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Indians angered by Australian Radio host's remarks

Stop being angered at every drop of hat, stop being personal when noone getting personal with you. If you consider ganges to be ur mother then u need to revisit biology classes.

If you are as smart as you are articulate,u can figure i wasn't talking about the ganges at all.
Can anyone tell what efforts are being done to clean up the Ganges and other rivers in India ?
Sad you defined Hinduism by few practices that not even religious rituals or obligatory.

We'll go OT, I simply mean but what you call wasteful Hindu practices is because of the lack production due to bad management for centuries . Religion isn't responsible for it.

I stated those as a few examples....Im not justifying whether they are right or wrong...though I have some very strong feelings about certain practices

Im just stating that Ive had cousins who had to go through hell at school because of "Mundan" which essentially doesnt serve any purpose....

Nevertheless....Religion is too personal an issue and I believe to each his own....So I apologize if I hurt your sentiments...I was simply providing my POV.
Ganga is not just the river.It is the river which gave me my civilization,my temperament,my patience,my courage,my integrity and my independence and the my sense of prosperity and my confidence in my intellect to distinguish between the good,bad and ugly.

I want not only the Ganges but every single nullah in India to be clean.

Ganga is a spiritual connection,not a physical one.
yea,ganges river needs to be cleaned....But his remarks about India is unacceptable

If it wasnt the Ganges it would have been something else.
They are a race that historically always rate their white colour as superior.
Back in the 1940 and 1950s they had a program to increase their population by subsidising Europeans to come to thier nation. In the 1980s it was accepted that the government that operated this program insisted on whites only. Even now to enter the country the criteria is far too stringent for non whites.
Dont forget when the whites went to this continent they were sent their as a punishment because they had broken the law in the UK. They were criminals and murderers and settled down their. Then they bred amongst themselves and criminal married criminal. Now you work out what they have now become.....pathetic worms.
Can anyone tell what efforts are being done to clean up the Ganges and other rivers in India ?

i think some time back there was some talk of a World Bank aid initiative to help clean it up; though based on pictures dawn (or some other news) was showing, there hasn't been much progress on it clearly

there are 1.2 billion indians; why dont your people just mobilize -- get 10 to 15 thousand people everyday to do the cleanup on their own. That can be their ''dues'' to the Ganges, for bathing or doing whatever it is that they do over there.
i think some time back there was some talk of a World Bank aid initiative to help clean it up; though based on pictures dawn (or some other news) was showing, there hasn't been much progress on it clearly

there are 1.2 billion indians; why dont your people just mobilize -- get 10 to 15 thousand people everyday to do the cleanup on their own. That can be their ''dues'' to the Ganges, for bathing or doing whatever it is that they do over there.

Sense of personal responsibility in India is the worst....

We are so used to living with servants and hired help that we are more than willing to pawn of the responsibility to an inefficient corrupt govt. that is all talk when it comes to development......even when it comes to religion (which actually surprises me)

The dilution of responsibility makes me sick to the core...Im not sure much will change anytime soon for poor Ganges....

And what makes it worse for this river is that it passes through what we call the "cow belt"....a region concentrated with illiteracy and poverty...
and what will the region do if it the populations keep growing; but the supply of potable (or irrigational) water goes on decline?

so its best that through education and literacy programs -- people are taught to clean up after themselves and not leave trash and other shyte lying around.

that applies everywhere i guess...
I think states through which Ganga flows must adopt what Punjab has done...ie taking help of religiuos sects/institutions. Guys just visit this site for a sec and look at the photos you will get the picture hom . This baba takes his followers and gets them clean the mess in the river/stream. I have seen his works in Punjab and was impressed. Religious sants and gurus in Haridwar/Benaras/Prayag can do the same...ask their followers...mobilize them to clean the mess..These religious babas or gurus have huge fan base or followers and should use their influence.
India is a beautiful country. But its like saying Somalia is a **** whole. The land itself might be nice but the country itself is a mess.

Australians have different living standards to India so to some indeed India might be a **** whole.

Learn to be lay backed i thought Australians are supose to be the whiners.

Hes just a radio host.

Ya but does he know who his parents are or grand parents or great grand parents were? I mean we all know that the founding fathers (and mothers) of the great Australian nation with the awesome standard of living were criminals banished from Great Britain. That much is known. But to say with certainty whether one's great grand ancestor was a murderer or a rapist or simply an Irish brigand with the genes of Ned Kelly running in his veins, now that calls for some deep research work. I have a feeling that is radio host in question descended from a line of low life creatures, pedophiles perhaps.
That is not really surprising. What is surprising is that modern day Australians are defending him.
One can excuse the greatest ignorant Pakistani troller on pdf to start a thread with a pile of sh!t of an article like this. One can also excuse other Pakistanis and some Chinese juveniles to be jumping in glee at hearing their neighbor abused by this @ss hole but for the 'Great Australian Nation' to be tolerating pure excrement like this TV host !!!!! Just goes to show where it all started.

I find this pic unnecessary to put on here. I suggest removing it.
All Indians should be ashamed and clean Ganga if we consider it holy and don't like anybody to show us the mirror. I heard GOI took $1 bn dollar world bank loan to clean Ganga; let's just hope it does n't end up in swiss banks again..
All Indians should be ashamed and clean Ganga if we consider it holy and don't like anybody to show us the mirror. I heard GOI took $1 bn dollar world bank loan to clean Ganga; let's just hope it does n't end up in swiss banks again..

and even if they do, dont feel so bad....thats what our ''leaders'' do on a weekly basis!
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