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Indian women want mates who can cook, online survey says

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That's because Men are stupid.

And the trend in western countries is that men are increasingly opting for singledom.

I think it is upto you personally. Do what makes you happy. I don't care either way.

No men aren't stupid they like to act as if they are but they aren't. Secondly men do make the rules in most societies inculding you'rs so when they claim of being tied down or otherwise its hypocritical and not stupid. @levina being honest is one thing but disrespecting women is another and only decent men know the difference.
totally agree with you on that but i find your last remark a little offending and silly well sex is not the onli thing that matters as time gows by the bond between husband and wife gets stronger otrher wise all men would opt owt of marrige after say 5-10 years after in a merrige but go and look at the stats even in the western world 90% of times its the women who are asking for divorce on those lines then men ...ever wondered why ....men onli are bold enof to express themselfs but women ..khair jane do

I'm all for having a woman eventually as a long time companion, growing old, comfort of togetherness etc. But I was talking about purely the sex. I know you are married so are probably not on the same level playing field. But honestly, I get bored of a girl max in a week or two, a month tops. And this is when she is not the only one. Lets face it. In the subcontinent, still, a vast majority of guys and girls get married, with the guys chomping at the bit, because that's the only way they are going to see some guaranteed captive action.

Plus I simply don't have the emotional maturity to handle relationships.

And I don't care too much for continuity as I seem to be detached from a lot of things

I'm emotionally a loner too. I find even the bad girls can get cloying. Especially when they want to talk and cuddle, when all I want is silence.
Can you guys even think of something beyond it???
Ask your hubby to do same for atleast one week.
I m not saying this locha is everthing in relationship but it plays most important role .....
Will a gal marry a man who does not have any locha..... then gals only say na mard kahi ka shaadi kyu ki......
Shouldn't it be a personal choice?
But women too should be given a choice.

Ravi Nair said:
I think a lot of men simply marry out of fear of dying alone.

Applies to women too.:P

Ravi Nair said:
Interestingly it is women who initiate divorces the majority of the time

Let me give you a hypothetical situation....

Assume you are a gal.

You get married to a guy.
1) you'll have to shift to his house.
2) you give up ur freedom.Some men dont even let their wives wear what they want to.
3) extra burden of cooking and looking after the house.

So i am not surprised even if what you said was right.


you follow a religion???

If you had then you would not have done what you do to satisfy your sense of triumphalism.

I'm a Hindu. I go to the mandir. I recite my Hanuman Chalisa when I'm scared. What else you want?
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No men aren't stupid they like to act as if they are but they aren't. Secondly men do make the rules in most societies inculding you'rs so when they claim of being tied down or otherwise its hypocritical and not stupid. @levina being honest is one thing but disrespecting women is another and only decent men know the difference.

See levina's post and mine above. I did talk about women being at a disadvantage in most countries in the world.

My reason to remain single is because I am not likely to ever grow up. Lol. I am not mature enough to deal with long term relationships.

I am not going to sit here and blame women.

I have to bear the consequences of my action
I'm all for having a woman eventually as a long time companion, growing old, comfort of togetherness etc. But I was talking about purely the sex. I know you are married so are probably not on the same level playing field. But honestly, I get bored of a girl max in a week or two, a month tops. And this is when she is not the only one. Lets face it. In the subcontinent, still, a vast majority of guys and girls get married, with the guys chomping at the bit, because that's the only way they are going to see some guaranteed captive action.

I'm emotionally a loner too. I find even the bad girls can get cloying. Especially when they want to talk and cuddle, when all I want is silence.
well i totalli agree with you men will need more than one women because that is in owr genes just becuase in this age its too expensive and innapropriate (specialli in owr society) that men have to have just one women while even in british times hindu men could marry more than once im for that rule again...if muslims can do it why not hindus

lolzzz about the other part trust me as time goes by that habit in women gets more intense and irritating + often there is extra baggage for it too
Ask your hubby to do same for atleast one week.
Oye yaar dont dissect my married life.
You'll regret!!

Utraash said:
I m not saying this locha is everthing in relationship but it plays most important role
Yes men always stress on that point :coffee:

Utraash said:
Will a gal marry a man who does not have any locha..... then gals only say na mard kahi ka shaadi kyu ki......


Yes i agree every woman wants a baby.
See levina's post and mine above. I did talk about women being at a disadvantage in most countries in the world.

My reason to remain single is because I am not likely to ever grow up. Lol. I am not mature enough to deal with long term relationships.

I am not going to sit here and blame women.

I have to bear the consequences of my action

No you're obviously free to do as you like i said that for you're comment on the subject and not on you're personal life.
Believe it or not women too love their freedom.And why just western countries go to any metropolitan city in India and ask any gal if she would like to get married,i am sure she'll say no.

Who wants the interferring inlaws...ranting husbands????

But kids....well every woman luvs her kids and that must be the only reason she stays in a marriage for so long.

You misunderstand my reasons.

I disagree with the men here saying marriage curtails their freedom. It does more so for women.

The reason I am not going to marry is because

I hate children. Don't want to raise them. Don't want to be near them.

I am still an incorrigible man child and not mature enough to deal with marriage.

I agree with your points.

Hope that clears things up

In a free society, you are free to live as you wish.

I don't think marriage is a mistake neither.
@levina. I am 23 now.

Ask me in 8 years if I changed my tune.

It will be interesting whether I stick with what I have said

Changed it. Please edit ur post too. No disrespect meant.

In reference to your post, you wish to grow old?

I wish to bite it before I turn 50.

At least that way society won't have to pay for my living in my twilight years, and I won't have to be a witness to my body withering away.
I think this is a good discussion being handled very maturely by Levina ji for a change.

Aamna ji is still sulking for some reason. Oh well ..... one woman at a time.
@levina. I am 23 now.

Ask me in 8 years if I changed my tune.

It will be interesting whether I stick with what I have said

In reference to your post, you wish to grow old?

I wish to bite it before I turn 50.

At least that way society won't have to pay for my living in my twilight years, and I won't have to be a witness to my body withering away
"Mangne se jo maut mil jati to kaun jeeta is duniya me"= if you could get death if you wished most of the people would have been dead by now

on the other note well marrige is what makes us human cause it gives sense of responsibilty above all thing else its your love and sense of responsibillity that "makes you a Man " no dis respect to women but its the men who are programmed to provide food & security to there women and children look at any species in the wild its natural and women need to care for children and mange houseold work thats the fair and respected and protected place for them once they opt owt for any reason they are looked down upon even by other women cause its natural
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