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Buffalo racers in Kadri Kambala.








If you think whiteskin/fairness is beauty then you are speaking nonsense. Tamils maybe black/brown but we never thought that we are inferior to someone and we don't having compulsion to admire white skinned people and their heritage. Tamils are only black/brown people written great histories in the past and tamil people are only living civilization in the world.

Btw you are from wic state?
i think he is from kerala.
Most of Indians know about him, I am bit surprised you don't know about him. He was a notorious ivory and sandalwood smuggler/bandit and killed many people. When he was alive he even demanded a movie made on him just like Bandit Queen was made on Phoolan Devi.

And he was kinda a robin hood to the locals.
Lifestyle of tourists and common Goans are totally different in Goa.

Yep. Actually before I visited that place I was under the impression that Goa is a mini Portugal in India and the culture would be completely western and so on..but first time I went it was a bit of a shock to me that it was not what I had imagined it to be.
actually all you people must visit the Rayalseema region in Andhra and live there for some time....the people there would make the Biharis look like peace corps..:angel:..Its the land of bombs and booze.
actually all you people must visit the Rayalseema region in Andhra and live there for some time....the people there would make the Biharis look like peace corps..:angel:..Its the land of bombs and booze.

Did you watch Cheeranjeevi's Indra.
No baba...my expperience is from visiting college friends house there and his narratives.

BTW Raktha Charitra is a more realistic potrayal.
No baba...my expperience is from visiting college friends house there.

Yes, movie themes on rowdiness in Rayalseema is very famous in Telugu film industry. In dubbed Hindi form they made them to speak in Bihari or Mumbaiyya accent. :lol::lol:
Yes, movie themes on rowdiness in Rayalseema is very famous in Telugu film industry. In dubbed Hindi form they made them to speak in Bihari or Mumbaiyya accent. :lol::lol:

Mumbaiyya...they are wuss in front of the Rayalseemites,.....:lol:
If you think whiteskin/fairness is beauty then you are speaking nonsense. Tamils maybe black/brown but we never thought that we are inferior to someone and we don't having compulsion to admire white skinned people and their heritage. Tamils are only black/brown people written great histories in the past and tamil people are only living civilization in the world.

Btw you are from wic state?

:lol: buddy two of my gf were "dark skinned".
my perception of beauty is biased to face strucuture, personality etc rather than melanin levels.
my problem lies with many other aspects of the tamil culture. but then i must admit that malayalees are guilty of considering tamils as "less civilized", although in their defence, not without reason.

Btw you are from wic state?


some of them are not indians :(
buddy two of my gf were "dark skinned".
my perception of beauty is biased to face strucuture, personality etc rather than melanin levels.
my problem lies with many other aspects of the tamil culture. but then i must admit that malayalees are guilty of considering tamils as "less civilized", although in their defence, not without reason.

In the land of the naked, the man with the loin cloth appears as a lunatic/less civilized. Chillax man. :rofl:
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