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Indians angered by Australian Radio host's remarks

I am not going to burn my blood for any comments made by a harlot. People bathing in Ganges have more dignity, peace of mind and good sleep than these insomniac transvestite mutants.

I am a practising Hindu but truth be told, the Ganges is a polluted dump. It may have been the spring to life a few thousand years ago but currently it is a ****** disgrace and all that Ganga jal stuff is laughable. As for India, well if somebody describes it in negative terms then we should listen to the basis of the criticism and respond with justifiable negations instead of threatening to go off and kill their mothers and fathers and neighbors and ancestors. No need for pithr pakh pooja just yet. :D India is a piece of land and the people who live there make it a nation. If foreigners are being critical towards India then try to establish why.
Australian radio host calls India '**** hole', Ganga a 'junkyard'
PTI | Aug 1, 2011, 02.40PM IST

MELBOURNE: An Australian radio show host is facing criticism from the Indian community over his reportedly derogatory comments on India and Hinduism, in which he called river Ganga a 'junkyard'.

A Sydney-based Indian group is seeking an apology from the radio station following a report that host Kyle Sandilands made anti-India comments on his "Kyle and Jacky O" show.
According to a report by a local ethnic TV programme 'Desi Kangaroos', Sandilands said "India is a **** hole" and went further to describe river Ganga as a 'junkyard'.

The Council of Indian Australians (CIA) lashed out on Sandilands for the "insulting" remarks, and has said it would take up the issue with Australia's media regulatory body if it was not amicably resolved.

"Sandilands made insulting comments against India and ridiculed River Ganges which is a sacred river in Hinduism. His ridicule involved some of the practices of the followers of Hinduism," CIA president Yadu Singh said in an official statement.

Singh said he found Kyle's comments "insensitive, insulting, hurtful and unwarranted" and that he was upset and angered by them.

"Indian Australian community is a peaceful and tolerant community... It does not attack any nation, national group or religious practices of any group. It is obviously not happy when others attack them or their belief system," he said.

The body has written to his radio station, demanding an apology from it and from Sandilands.

It said it will pursue the matter and will seek a satisfactory resolution, failing which the matter will be pursued with Australian Communication & Media Authority (ACMA).
Australian radio host calls India '**** hole', Ganga a 'junkyard' - The Times of India

Generally speaking Australians are historically racist and are prone to making insensative statements. At the end of the day they must recollect their history and remember where their heritage lies. Her rant is clearly insulting to all.
Till now did any Indian news reported or radio host or any other VIP called australians kangroos???

I don't think so...

Those newzealand n australian radio jockeys need to talk about their country or praise their country..But why without any reason hurt others feeling because they are brown??

Sometimes I wonder if white folks even know what the hell they are talking about.

this one person does not represent all white/western folks....

with freedom, there is always some idiot who will speak there minds... sry india!
At first when I read this news i felt very upset and angry on the Radio host's remarks but then thought for a while and realized that host's choice of words may not be right but message is clear for all Indians. I have seen very closely how things are thrown into Ganga, Uttrakhand state, as I studied at Roorkee. Upto Haridwar the river is not polluted but after that insdustrial waste was dumped directly into it. Hope this hs changed now. I think it is time that State governments with help of centre work on the issue on hand.
The Ganga Action Plan, an environmental initiative to clean up the river, has been a major failure thus far, due to corruption and lack of technical expertise,lack of good environmental planning,Indian traditions and beliefs,and lack of support from religious authorities.
yea,ganges river needs to be cleaned....But his remarks about India is unacceptable
These are age old hindu rituals in practice from ancient times when India used to be a very rich country and not a looted place what it has become after centuries of plunder by invaders, colonizers and todays corrupt politicians.

I understand where it comes from my friend, but we live in the NOW...India used to be rich in the past...it isnt now...yet people continue with their lifestyle and follow culture that is not reflective of the here and now....

As with all things in life, religion also needs to progress.....

Besides....Religious cultures and practices are man made...Im all about traditions as long as it doesnt seem wasteful or unreasonable...
I dont believe that one fails to become a Hindu if he eats beef, or doesnt bathe in the Ganges, doesnt drink GoMutra at birth, Do his Mundan or a host of other traditions that seem rather unreasonable to me....

I suppose I believe in god, not religion....religion to me is how I make it based on my interpretation of Hinduism
gangs is polluted to the core so i think you should take the remaks in literal words

If you don't wanna call it 'Ganga' it's fine but at least spell the 'Ganges' correctly! Or are you proud of your blatant ignorance.

Btw aren't you the same Jana who was moaning when someone spelled 'Mo$lems' instead of 'Muslims'. :)
Yep, it is usual that the West always uses the so-called "The Freedom of Speech" to resort their racial bigotry against the Non-White people.

I agree with you 101%. Cannot say ausie is west but nevertheless its a satellite country for the west and has typical naive mindset. Don't worry this will change soon as more and more indians trickle into this country its lack of knowledge and insight will be taken care of.
If you don't wanna call it 'Ganga' it's fine but at least spell the 'Ganges' correctly! Or are you proud of your blatant ignorance.

Btw aren't you the same Jana who was moaning when someone spelled 'Mo$lems' instead of 'Muslims'. :)

To whom are you giving advice. She repeatedly use 'Bhartis' instead of 'Bharatiyas' inspite of someone telling her that 'Bharti' is an Indian surname

Besides....Religious cultures and practices are man made...Im all about traditions as long as it doesnt seem wasteful or unreasonable...
I dont believe that one fails to become a Hindu if he eats beef, or doesnt bathe in the Ganges, doesnt drink GoMutra at birth, Do his Mundan or a host of other traditions that seem rather unreasonable to me....

Sad you defined Hinduism by few practices that not even religious rituals or obligatory.

We'll go OT, I simply mean but what you call wasteful Hindu practices is because of the lack production due to bad management for centuries . Religion isn't responsible for it.
well lets be honest here, Ganges is a junkyard; or junk-pond. But only because indians use it for too many things

a.) swimming/bathing

b.) defecation

c.) meditating

d.) trash disposal


i understand its a traditional and holy place for hindu indian devotees -- but then at least treat the damn place properly......otherwise the pictures one sees on the net and other places --it causes them to have doubts and/or create jokes about it.

its not right for radio hosts, however to make derogatory remarks about the religion itself.....though I bet 100 bucks he's made such remarks about other groups as well. I guess just the indians are overly sensitive because of all the injustices being done to them in Australia in past few years.

perhaps he should analyze the state of affairs of the Aboriginals...
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