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Indians angered by Australian Radio host's remarks

Stick to the topic..those with ego's of glass should stay out of the discussion.
Dispute the news, instead of throwing crap at other nations to justify the irrelevance of the news..

Thank you!

Absolutely correct.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!:tup:
Australian radio host calls India '**** hole', Ganga a 'junkyard'
PTI | Aug 1, 2011, 02.40PM IST

MELBOURNE: An Australian radio show host is facing criticism from the Indian community over his reportedly derogatory comments on India and Hinduism, in which he called river Ganga a 'junkyard'.

A Sydney-based Indian group is seeking an apology from the radio station following a report that host Kyle Sandilands made anti-India comments on his "Kyle and Jacky O" show.
According to a report by a local ethnic TV programme 'Desi Kangaroos', Sandilands said "India is a **** hole" and went further to describe river Ganga as a 'junkyard'.

The Council of Indian Australians (CIA) lashed out on Sandilands for the "insulting" remarks, and has said it would take up the issue with Australia's media regulatory body if it was not amicably resolved.

"Sandilands made insulting comments against India and ridiculed River Ganges which is a sacred river in Hinduism. His ridicule involved some of the practices of the followers of Hinduism," CIA president Yadu Singh said in an official statement.

Singh said he found Kyle's comments "insensitive, insulting, hurtful and unwarranted" and that he was upset and angered by them.

"Indian Australian community is a peaceful and tolerant community... It does not attack any nation, national group or religious practices of any group. It is obviously not happy when others attack them or their belief system," he said.

The body has written to his radio station, demanding an apology from it and from Sandilands.

It said it will pursue the matter and will seek a satisfactory resolution, failing which the matter will be pursued with Australian Communication & Media Authority (ACMA).
Australian radio host calls India '**** hole', Ganga a 'junkyard' - The Times of India

I suppose this ignoramus was looking for attention and she got it. She certainly got it. Criticism is good when constructive. When done with a tint of sarcasm and racism its pathetic. Granted the River Ganges may have issues but whats not needed is the way she is voicing her crap
i saw a picture of a dead body floating in what looks to be the holy ganges river and several deceased corpse washed up on the river banks. people around do not seem one bit shocked. can any indians confirm this?

the pictures are extremely graphic but nothing a little google search can't reveal

Used to happen a lot more frequently than it does now. Hindu (Vaishnav) tradition says that after death, the body should be cremated and the ashes be dispersed in a river (or a running water body that reaches the ocean). Ganges being holy is the preferred river. Poor people cannot afford firewood to cremate. Some foolishly let the body of their dear ones just go floating on the river. It's reducing,but there are still people who do this.
saw a picture of a dead body floating in what looks to be the holy ganges river and several deceased corpse washed up on the river banks. people around do not seem one bit shocked. can any indians confirm this?

the pictures are extremely graphic but nothing a little google search can't reveal
Original Post By ChinaVietnam

It can also reveal what China is doing to polluting the rivers and shamelessly and inhumanely making a quick buck over the dead if one Googles.

Living by making a business of selling the dead!

That is totally demeaning for the human race.

Not even leaving the dead to die in dignity and instead make them a commodity for quick money.

Blackmailing the near and dear of the dead!

What dirty behaviour and no scruples or ethics!

A total shame and a slap on the face of what is called humanity!

It is nothing to crow about!
Agree Tiki Tam Tam. I complained yesterday about this. I wish the moderators would delete it.
I think its dreadful. How does this help anyone? By putting disgraceful pics on here you are showing disrespect. You are stooping lower than the aussie that crowed about The Ganges
superkaif: go easy there mate. You might attract a false flag fatwa. :P
superkaif: go easy there mate. You might attract a false flag fatwa. :P

I know but the pics were just put on here to be disrespectful. I don't mind debating and disagreements and arguing on here but that's bad.
I suppose this ignoramus was looking for attention and she got it. She certainly got it. Criticism is good when constructive. When done with a tint of sarcasm and racism its pathetic. Granted the River Ganges may have issues but whats not needed is the way she is voicing her crap

Kyle is a guy:P A fat gay.


Agree Tiki Tam Tam. I complained yesterday about this. I wish the moderators would delete it.
I think its dreadful. How does this help anyone? By putting disgraceful pics on here you are showing disrespect. You are stooping lower than the aussie that crowed about The Ganges

The Ganges sure requires a clean up.

The cost is huge!
lol @ people getting so angry over 1 radio host who's job it is to cause offence, that is how he makes his money.

Shows how dense people are.
Freedom of speech is fine but needless targeting of peaceful migrants who are actually contributing healthily to Australian economy and society is wrong.

The guy wasn't talking about Indian migrants.......

He was talking about a city in India.

Lol i guess someone is about to lose their job......

He wont lose it because that's how he gets ratings, by making ridiculous comments

It may sound rhetoric to our few indian members but somebody says something nasty about my mother in any part of the world.. I won't tolerate.

The same could be said about the Indian Media which invented bad stories about Australia that people were racially attacking Indian students which is completely false.

Yaa, man you cann't be more right.

Australians have different living standards to India and but also those ship loads of British criminals who landed and later colonized that place , White Australians have different moral standards to begin with, haven't they ??

BTW How many aborigines of Australians were killed to achieve the current living standards for the white Australians ?

Ah this old chestnut. It's always brought up in threads to do with Australia "OMG EUROPEANS COLONIZED AUSTRALIA BLAH BLAH"

It's got nothing to do with the subject and you don't know anything about it, so don't talk about it.

hope he apologizes.

HE won't, it's how he gets publicity.
this one person does not represent all white/western folks....

with freedom, there is always some idiot who will speak there minds... sry india!

It has nothing to do with race. I don't know why there is always atleast 1 person who posts saying "OMG WHITE PEOPLE SAYING STUFF"

Race is irrelevant.

Yep, it is usual that the West always uses the so-called "The Freedom of Speech" to resort their racial bigotry against the Non-White people.

Racial bigotry? The disgraceful comment was made about a town in India, not about Indians themselfs or their race. So i don't know why you would write this nonsense.

I guess you will take any chance you can get to express your race hate of white people.
lol @ people getting so angry over 1 radio host who's job it is to cause offence, that is how he makes his money.

Shows how dense people are.

Then He can cause much more offence if he had used Australia instead of India.
He is nut case.. He is doing great disservice to australia.

Apart from defaming Other country's river for which people have faith and religious sentiments he is also maligning his own country's perceptions in the world.
Then He can cause much more offence if he had used Australia instead of India.

But the subject was the Indian town and from pictures i have seen, he is actually correct in what he said. He shouldn't have used the language he used though, was very rude.
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