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Indians in pictures

Ashamed of not being Arab or Turk? Please, you're the ones posting Caucasian and Pashtun kids and labeling them as Indian :)

Besides, why get so angry? I'm just posting some Indian peeps, helping you guys and your wonderful thread out ;)

First prove that they are not from India, then troll.
Ashamed of not being Arab or Turk? Please, you're the ones posting Caucasian and Pashtun kids and labeling them as Indian :)

Besides, why get so angry? I'm just posting some Indian peeps, helping you guys and your wonderful thread out ;)

How do you even know they're Caucasian or Pashtun kids??

Some of them are light skinned so what?



All of a sudden this Albino girl isn't Indian because she has lighter skin??
Ashamed of not being Arab or Turk? Please, you're the ones posting Caucasian and Pashtun kids and labeling them as Indian :)

Besides, why get so angry? I'm just posting some Indian peeps, helping you guys and your wonderful thread out ;)

In this thread also some a$$ burning contest going on!!!! :rofl: Though no one did, but, if someone posted pics of Scandinavian or Russian kids and claim as Indian why it is burning your arse?

You guys are really unhappy with your lives, get rid of it, think straight.
hey at least try to be a human if u are not one though, ure matching ur immaturity with your schadenfreude here. and except the last pic all oda piccs could have been from Bangladesh as well! confined knowledge is a result like u. shut up! take it as an advice :)

Whoa, you're right. The first one is from Bangladesh, just right click and "search for similar images" if you use Chrome.

Children, who are affected by flooding jostle to receive food distributed by local organizations from a boat in Sylhet, Bangladesh June 30, 2012. (Reuters) « Day in Photos

The 2nd and third one is from NE India. The poorer section of society who were worst affected by the landslides and floods there.

The last one is a pic of a Dravidian

Ancient World History: Dravidians

Which can mean Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. And as far as I can see, that guy looks more Sri Lankan to me.


hun samaj ayyi saray pakistani tom cruise apnay nu kyu samjday nay..lol

hun samj ayyi pakistani bhiaiyyo 2 can play that game.
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