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Indians with help of BSF loot paddy harvest from inside Bangladesh

very important question. But again BSF has a bad habit of intruding BD territory, killing Bangladeshis and looting their goods

Allow me to quote it again:
And What exactly were the BDR's Doing??? They are supposed to be guarding the Borders right, atleast a watch tower....

So who should be questioned first.......
Alternatively, there are frequent raids from the bangladeshi villages adjoining the indian villages. These raids have been occuring occasionally over a span of fifteen years since the security there is somewhat lax. The bangladeshi do not attempt to seal their borders and individuals from the border villages usually conduct trade. I suspect the "indian raid" is a culmination of the the built up rage. You have to understand to the people living in the border villages, international boundaries mean nothing. The concerns of the world or nation are not theirs. What we blow out of proportion in here is most likely a feudal dispute. One more thing to note is even if these people live in different countries; they are essentially the same people.

How do we know they came from India and were stealing paddy (of all things?) If they are on the Bangladeshi side, maybe its done by Awami League supporters in the BDR to paint the picture as one 'Bad India' and supported by 'Bad Hasina'.Tough to be sure of the truth unless you have xe to grind against one or the other party.Plzzzz.
what wrong if Illegal Bangladeshi looting from Bangladesh?
You can call it another conspiracy theory if you must. And perhaps blame the ISI for intentionally attempting to foment trouble. But im sure you will agree with me that it seems quite ridiculous. These are simple people who know nothing beyond their village, farms and neighbours. I would dismiss this as a family dispute.
Starving Indians feeding Bangladeshis would be the last thing on earth.

Starving Indians don't beg for aid!

Yes starving Indians still feeding Bangladeshis, though export of rice and wheat is banned there is a special exception for BD which is allowed to buy 300,000 tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of wheat.

dont hide behind such silly argument of illegal Bangladeshis in India because it in NO way justifies theft by Indian border force.

The looters are looters

You are as silly as the comment and replying that. lol
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AL govt is very considerate towards those Indians who go hungry every day and they need some food or some hand out to fill their stomachs. But, instead of allowing them to snatch, the GoB should instruct the BDR to use their microfones to ask the Indians to come near the border and get some food.

See who is talking!!!! :lol:

lol the poorest is making fun of others! You the worst of the poor in south Asia. Thats why ask for loan and credit from us. A large chunk of your budget comes from the foreign donations and you talk like this. :no: :lol:

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Amardesh is a BNP mouth piece.
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See who is talking!!!! :lol:

lol the poorest is making fun of others! You the worst of the poor in south Asia. Thats why ask for loan and credit from us. A large chunk of your budget comes from the foreign donations and you talk like this. :no: :lol:

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 PM ----------

Amardesh is a BNP mouth piece.

Hmmmm.... and thats why you steal paddy from our fields. Sounds pretty conflicting to me:wave:
apart from the credibility of the news continue wit the discussion
Hmmmm.... and thats why you steal paddy from our fields. Sounds pretty conflicting to me:wave:

lol there is no 'thats why'!! India had agreed to export 300,000 tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of wheat to Bangladesh though export of food grain is banned. Indian FM promised to sell BD during his visit to the cyclone-hit areas of the country.

apart from the credibility of the news continue wit the discussion

There is no credibility of the news because Amardesh is known as BNP mouth piece just like Janakantha is AL mouth piece. Am I wrong?

Some Indians stealing paddy harvest from BD: Amardesh.... that is a good news for some people here to ranting around India.


Find something better.
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This is a total idiotic & most funny news ever heard in this forum. BSF steals fish,Paddy !!! it made me laugh to see the reactions from members, as if BSF looted entire bangladesh or killed hundreds of people...
By the way is there any proof??

If bangladesh have any proof,then bangladesh should go to the internationl court of justice filing a case against BSF.." BSF stole our paddy,cattles,fish,frogs....etc.:lol:

Need to grow up man...:rolleyes:
This is a total idiotic & most funny news ever heard in this forum. BSF steals fish,Paddy !!! it made me laugh to see the reactions from members, as if BSF looted entire bangladesh or killed hundreds of people...
By the way is there any proof??

If bangladesh have any proof,then bangladesh should go to the internationl court of justice filing a case against BSF.." BSF stole our paddy,cattles,fish,frogs....etc.:lol:

Need to grow up man...:rolleyes:

They have nothing more than this to discuss man!!!

Took the aid in hand and on the other hand accuse for stealing paddy harvest from fields, fish from ponds..... :rofl:
Now I knew the secret how India is growing at 9% per annum. ;)

We steal the fish,paddy --then export it --- earn huge revenues and boost our economy.

Maybe the BSF should ask for a pay hike for their valuable service in expanding our economy.
So Indian gave billion dollars to BD in order to steal couple of paddy sacks lolll
Starving Indians don't beg for aid!

Yes starving Indians still feeding Bangladeshis, though export of rice and wheat is banned there is a special exception for BD which is allowed to buy 300,000 tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of wheat.
You are as silly as the comment and replying that. lol

I think, you are silly to say your comments above. When your many millions go hungry, your govt and Marwaris do not care about them. Instead of distributing the wealth among the Indian hungry poors, your govt exports it, instead.

Do not trust what you said above. Better, trust the theory prescribed by the Nobel Prize winner, Amartya Sen. He said that even if a country is self-sufficient in food, there is no guarantee that the hungry millions will not remain hungry.

So, an export of a few thousand tons of food grains from such a large country as India is just a paltry. We pay hard cash to buy each and every grain, don't you forget that.
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