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Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

This people know nothing about the history of us rathar defend awami league like its a saint. Anything they don't agree with you is a propoganda and anything wrong you say about them makes you a lunatic.

I used to be a fan of Khaleda Zia when I was a student of Dhaka University. I admired her leadersip role and struggles against Ershad. Not anymore.

Initially I expected better from the Indian posters. Because these are highly educated and some compose excellent posts, but what struck me is the almost blind support for Awami League. My two cents are most of these guys have absolutly no clue what happend in Bangladesh post independance.

A father of a friend of mine worked for Power Development Board. He was fired and a crony AL guy was hired in his position. That guy failed miserebly, when the local AL honcho got tired of power outages, his father was hired back. This story is one of the thousands that are out there.

Sheikh Mujib led the coutry though a war beacause West Pakistani authorities didn't hand over power to him after the democratic election he won ( yes there were other issues). When Mujib failed to govern as a democratic leader, he bacame a dictator. People had extremly high hopes about their lives following independance, Sheikh Mujib failed them miserebly. My own late father who whole heartedly voted for him, cursed him constantly following independance.

It makes me sad to see Sheikh Mujib's fall from the grace.
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I used to be a fan of Khaleda Zia when I was a student of Dhaka University. I admired her leadersip role and struggles against Ershad. Not anymore.

Initially I expected better from the Indian posters. Because these are highly educated and some compose excellent posts, but what struck me is the almost blind support for Awami League. My two cents are most of these guys have absolutly no clue what happend in Bangladesh post independance.

A father of a friend of mine worked for Power Development Board. He was fired and a crony AL guy was hired in his position. That guy failed moserebly, when the local AL honcho got tired of power outages, his father was hired back. This story is one of the thousands that are out there.

Sheikh Mujib led the coutry though a war beacause West Pakistani authorities didn't hand over power to him after the democratic election he won ( yes there were other issues). When Mujib failed to govern as a democratic leader, he bacame a dictator. People had extremly high hopes about their lives following independance, Sheikh Mujib failed them miserebly. My own late father who whole heartedly voted for him, cursed him constantly following independance.

It makes me sad to see Sheikh Mujib's fall from the grace.

The truth is Sheikh Hasina has more control over AL, then Khaleda has over bnp. Al is a way better manipulator. Btw, did you know anyone publically denying that mujib isnt the father of the nation can face court?
I used to be a fan of Khaleda Zia when I was a student of Dhaka University. I admired her leadersip role and struggles against Ershad. Not anymore.

Initially I expected better from the Indian posters. Because these are highly educated and some compose excellent posts, but what struck me is the almost blind support for Awami League. My two cents are most of these guys have absolutly no clue what happend in Bangladesh post independance.

A father of a friend of mine worked for Power Development Board. He was fired and a crony AL guy was hired in his position. That guy failed moserebly, when the local AL honcho got tired of power outages, his father was hired back. This story is one of the thousands that are out there.

Sheikh Mujib led the coutry though a war beacause West Pakistani authorities didn't hand over power to him after the democratic election he won ( yes there were other issues). When Mujib failed to govern as a democratic leader, he bacame a dictator. People had extremly high hopes about their lives following independance, Sheikh Mujib failed them miserebly. My own late father who whole heartedly voted for him, cursed him constantly following independance.

It makes me sad to see Sheikh Mujib's fall from the grace.

Khalida Zia is staunchly anti-Indian and Shiek Hasina is pro-Indian. That's the only reason why the Indians support her. BNP is pro Pakistan, minorities have lesser say during their tenure, and militant camps were training actively in BD during their power. AL destroyed all the camps and arrested some key militants. Who do you think the Indians will support?
Khalida Zia is staunchly anti-Indian and Shiek Hasina is pro-Indian. That's the only reason why the Indians support her. BNP is pro Pakistan, minorities have lesser say during their tenure, and militant camps were training actively in BD during their power. AL destroyed all the camps and arrested some key militants. Who do you think the Indians will support?

Thats a stereotype people like you buy to adjust to your beliefs. Thats a very broad generalisation.
This people know nothing about the history of us rathar defend awami league like its a saint. Anything they don't agree with you is a propoganda and anything wrong you say about them makes you a lunatic.

Bharatis neither today nor in the past possess any good feeling towards us. What ever they had done or ding is for their own interest and I personally do not blame them. They are aware of ground reality but they will always support Awami Ghaddar league because it serve their interest and agendas.

La-Hasina most likely pray toward Delhi rather than Makka. She even said once that only Hindus are honest. Check the record.
Khalida Zia is staunchly anti-Indian and Shiek Hasina is pro-Indian. That's the only reason why the Indians support her. BNP is pro Pakistan, minorities have lesser say during their tenure, and militant camps were training actively in BD during their power. AL destroyed all the camps and arrested some key militants. Who do you think the Indians will support?

BNP is pro Muslim and Islam. It neither like or dislike Bharat. To us India is another country while we consider Muslims are own people, including Pakistani.

Rest of your claim is pure BS.
The truth is Sheikh Hasina has more control over AL, then Khaleda has over bnp. Al is a way better manipulator. Btw, did you know anyone publically denying that mujib isnt the father of the nation can face court?

Is there a law against it ? If so, please state what section etc......
I read on news in my last trip to dhaka. BNP even protested about this. I'm sure some one can clarify there here.
Thats a stereotype people like you buy to adjust to your beliefs. Thats a very broad generalisation.

Is any of what I said is false? Who is the one broadly and conveniently denying what ever I have said?

AL government arrested the ULFA chief and shut his camp operating in BD. all the islamic terrorist camps and ISI operations against India were shut . Can you deny that?

As al zakir said, BNP is pro-muslim (read radicalism), pro-Pakistan , anti minority, anti-secularism. BNP is so radical that they stopped the prosecution of Mujbur's assassins. These factors are enough to freak us out.
Is any of what I said is false? Who is the one broadly and conveniently denying what ever I have said?

AL government arrested the ULFA chief and shut his camp operating in BD. all the islamic terrorist camps and ISI operations against India were shut . Can you deny that?

As al zakir said, BNP is pro-muslim (read radicalism), pro-Pakistan , anti minority, anti-secularism. That is enough to freak us out.

pro muslim is radicalism? ISI operations against India? islamic terrorist camps?
You do know all the radical islamic terrorists were captured during BNP regime. For eg Bangla bhai, shaikh abdur, mufti hanan. Anyone not believing in secularism doesn't mean anti secularism. BNP is a centre right government who believes in moderate islam while respects all other religion. BNP has done business with india as well as pakistan during its tenture. Like al zakir mentioned, BNP treats india just like another country.
I will admit, some of the grassroot level workers hate india, but i can promise you in the senior level they don't see India has an enemy rather just another country.
BTW, if you are sooo secular, then why half the minorities in your country banned?
pro muslim is radicalism? ISI operations against India? islamic terrorist camps?
You do know all the radical islamic terrorists were captured during BNP regime. For eg Bangla bhai, shaikh abdur, mufti hanan. Anyone not believing in secularism doesn't mean anti secularism. BNP is a centre right government who believes in moderate islam while respects all other religion. BNP has done business with india as well as pakistan during its tenture. Like al zakir mentioned, BNP treats india just like another country.
I will admit, some of the grassroot level workers hate india, but i can promise you in the senior level they don't see India has an enemy rather just another country.

So wait, AL is equivalent to Congress and BNP is equivalent to BJP? Got it.

BTW, if you are sooo secular, then why half the minorities in your country banned?

Huh? Minorities are banned? Which minority is BANNED in India?
So wait, AL is equivalent to Congress and BNP is equivalent to BJP? Got it.

Except that cong and BJP have the same foreign policy and that policy does not define who they are. People don't judge them by which country the parties support.
Question to Indian posters:

How many of you really know that Mujib killed the consittution, and went with one party named "Baksal" in Janury, 1975 ?

He effectively killed democracy. Declared himself President for life.

Maybe you guys need to read up a bit more.

From wiki,


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This Indian for that matter knows. This Indian also knows that Mujib tilted towards Middle-East countries and kept a distance from India for want of a better future of Bangladesh and Bangladeshish. The reason for declaring Bangladesh an Islamic state also because of the reason that Arab sheikhs would bail out the new Islamic Bangladesh which was almost stripped off wealth.

Moral of the story: Never forsake your originality and never hope for others to bail you out.
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