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The girl I met was a culture shock for me too.

I was speaking Punjabi to my friend while at the elevator and she curiously asked me what language you are speaking.

I was like I am speaking Punjabi. I then proceeded to speak with her in Urdu and she said she does not understand Urdu/Hindi. Then I set a date with her to help her learn Urdu at a coffee shop.

She seemed better at English than Hindi to me to be honest. And she was a very nice girl. She never asked me about religion or anything.

I think you have to expand your mind and horizons.

:lol: culture shock and language barrier are 2 different things sonny
:lol: culture shock and language barrier are 2 different things sonny

I thought all Indians can speak Urdu.

Anyways she was a sweet heart. And a lot of tamil guys and girls I met are really nice people. Different from the rest of the Indians. Being a Punjabi, I don't even hold as much affinity towards Indian Punjabis, as I do Tamils.

The reason being is because when I have met any Tamil they treat me with a lot of respect, and I like being friends with them. They don't insult my religion and are not bashful. It may just be opinion, but I have had a very good experience with Tamil people, and the girl that used to live in my building.... Man!! I am a light skinned Punjabi, and she was dark skinned, but nonetheless she was a very pretty and intelligent girl.








Israeli and Russian hippie problem is a big nuisance in Goa...:rolleyes:
nope tamil girls look like cr@p. trust me.

If you think whiteskin/fairness is beauty then you are speaking nonsense. Tamils maybe black/brown but we never thought that we are inferior to someone and we don't having compulsion to admire white skinned people and their heritage. Tamils are only black/brown people written great histories in the past and tamil people are only living civilization in the world.

Btw you are from wic state?
i dont know i have been to tn it was pretty good though language was a problem no doubt
Israeli and Russian hippie problem is a big nuisance in Goa...

ive been to goa in early 1990s rougly 14 years ago and boy was it a peaceful place. All local ppl mostly Cristian singing "uns dos trace", visiting the basilica.

Fast forward to 2 years ago ..the place has transformed into a hippie haven.Hippies everywhere.
on the lines of the French, settlements u find arnd Chennai like pudduchery.

not tht i didn't have a good time ,lots of Serbian nymphos arnd.
Though still a menace.
My bad he got mixed up in my Kannadiga collection of pics :lol:

Most of Indians know about him, I am bit surprised you don't know about him. He was a notorious ivory and sandalwood smuggler/bandit and killed many people. When he was alive he even demanded a movie made on him just like Bandit Queen was made on Phoolan Devi.
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