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INDIAN SWAT in the making - thanks to israel!


Feb 13, 2010
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Short summary (thanks to: moledet from military photos)

Short summary: After the attack in Mumbai the Indian police turned to the Israeli police and asked it to help and establish a SWAT like unit in India, the unit was named Force One. The Israeli police sent three instructors that are incharge of the Border Police CT school. They reached the training center in India where they met the 34 members of what would-be Force1. At first, they checked the armory and saw weapons that weren't cleaned for 5 years and soldiers that didn't know that they can shoot while running or even find the north using the sun-clock.
Five weeks later the 26 that finished had a summarizing CT training and a graduation ceremony where they received their diplomas decorated by the Indian and Israeli flags, Border Guard flag and the LOTAR emblem. The best one of them received his LOTAR pin from the head instructor of the Israeli border guard CT school.

It's just the beginning of this cooperation.
Hope they end up doing what they were created for, unlike NSG who is guarding the likes of Mayawati, Advani, Amar Singh and others. Force 1 might be guarding Raj Thakrey.
Thnx DMLA great video
and great news ISRAEL has gone way ahead helping india with its problems of terrorism.
We should have annual army and security exercise with Israel .
So was the government sleeping or was the military dead? Why couldn't we train these people ourselves and why wasn't it done decades ago?

Unless people start asking such questions, India will remain incompetent, there has to accountability, people should pay for not raising a SWAT unit BEFORE terrorists could tear the city apart.
not enough; the rest 99.99% of Indian police are still sleeping for another wakeup call. What we need is a total reform from ground up. Mumbai may be extra safe, but what about rest of India? Second lightning doesnt necessarly hit same spot.
As said in the program. It is a start with a long way to go!
India is not a violent society..where u could see people brandishing kalashnikovs in public demonstrations, most of the Indians like me grew up seeing the awesome lathis, which was enough...now since the terror strikes we need more lethally armed units having swift movement..
Hope they end up doing what they were created for, unlike NSG who is guarding the likes of Mayawati, Advani, Amar Singh and others. Force 1 might be guarding Raj Thakrey.

Like this, SPG on street patrol during Rahul baba's visit to ranchi.

nothing comes close to my BIHAR POLICE...
Force One commandos undergo jungle training

Jyoti Shelar / DNA

The 212 Force One commandos, who were to be deployed on October 15 in Mumbai have been sent for a one-week crash course in jungle training. Their deployment schedule has been delayed due to the course but the authorities claim that the course was much needed to give a final touch to the commandos' training.

Force One, a commando unit for Maharashtra was conceived after the November 26, 2008 terror attack. The candidates were being trained at the SRPF grounds in Pune on the lines of India's elite combat force -- the National Security Guards (NSG).

"The commandos are being taken for jungle training and will be deployed after its culmination," said Chiranjeev Prasad, commandant, Force One refusing to comment further.

Sources from Force One said that the jungle training would be conducted in forts near Lonavla. While the officers are still in the process of finalising a location, they are considering Rajmachi, Raigad and Mahabaleshwar.

The training, to be conducted by the Maharashtra police trekking team, is aimed at sharpening the "rough edges" of the commandos, if any. They will be given intensive training in trekking and rappelling to enable them to tackle attacks in rocky and hilly areas.
"So far, the commandos were trained in room intervention and several other important tactics based on the case studies of past terror attacks in India. In this final jungle training, the commandos will be put in odd situations like firing at enemy hidden in a forest or in a rocky mountain," said an officer from Force Once.

The commandos will be trained in systemised hideout operations in the jungles and will be asked to fight in such similar situations. The unit will also be trained in tackling situations like snake bites or insect bites in the jungle. They will be given first hand knowledge about using the medicine kits for themselves and for their fellows if required.

The Force One was earlier trained by taking the case studies of the 26/11 terror strike, the Akshardham temple attack and the attack on Parliament. During the training, scenarios of these attacks were created for the commandos.

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