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2 people in India die after receiving Covid jab as Bharat Biotech says vaccine too risky for some

If it was Chinese, you wouldnt say this, I said this many times over, Chinese inactivated vaccine is the only hope. The neonazi Brazilians injected the vaccine in infected people to sabotage Chinese trials. The president of Brazil wanted to kill this vaccine his rival was using. I already foresaw this, the west will never allow competition. Look at CNN defending Pfitzer like a love child, if it was Chinese, we would be hanged. Lol

Try your vaccine on Xi. You will get ride from one cruel dictator.
Try your vaccine on Xi. You will get ride from one cruel dictator.

He probably already taken one.

There are tens of millions of people in this whole world who has already taken Chinese vaccines, and so far the only negative things the west media can dig about China's vaccines is the so-called low effiency in Brazil test, which is driven by typical west reinterpetion of the trial data (giving vaccine to COVID-19 postive patients and count them as not efficienct, etc.), in Turkey, for the same Chinese vaccine, they report 90%+ efficiency.

Dont compare China to west mRNA vaccines, which are basically death-trap, as for your poor indian "vaccine" who has already bypass Phase 3 trial:rofl:, well, I guess shot cow piss maybe not very good for your health.
It stands to reason that Chinese vaccine is most effective against Wuhan Coronavirus.

The virus came from China after all.
Now that more traditional vaccines like the UK/Chinese ones are available, I would stop injecting any more people with mRNA vaccines as it is just too risky. The millions that have already been given them will give us long-term safety data on this tech.

AstraZeneca and mRNA are the same in principal only the delivery mechanism varies. mRNA uses a synthetic inorganic molecule to penetrate the cell and inject the genetic code to program our cells to make spike proteins while AstraZeneca uses a viral vector ChAdOx1 (chimp virus) to deliver the same lab engineered DNA code into the cell to program (mRNA) our cells to make spike protein.

The Oxford vaccine isn’t an inactivated COVID virus like the Chinese Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines. Incredible how the uninformed spout nonsense online - educate yourself when you speak of topics that have public health ramifications or cease and desist. Sorry I have a lot of respect for you so please don’t take offense.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine uses a chimpanzee common cold viral vector known as ChAdOx1, which delivers the code that allows our cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein


AstraZeneca and mRNA are the same in principal only the delivery mechanism varies. mRNA uses a synthetic inorganic molecule to penetrate the cell and inject the genetic code to program our cells to make spike proteins while AstraZeneca uses a viral vector ChAdOx1 (chimp virus) to deliver the same lab engineered DNA code into the cell to program (mRNA) our cells to make spike protein.

The Oxford vaccine isn’t an inactivated COVID virus like the Chinese Sinovac or Sinopharm vaccines. Incredible how the uninformed spout nonsense online - educate yourself when you speak of topics that have public health ramifications or cease and desist. Sorry I have a lot of respect for you so please don’t take offense.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine uses a chimpanzee common cold viral vector known as ChAdOx1, which delivers the code that allows our cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein


Maybe I did not use the correct terminology but it has been genetically modified that it cannot reproduce in humans. Yes I know it is a cold virus from Chimpanzees.

That is what I meant by "inactivated" and you presumed I meant it was using the Covid virus like the Chinese one.

As for mRNA vaccines, I am not against them per se as they are theoretically safe but much rather inject as few people as possible with them while waiting for long term safety data.
Remember that theory does not always match reality and so let us move as quickly as possible to vaccines like the AstraZeneca ones while we get some more data on the long term safety of the mRNA vaccines.
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Try your vaccine on Xi. You will get ride from one cruel dictator.
He was injected already, he didn't end up like the BJP politician, we tend not to fck up things like yindians.
Never allow ? Ok.
"In July, China experienced its “worst public health crisis in years” as stated by South China Morning Post. Chinese vaccine maker Changsheng Biotechnology was found to have fabricated production and inspection records and to have arbitrarily changed process parameters and equipment during its production of freeze-dried human rabies vaccines. Furthermore, substandard diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccines produced by Changsheng Biotechnology were administered to 215 184 Chinese children; and 400 520 substandard DPT vaccines produced by Wuhan Institute of Biological Products were sold in Hebei and Chongqing. On July 25, China's drug regulator launched an investigation into all vaccine producers across the country. 15 people from Changsheng Biotechnology, including the chairman, have been detained by Chinese authorities.
This latest vaccine scandal follows on from a series of fake and substandard food and drugs issues in China. As a result, many parents have lost faith in the vaccine system. Although no cases of death or other severe consequences relevant to the substandard rabies and DPT vaccines have been documented as of July 31, the substandard vaccines have been reported as being poisonous in social media and on the internet."

This is the reality of the 100 % effective and perfect Chinese vaccine industry.
While India which supplies 70 % of the worlds vaccine supply has had no such recorded incidents.

You are too stupid to be replied to seriously.
That's the use of a drug regulator right? There are supposed to regulate? We have 100s of companies making pharmaceuticals, remember the Ranbaxy scandal, do I equate all Yindian vaccines to that? You don't have to copy paste a long article, you have the right not to trust our vaccine. We know what woeks, thats why we don't end up like India. Lol. India buys the active ingredient from China, so???
He was injected already, he didn't end up like the BJP politician, we tend not to fck up things like yindians.

He might have imported that vaccine from India. He would have died otherwise.

China spread corona to sale vaccine. Meanwhile, 21 million mobile phones in China became unused yet, China couldn't get the business of Chinese vaccine. It was banned by many countries like Brazil citing it too risky. They have approached India with a huge order request.
He might have imported that vaccine from India. He would have died otherwise.

China spread corona to sale vaccine. Meanwhile, 21 million mobile phones in China became unused yet, China couldn't get the business of Chinese vaccine. It was banned by many countries like Brazil citing it too risky. They have approached India with a huge order request.
Imported the vaccine from India to get infected? The Indian logic never fails to amaze me. Lol.

BRAZIL APPROVED THE VACCINE NUMB NUMB. lol. Most Chinese have 2 Sim cards.
More medical professionals supporting than critics....
My cousin is Dean in Narayana Medical college who is Group Captain (r) , he supported this move as benefits outweights risks.

Nope as India can produce 100 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine a month. Serum Institude stockpiled 50 million doses by end of last year ready to go when approval was given

Due to a high level of "herd immunity" in the Indian population already, low age profiles and obesity rates of population, and the warm and sunny weather that still prevails over more than half of India during the winter months, there is no urgent need to use this vaccine.

It is being done simply for nationalism and Modi is gambling with millions of Indians health and lives.

Please see below as to why India should not be gambling with a vaccine that has not yet passed phase 3 trials:


This is a new vaccine many factors can play part for it to act voilently. I hope there is no funny business with this program I mean standards should be maintained no matter what the cost.
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