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Indian vaccines: 99 recipients have adverse reactions, 2 hospitalised

That our vaccine does not work Chinese one does
Even if Chinese vaccines magically work, his nation can barely manufacture enough for their own population

China is pip squeak in global vaccine manufacturing, producing 565 million doses yearly (i.e enough for doses for only 232 million people yearly), and has fantasies of exporting to rest of the world


Meaning it will take China 6 years to vaccinate all Chinese citizens with current vaccine manufacturing output

On top of that Chinese made false promises of exporting the vaccine


Meaning either China is shamelessly lying about exporting vaccines or willing to sacrifice its own domestic vaccination program for the sake of vaccine nationalism

CCP knows all this and has order limited does of Astra Zeneca for higher CCP officials while rest of population has to go with han quality Chinese vaccines

Indian posters: please stop fighting Chinese but once you come close to it in quality, research, wealth, development and most importantly Corona Virus Control

and oh, before i forget....fighting a war LOLOL
All because a China man couldn’t get he’s @@@@ hard . Everywhere in the world disaster millions dead purevworries and problem from this wicked disease .
thank you China one day you will get your payback and stop grinding palegonian bones for aphrodisiac

use viagra if you must .

India have British behind them and no afteraffects nor alergy reaction reported from Oxford vaccine and over 4 million vaccinated . India will copy the medicine and distribute it to the poor of the world and beat this Chinese affliction.
India's own vaccine is relatively unknown as there are no data or trial test results.


- Sinovac has 100% efficacy rate for severe cases which means that one is practically immune from getting severe COVID-19 symptoms. It is also 78% effective against mild to moderate symptoms.

- The Pfizer vaccine has 95% effectiveness rate at protecting an infected person from developing mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms ONLY. As for severe symptoms, they simply mentioned that the vaccine is “amply effective” to prevent severe illness.

- However, during Pfizer’s phase III clinical trials, only 1 out of 10 severe cases was vaccinated. ONE.

- Even Pfizer’s 95% effectiveness rate is being disputed because only 170 participants in their phase III clinical trials—out of 3,410–were PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases. This means that there’s a high chance that the remaining 3,240 are not even COVID-19 cases. This will reduce Pfizer’s efficacy rate to just 19%.

- Meanwhile, Sinovac clinical trials in Brazil were all medical workers with a very high infection risk.

- Furthermore, Pfizer is yet to provide more raw data for peer review.


Australian Academy of Science. “Academy statement on the pandemic, vaccines and misinformation.” https://www.science.org.au/news-and...tatement-pandemic-vaccines-and-misinformation

Global Times. “19% or 95%? US expert challenges Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy, triggers debates in China.” https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202101/1212746.shtml

Pfizer. “Pfizer and Biontech conclude Phase 3 Study of COVID-19 vaccine canddiate, Meeting All Primary Efficacy Endpoints.” https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-r...ntech-conclude-phase-3-study-covid-19-vaccine

The BMJ. “Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data.” https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/0...ccines-we-need-more-details-and-the-raw-data/
99 recipients have adverse reactions, 2 hospitalised
TNN | Jan 17, 2021, 05:41 IST

NEW DELHI: Ninety-nine people across India experienced adverse reactions after being vaccinated on Saturday but only two were considered serious enough to require hospitalisation.

However, central officials said there were no reports of adverse effects requiring hospitalisation till Saturday evening, Eleven adverse reactions were noticed in Telangana, 22 in Maharashtra (14 of 22 were minor cases), 52 in Delhi and 14 in West Bengal.

Fifty-one out of the 52 healthcare workers in Delhi who had an adverse reaction were minor adverse events. One adverse event, which required hospital admission, was reported late Saturday evening from AIIMS where the healthcare worker had been admitted.

In Kolkata, top health official Ajay Chakravorty said that all but one of the 14 who had experienced adverse reactions had been allowed to go home after an hour’s observation.

Fake vaccine ?
(Bloomberg) -- Of all the developing countries testing China’s Covid-19 vaccines, few are friendlier to Beijing than Pakistan. In the years leading up to the pandemic, China financed nearly $70 billion across the South Asian nation on roads, railways and power stations, and Pakistan now has two Chinese clinical trials underway, with even senior government officials being inoculated.

Yet interviews with people in Karachi, the nation’s biggest city -- as well as in other developing nations from Indonesia to Brazil, together with surveys and official comments -- show that China has failed to assure the millions of people who may have to rely on its vaccines.

“I won’t take it,” said Farman Ali Shah, a motorcycle driver in Karachi for local ride-hailing app Bykea, as local shops closed early ahead of an 8 p.m. virus-induced curfew. “I don’t trust it.”

In Pakistan even polio vaccine is force fed under barrel of a gun.... U expect them to take covid vaccine?
India have British behind them and no afteraffects nor alergy reaction reported from Oxford vaccine and over 4 million vaccinated . India will copy the medicine and distribute it to the poor of the world and beat this Chinese affliction.
When you Indians learn from wean off your former western masters?
China controlled the virus and economy boomed. new mega projects, space technology, military advancement..... all progressed in leaps and bounds in 2020.

Plus added 1200 sq km newly conquered territory into China without firing a bullet. :D
In Pakistan even polio vaccine is force fed under barrel of a gun.... U expect them to take covid vaccine?
I doubt that's a country wide phenomenon.
When you Indians learn from wean off your former western masters?
Is that what they tell the Chinese citizens to prevent more Chinese refugees joining the 100000 Chinese refugees in India?
Doubts of vaccine safety linger as India rolled out the so-called world's largest vaccination program starting this weekend. At least one death and 447 cases of side effects were reported among 224,000 people, reports said.

The vaccination in India is a test case that will determine whether the epidemic can be tamed by vaccination in developing nations, but Chinese observers doubt whether 300 million high-risk people in India can be covered, including healthcare and frontline workers, as it can scheduled and ensure a certain level of safety.

While India kicked off on Saturday what Indian authorities have called the "the world's largest vaccination drive" and boasted the safety of vaccines, the country reported one death-- a 46-year-old medical worker. He died one day after the vaccination, but doctors dismissed the direct link between his death to the vaccine safety.

The country inoculated more than 224,000 people in two days, and 447 adverse cases were reported, according to Hindustan Times.

India Today also reported on the first day of the vaccination program that of 4,319 health workers vaccinated, there was one severe and 51 minor cases of adverse effects.

India hopes to be one of the world-leading coronavirus vaccine providers as it eyes great global markets for the vaccine demand. However, whether it is able to guarantee the safety and efficacy of the vaccines remains a question, Lü Mengtao, a medical industry observer, told the Global Times on Monday.

Despite starting mass vaccinations, India's domestic vaccine has no clear data on its efficacy and safety, but Indian officials and media have sought to dispel the fears.

"Fifty-one adverse cases out of 4,319 vaccinations are not a good rate for vaccine safety. If the death has a direct link with the vaccine, the vaccination process may have to be called off for the sake of public safety," Lü said.

Vaccines used in the program are the two authorized for emergency use earlier this month - one is Covishield, developed with British-Swedish biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and the other one, Covaxin, was domestically developed by Indian firm Bharat Biotech.

Indian reports also said on the first day of the vaccine scheme, a large number of registered health workers did not show up and Indian authorities are mobilizing them to receive shots.

In the first phase of the program, which will last until August, Indian plans to vaccinate 300 million high-risk people, but Chinese observers said India may not complete the vaccination scheme as planned due to its limited medical conditions and a high level of population mobility in some rural areas and slums.

Doubts of vaccine safety linger as India rolled out the so-called world's largest vaccination program starting this weekend. At least one death and 447 cases of side effects were reported among 224,000 people, reports said.

The vaccination in India is a test case that will determine whether the epidemic can be tamed by vaccination in developing nations, but Chinese observers doubt whether 300 million high-risk people in India can be covered, including healthcare and frontline workers, as it can scheduled and ensure a certain level of safety.

While India kicked off on Saturday what Indian authorities have called the "the world's largest vaccination drive" and boasted the safety of vaccines, the country reported one death-- a 46-year-old medical worker. He died one day after the vaccination, but doctors dismissed the direct link between his death to the vaccine safety.

The country inoculated more than 224,000 people in two days, and 447 adverse cases were reported, according to Hindustan Times.

India Today also reported on the first day of the vaccination program that of 4,319 health workers vaccinated, there was one severe and 51 minor cases of adverse effects.

India hopes to be one of the world-leading coronavirus vaccine providers as it eyes great global markets for the vaccine demand. However, whether it is able to guarantee the safety and efficacy of the vaccines remains a question, Lü Mengtao, a medical industry observer, told the Global Times on Monday.

Despite starting mass vaccinations, India's domestic vaccine has no clear data on its efficacy and safety, but Indian officials and media have sought to dispel the fears.

"Fifty-one adverse cases out of 4,319 vaccinations are not a good rate for vaccine safety. If the death has a direct link with the vaccine, the vaccination process may have to be called off for the sake of public safety," Lü said.

Vaccines used in the program are the two authorized for emergency use earlier this month - one is Covishield, developed with British-Swedish biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and the other one, Covaxin, was domestically developed by Indian firm Bharat Biotech.

Indian reports also said on the first day of the vaccine scheme, a large number of registered health workers did not show up and Indian authorities are mobilizing them to receive shots.

In the first phase of the program, which will last until August, Indian plans to vaccinate 300 million high-risk people, but Chinese observers said India may not complete the vaccination scheme as planned due to its limited medical conditions and a high level of population mobility in some rural areas and slums.

quick question - is Global times run by a thirteen year old? First they went crazy over some random anti-vaxxers unsubstantiated 19% effectiveness claim over Pfizer mRNA. Then they shed some crocodile tears over 23 dead Norwegians and now they have misgivings over the Indian vaccine. Let’s say the Chinese vaccine is the golden bullet you CPC bots claim it is - how many shot can China make in a year? The last time I checked it was 400,000 k and China is desperate to ramp up to a billion (unlikely to happen in 2021). While Moderna can produce 800,000 shots a day in Just one facility. So in conclusion the Chinese vaccine isn’t going to save the world - is it?

so do us all a favor and just shut up.

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