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Indians angered by Australian Radio host's remarks

^^^^ just boycott racist australia...atleast those Indians who hate that racist country

My new hate list

1. racist australia
2. racist australia
3. racist australia

That's lovely! :rofl:
you can't call a whole nation racist because of the comments of ONE man

India has massacred sikhs and muslims in its past, Can't India be considered a racist nation then??? Oh thats right, only white nations can be called racist!!!

I can and that's my personal opinion

Sikhs and Muslims are our own people, one of us so any act of violence against them is not racism (though it should not repeat ever)...just like in racist australia you see violence every now and then. racist white australian killing racist white australian but thats not racism

So hating all of Australia for what one man said isn't racism?

So hating all of Australia for what one man said isn't racism?

hating racist autralia by India (who has been no.1 target of racist australia) isn't racism. atleast we are not misbehaving with racist australian in our own country

So hating all of Australia for what one man said isn't racism?

I hear what you are saying. You cant judge them all by the words of 1 dipstick.
My personal experience with ALL Australians ive ever met has been quite universal. I have a flat in London near Earls Court. They tend to all group around the bars their. Are generally drunk, loud and up themselves. They talk down to you and are bullies. I am speaking from only my personal experience.
I am sure there are good Australians out their too. In fact Kylie Minogue looks and sounds quite nice!
I hear what you are saying. You cant judge them all by the words of 1 dipstick.
My personal experience with ALL Australians ive ever met has been quite universal. I have a flat in London near Earls Court. They tend to all group around the bars their. Are generally drunk, loud and up themselves. They talk down to you and are bullies. I am speaking from only my personal experience.
I am sure there are good Australians out their too. In fact Kylie Minogue looks and sounds quite nice!

Kylie Minogue

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Aussies r one of the nicest people ive met... i dnt know why indians r murdered n discriminated in australia.. anyways there r bad ppl everywhere............. and abt the RJ well its their country... their radio!
Aussies r one of the nicest people ive met... i dnt know why indians r murdered n discriminated in australia.. anyways there r bad ppl everywhere............. and abt the RJ well its their country... their radio!

yeah, enemy's enemy is friend ;)

now we will see many pak-racist aussie friendship stories
I hear what you are saying. You cant judge them all by the words of 1 dipstick.
My personal experience with ALL Australians ive ever met has been quite universal. I have a flat in London near Earls Court. They tend to all group around the bars their. Are generally drunk, loud and up themselves. They talk down to you and are bullies. I am speaking from only my personal experience.
I am sure there are good Australians out their too. In fact Kylie Minogue looks and sounds quite nice!

You said it yourself mate, it's your own personal experience. I haven't met many Australians myself so I don't really know but there are some Indo-Australian members here who say that that sort of rough and racist attitude is just part of their culture so maybe that's what you experienced.

I don't think that's the case with this Radio Jockey though.
The Ganges sure requires a clean up.

The cost is huge!

Yes and company polution and sewage are goverment problems but Indians can own the problem. If every person took one piece of garbage out of the river and placed it in a bin or took it home to dispose of thats 1,210,193,422 pieces of rubish that arent in the Ganges :)

Off topic the Council of Indian Australians (CIA) really needs to change thier name to some thing like the India Australian council almost spat my coffee when i read CIA protests about australian radio anouncer.
Aussies r one of the nicest people ive met... i dnt know why indians r murdered n discriminated in australia.. anyways there r bad ppl everywhere............. and abt the RJ well its their country... their radio!

sir indian go for white women...indian students break the law...cook the food with masala and destroy the dorm atmosphere...they sing and dance on bolly songs in university hostels....gamble...are involved in prostitution to make money and shop lift too...thats the reason....Australians dont tolerate this and go for indians whereeverthey see them
Well hello there new troll ^^

Mr. roy_gaurav lives in Australia, perhaps he can shed light on your accusations.

Idk why Indians are getting mad. Yes the way he/she said it could have been avoided, however it's time we do something about actually cleaning the Ganges rather than complain and giving people a chance to make a remark
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