due to a number of reasons, but now scenario is different . India is more vulnerable as it has got many economic hubs which are heart of whole Indian economy , in any future war (which I hope should not happen) Pak shall require to target only few big economic hubs of India to destroy Indian spinal cord. Meanwhile in case of Pakistan no such hubs exist moreover many big Pak cities are few miles away from Indian territory so India may not be technically in position to target many cities without compromising lives of own population.


Attacking Civilian Targets is a Crime Under Geneva Convention & Pakistan is Signatory to the same........
Think before you Make a "Retort"
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