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Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

ok now...lets see....

first-BSF is at the Indian border to guard Indian territory....and they are at the border...as you can see....so what happened to the people who are supposed to be at the Bangladesh side of the border-your army or your famed rifles?....where are they? aren't they supposed to be there...?

answer this and then talk if we came into your country....

i have some bengali friends who have entered bangladesh illegaly... and you know what the BDR was there but they allowed my friend into Bangladesh for 100Rs and my friend went shopping in your country just like that....so if this news is true then its only after your BDR has been bribed....but still what baffels me is 100 Rs is enuogh to let an another national into your country!!!!!
Amar desh is a bnp mouthpiece and thats how we can confirm these news are absolutely true. Its very disappointing how indians always side with the thieves and rapists. The only reason why the indian economy doesn't collapse is because they are good at stealing from their neighbors. And when you see the indians here defending the theieves and rapists, it becomes crystal clear about the type of people they really are.

I think BD members here have some over the top anti India opinion to make with seems more like a parody than real hate.. I don't think any one could take you seriously. If you are serious, you need some help. :lol:
ok now...lets see....

first-BSF is at the Indian border to guard Indian territory....and they are at the border...as you can see....so what happened to the people who are supposed to be at the Bangladesh side of the border-your army or your famed rifles?....where are they? aren't they supposed to be there...?

answer this and then talk if we came into your country....

i have some bengali friends who have entered bangladesh illegaly... and you know what the BDR was there but they allowed my friend into Bangladesh for 100Rs and my friend went shopping in your country just like that....so if this news is true then its only after your BDR has been bribed....but still what baffels me is 100 Rs is enuogh to let an another national into your country!!!!!

To give you a glimpse of what happens when BSF decides to enter a Bangladeshi area: read this article Front Page
Now please don't say this is a conspiracy as it was a huge news back in the day. And you denying it won't make it untrue. HOWEVER, since awami league came in power, the army and bdr has been dismantled. I dare your friend to enter Bangladesh on the next bnp regime and you will find his corpse.
Amar desh is a bnp mouthpiece and thats how we can confirm these news are absolutely true.

BNP is a total brainwashed party. How its mouthpiece can have more truth than that?

Its very disappointing how indians always side with the thieves and rapists. The only reason why the indian economy doesn't collapse is because they are good at stealing from their neighbors.

Indians hates the massacres of Army officials by BDR and as well as rapes during the 1971 war. Are too poor to steal anything from them. Instead we donate them constantly.

And when you see the indians here defending the theieves and rapists, it becomes crystal clear about the type of people they really are.
We are not defending you. :lol:
To give you a glimpse of what happens when BSF decides to enter a Bangladeshi area: read this article Front Page
Now please don't say this is a conspiracy as it was a huge news back in the day. And you denying it won't make it untrue.

There will be no more BNP regime!

HOWEVER, since awami league came in power, the army and bdr has been dismantled.
Yes bd army and bdr are like AL, both fought for BD's independence with Indians unlike you.

I dare your friend to enter Bangladesh on the next bnp regime and you will find his corpse.

We know your capacity of dare!! lol :lol: Will surely run away watching an Indian, like 1971.
Not only by stealing a few kgs of rice. you people literally robbed us after 1971 victory of our machines. Growing economies are not parasites, rather economies who steal from other economies are parasites.

explain please?
How about before jumping to conclusions and handing out judgements, let the Bangladesh Border Force file an official complaint with BSF. From our own experience, the BSF has dealt with us quite professionally. I remember a couple of years ago, i believe in 2006 their were some issues at the Indo-Pak Border Posts. Pakistan Rangers filed a complaint with the BSF, BSF launched its investigation and dealt with the matter and Pakistan Rangers were fully satisfied.

Even now, since Mumbai attacks relations have gone down hill between India and Pakistan. Any outstanding issues between Pakistan Rangers and BSF are solved professionally at flag meetings. In my opinion, Bangladesh should file an official complaint with BSF and let them launch their own investigation and deal with this matter accordingly. If Bangladesh feels unsatisfied with BSF investigation results, they should take the matter up direct with the Indian Government. I dont see any reason why we are handing out judgements without even knowing what the facts on the ground are.
explain please?

Apparently Indian Army stole Bangladeshi movie projectors:-)hitwall:) and fuelled the economy by selling those.

This are kind of propaganda that Mujib-killers have been feeding to general populace to justify their stance.

I know one has to be abysmally stupid to believe in these brain-farts but you gotto appreciate the innovative ideas of blaming India as well! :lol:
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explain please?

You are taking rest of the words seriously? :eek:

Does they have anything to do with reality? Most of the so called BD guys here are against their independence and hardcore supporters of jamat and now the became the so called savior of BD from India!! After Hasina came into power they can't go to the street now, so all of them are on the internet and their main source of news is amardesh. lol I think even the jamat chief is in jail currently! lol
How about before jumping to conclusions and handing out judgements, let the Bangladesh Border Force file an official complaint with BSF. From our own experience, the BSF has dealt with us quite professionally. I remember a couple of years ago, i believe in 2006 their were some issues at the Indo-Pak Border Posts. Pakistan Rangers filed a complaint with the BSF, BSF launched its investigation and dealt with the matter and Pakistan Rangers were fully satisfied.

Even now, since Mumbai attacks relations have gone down hill between India and Pakistan. Any outstanding issues between Pakistan Rangers and BSF are solved professionally at flag meetings. In my opinion, Bangladesh should file an official complaint with BSF and let them launch their own investigation and deal with this matter accordingly. If Bangladesh feels unsatisfied with BSF investigation results, they should take the matter up direct with the Indian Government. I dont see any reason why we are handing out judgements without even knowing what the facts on the ground are.

Thanks for your sane comment. The border between India and Bangladesh is not like that of between India and Pakistan. You can compare it with border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The native populace across the border really don't care about the International border, protocol etc etc. Many Indians farmers harvest in Bangladeshi land as well as many Bangladeshi farmers harvest in Indian land. They have been doing so for generation after generation.

End result, no one gives a damn except some loonies in Internet! :lol:
Indian intrusion and looting has no relevance to which newspaper reported it. These Indian acts are against Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. Anyone trying to use BNP label for cover up is just logically and morally bankrupt.

This is also not about poor or rich in either country as many Indians desperately trying to use that for cover. Without going into inane arguments with Indians; no matter how rich india gets as long india pursue hegemonic agenda and have a indian stooge govt power in Bangladesh, we will see Indian aggression in many forms. Now its matter of Indian sharp tongue and deception (and lots of it) vs. india sowing new seeds of distrust and animosity. And we can see Indian sharp tongue and deception wins at expanse of loosing trust and generating animosity.
Question to Indian posters:

How many of you really know that Mujib killed the consittution, and went with one party named "Baksal" in Janury, 1975 ?

He effectively killed democracy. Declared himself President for life.

Maybe you guys need to read up a bit more.

From wiki,

Political unrest gave rise to increasing violence, and in response, Mujib began increasing his powers. On January 25, 1975 Mujib declared a state of emergency and his political supporters approved a constitutional amendment banning all opposition political parties. Mujib was declared "president for life," and given extraordinary powers.[19][25] His political supporters amalgamated to form the only legalised political party, the Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League, commonly known by its initials—BAKSAL.[4] The party identified itself with the rural masses, farmers and labourers and took control of government machinery. It also launched major socialist programmes. Using government forces and a militia of supporters called the Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini, Mujib oversaw the arrest of opposition activists and strict control of political activities across the country. Members of Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini were granted immunity from prosecution and other legal proceedings.[25][26] The militia known as RakhiBahini and police were accused of torturing suspects and political killings. While retaining support from many segments of the population, Mujib evoked anger amongst veterans of the liberation war for what was seen as a betrayal of the causes of democracy and civil rights.


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fallstuff said:
How many of you really know that Mujib killed the consittution, and went with one party named "Baksal" in Janury, 1975 ?

He effectively killed democracy. Declared himself President for life.

Hmm didn't know about that.

Maybe an ethnically homogenous nation would've industrialized super fast under a one party system like the East Asian countries (my humble opinion)
i sometimes wonder that bangladeshi members here have something else to talk rather than the BSF.
Question to Indian posters:

How many of you really know that Mujib killed the consittution, and went with one party named "Baksal" in Janury, 1975 ?

He effectively killed democracy. Declared himself President for life.

Maybe you guys need to read up a bit more.

From wiki,


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This people know nothing about the history of us rathar defend awami league like its a saint. Anything they don't agree with you is a propoganda and anything wrong you say about them makes you a lunatic.
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