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Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

Just when I thought you were sensible....

Excuse my ignorance in this area, but last time I checked one of the fundamentals beliefs of secularism is to appreciate all sorts of beliefs and tolerance. The notable figure of india, Arundhati Roy has even backed up Maosist in many cases if I am not wrong. She even mentioned the only reason this groups are violent is because they are being forced to which makes sense because I read Indian articles which claimed that the indian govt was behind many murders of ulfa and their family members. And just because I don't agree with your beliefs doesn't make me insensible.Instead of doing my research based on a few biased readings, I try to look at a few different perspective before I come to conclusions,which I really hope you would too.
This Indian for that matter knows. This Indian also knows that Mujib tilted towards Middle-East countries and kept a distance from India for want of a better future of Bangladesh and Bangladeshish. The reason for declaring Bangladesh an Islamic state also because of the reason that Arab sheikhs would bail out the new Islamic Bangladesh which was almost stripped off wealth.

Moral of the story: Never forsake your originality and never hope for others to bail you out.

If I'm not asking for a lot, Can you please provide some sources? I have never read Mujib befriending arab sheikhs or distancing from India.
If I'm not asking for a lot, Can you please provide some sources? I have never read Mujib befriending arab sheikhs or distancing from India.

I have read this in some editorial of Telegraph or Anandabazar, I'd try to look for the source.

Wait I found the source.

Bangladesh: A Bengali Abbasi Lurking Somewhere?

In a paper on the "State of Minorities in Bangladesh: From Secular to Islamic Hegemony", Mr. Saleem Samad, an analyst of the BD scene, points out how the trend towards the Islamisation of the civil society and the State apparatus in Bangladesh started even under the late Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the first President of Bangladesh.

Shiekh Mujibur Rahman revived the Islamic Academy (which was banned in 1972) and upgraded it to a Foundation in March 1975 and increasingly attended Islamic gatherings. He also banned sale and consumption of liquor, though production of liquor continued and betting in horse-race. He sought membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) in February 1974, attended the OIC conference at Lahore the same year, established diplomatic ties with Pakistan after granting unconditional pardon of the occupational forces of Pakistan involved in war crimes on innocent people, especially women, and allowed their subsequent safe repatriation, and secured the founder membership of the Islamic Development Bank in 1975.

Towards the end of his rule, Mujib made frequent references to Islam in his speeches and public utterances by using terms and idioms which were peculiar mainly to the Islam-oriented Bangladeshi - like Allah (the Almighty God),Insha Allah (God willing), Bismillah (in the name of God), Tawaba (Penitence) and Imam (religious leader). He even dropped his symbolic valedictory expression Joy Bangla (Glory to Bengal) and ended his speeches with Khuda Hafez (May God protect you), the traditional Indo-Islamic phrase for bidding farewell. In his later day speeches, he also highlighted his efforts to establish cordial relations with the Muslim countries in the Middle East.

I don't blame him though. India was fairly cold in approach to new found state which was totally bankrupt. Our policy towards Bangladesh was wrong in may ways, good things is that India finally is undoing the wrongs of past.
established diplomatic ties with Pakistan after granting unconditional pardon of the occupational forces of Pakistan involved in war crimes on innocent people, especially women, and allowed their subsequent safe repatriation, and secured the founder membership of the Islamic Development Bank in 1975.

^This has remained a canard to Pakistanis who try to somehow tone down the atrocities or deny it altogether. If someone read the thread about 1971 atrocities, they can see how many times this fallacy of Mujib has been used as a proof of Pakistani innocence.
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I have read this in some editorial of Telegraph or Anandabazar, I'd try to look for the source.

Wait I found the source.

Bangladesh: A Bengali Abbasi Lurking Somewhere?

I don't blame him though. India was fairly cold in approach to new found state which was totally bankrupt. Our policy towards Bangladesh was wrong in may ways, good things is that India finally is undoing the wrongs of past.

I think the authors are oversimplifying. The phrases he used as claimed by the article are used every subconciously in our culture: khuda hafez?. Even though he was secular, he was a Muslim. and the article is way too oversimplified. It is general knowledge that islam orientated polticans and leftist parties were his main enemies. He never wanted any connections with Sheikhs.
I think the authors are oversimplifying. The phrases he used as claimed by the article are used every subconciously in our culture: khuda hafez?. Even though he was secular, he was a Muslim. and the article is way too oversimplified. It is general knowledge that islam orientated polticans and leftist parties were his main enemies. He never wanted any connections with Sheikhs.

Dude how this oversimplifying, there are many other sources just look for them. It's evident he wanted a membership in OIC and thought Arabs petro-dollar would bail him out. If he reviving Islamic Academy doesn't tell you anything then what else will?
Dude how this oversimplifying, there are many other sources just look for them. It's evident he wanted a membership in OIC and thought Arabs petro-dollar would bail him out. If he reviving Islamic Academy doesn't tell you anything then what else will?

If he wanted arabs to bail him out, why would he oppose islamic fundamentalists?
If he wanted arabs to bail him out, why would he oppose islamic fundamentalists?

Apparently because fundamentalists were opposing creation of Bangladesh and acting as servant of PA and indulging in same atrocities that had been shelved out to Bangladeshis.

He, however was becoming a cohort of the same fundamentalists at the later period of his rule.
Apparently Indian Army stole Bangladeshi movie projectors:-)hitwall:) and fuelled the economy by selling those.

This are kind of propaganda that Mujib-killers have been feeding to general populace to justify their stance.

I know one has to be abysmally stupid to believe in these brain-farts but you gotto appreciate the innovative ideas of blaming India as well! :lol:

Indians stole our jute mill machineries long before the Mujib killing. When our jute mills were stopping productions, India was building five jute mills acroos the border in the west Bengal. Indians initiated smuggling of our jute to these mills. This is how the Indians destroyed our jute industry.

Now, of course, we are reviving this industry once again. But, we already know since 1971 how treacherous Indians can be.
Indians stole our jute mill machineries long before the Mujib killing. When our jute mills were stopping productions, India was building five jute mills acroos the border in the west Bengal. Indians initiated smuggling of our jute to these mills. This is how the Indians destroyed our jute industry.

Now, of course, we are reviving this industry once again. But, we already know since 1971 how treacherous Indians can be.

Genius Jute industry died in both West Bengal and Bangladesh for various reasons, main being the advent of polythene. Even before 1971 war West Bengal jute industry was many times more productive than that of Bangladesh. 60's were the time when Calcutta and West Bengal ruled the Indian economy.

Doesn't matter what you know about Indians. in the end you'll have to live with Indians or you may shift your country to Persian gulf(or is it Arabian gulf!) for want of less treacherous friends.

It amazes me how brainwashed some people are.
Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

For last 4 days Indians with active provocation and support from BSF looted paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh [Sylhet (Jointapur)] border with India.

Here are highlights of the news:
1) 70-80 Indians intruded 200 yards inside Bangladesh through border pillar number 1277 btw 2s and 3s marker
2) For four days Indians with active BSF support and provocation looted paddy harvest of Bangladeshi land.
3) Awami League regime did not allow BDR to prevent neither intrusions nor looting of paddy harvest by indians.
4) Awami regime allows BDR only to use hand microphone.

Report (in Bangla) published Dec 6 and 7, 2010Amardesh Online Edition
Amardesh Online Edition

hmmmm interesting!!!!!!!:smokin:
isnt amar desh a propaganda tool for the BNP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AMAR DESH HAS NO CREDIBILITY....
Excuse my ignorance in this area, but last time I checked one of the fundamentals beliefs of secularism is to appreciate all sorts of beliefs and tolerance. The notable figure of india, Arundhati Roy has even backed up Maosist in many cases if I am not wrong. She even mentioned the only reason this groups are violent is because they are being forced to which makes sense because I read Indian articles which claimed that the indian govt was behind many murders of ulfa and their family members. And just because I don't agree with your beliefs doesn't make me insensible.Instead of doing my research based on a few biased readings, I try to look at a few different perspective before I come to conclusions,which I really hope you would too.

What makes you think maoists are minorities? I would like to know what your definition of "minorities" is.
Moaists are a violent group with political ideology. Like Taliban. They are created because of the government's inefficiency. That doesn't mean the maoists are right. Ulfa is the worst of them all. They don't even have a clear ideology. There only claim is Assam to be an independent kingdom. Just read about ULFA and you'll know better.
Genius Jute industry died in both West Bengal and Bangladesh for various reasons, main being the advent of polythene. Even before 1971 war West Bengal jute industry was many times more productive than that of Bangladesh. 60's were the time when Calcutta and West Bengal ruled the Indian economy.

Doesn't matter what you know about Indians. in the end you'll have to live with Indians or you may shift your country to Persian gulf(or is it Arabian gulf!) for want of less treacherous friends.

It amazes me how brainwashed some people are.

They need a reason why they are so poor. The reason they chose is the dirty cunning Indians. If the Indians hadn't stolen their jute mill, BD would have been the next Japan. :lol:

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