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Indian women want mates who can cook, online survey says

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Gives you a sense of triumphalism every time you say something to that affect isnt it??:coffee:

I'm being honest. Maybe one day I will find a really nice girl and settle down.

But up till now, I've only met bad girls. Really bad. And I'm enjoying that.

Then get the fertilization done in a test tube and opt for a surrogate after that.

Only men who can respect women should tie the knot.

Too much hassle. Though the one time (instead of recurring) expense is a legitimate attraction.

Again, the societal issues are what put most men off. Otherwise lets be honest here. Which man wants to voluntarily sleep with the same woman for 40-50 years?
Again, the societal issues are what put most men off. Otherwise lets be honest here. Which man wants to voluntarily sleep with the same woman for 40-50 years?

Then abolish marriages from the society.
Men dominate every society and many times in disguise too.
Men make the rules and men break it.
Where are the women? I can cook!!:raise:
I don't. I loathe them in fact.

So it is unlikely I will ever get married

That's why I said eventually.

Eventually every man wants to leave something behind. The strand of continuity.

I guess. Frankly I detest the nasty pests.
I'm being honest. Maybe one day I will find a really nice girl and settle down.

But up till now, I've only met bad girls. Really bad. And I'm enjoying that.

Too much hassle. Though the one time (instead of recurring) expense is a legitimate attraction.

Again, the societal issues are what put most men off. Otherwise lets be honest here. Which man wants to voluntarily sleep with the same woman for 40-50 years?
totally agree with you on that but i find your last remark a little offending and silly well sex is not the onli thing that matters as time gows by the bond between husband and wife gets stronger otrher wise all men would opt owt of marrige after say 5-10 years after in a merrige but go and look at the stats even in the western world 90% of times its the women who are asking for divorce on those lines then men ...ever wondered why ....men onli are bold enof to express themselfs but women ..khair jane do
That's why I said eventually.

Eventually every man wants to leave something behind. The strand of continuity.

I guess. Frankly I detest the nasty pests.

Plus I simply don't have the emotional maturity to handle relationships.

And I don't care too much for continuity as I seem to be detached from a lot of things
The chemical locha is only in the head.And if somebody has plethora of it then they should get themselves checked.[/quote]
No yar its the same locha otherwise no men/women will marry ...... thats y Brahmchrya called as Tup...... Kaam Krodh Moh Maya ye sab nark ke dwar hai usme bhi kaam sabse aage hai.......
Fact is locha is very very difficult to avoid u believe it or not..........
Men cannot fight the Gods.

And marriage has the sanctity of religion. Every religion.



you follow a religion???

If you had then you would not have done what you do to satisfy your sense of triumphalism.
Then abolish marriages from the society.
Men dominate every society and many times in disguise too.
Men make the rules and men break it.

That's because Men are stupid.

And the trend in western countries is that men are increasingly opting for singledom.

I think it is upto you personally. Do what makes you happy. I don't care either way.


you follow a religion???

If you had then you would not have done what you do to satisfy your sense of triumphalism.

Shouldn't it be a personal choice?

I think a lot of men simply marry out of fear of dying alone.

Another reason would be to lock the women into the marriage.

Interestingly it is women who initiate divorces the majority of the time.

In patriarchal societies it is women who tend to get shafted in a marriage (no pun intended).

I think your choice to remain single should be personal, and not because you perceive a gender to be evil
That's because Men are stupid.

And the trend in western countries is that men are increasingly opting for singledom.

I think it is upto you personally. Do what makes you happy. I don't care either way.

Believe it or not women too love their freedom.And why just western countries go to any metropolitan city in India and ask any gal if she would like to get married,i am sure she'll say no.

Who wants the interferring inlaws...ranting husbands????

But kids....well every woman luvs her kids and that must be the only reason she stays in a marriage for so long.
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