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Indian Super Big Navy A Real Threat to Arabs, Iran, Pakistan, China, Indonesia & Islam

India is Real Threat to All around Indian Ocean

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looks like humanjinn is the pakistani reincarnation of an indian
looks like humanjinn is the pakistani reincarnation of an indian
No, Iam Patriot Muslim Canadian Pakistani, My allegiance is to Islam and Muslims not to any Country but Since Iam born in Pakistan; I want to Wake up Pakistanis also all Arabs and Muslims from the Threat of India, NATO, US, West, Australia, Brazil, South North America, Russia, Europe and China to Islam, Arabs and Muslims; We are living in End times and very Dangerous times when Arabs and Muslims are in Real threat from the Kafirs especially India, Israil, US, Europe Crusaders Supremacist Nazis and even China and Russia, either Wake up or it will be like Syria and Iraq for Pakistan and OIL rich Arab countries:sniper: :taz::devil::chilli::bounce:
No, Iam Patriot Muslim Canadian Pakistani, My allegiance is to Islam and Muslims not to any Country but Since Iam born in Pakistan; I want to Wake up Pakistanis also all Arabs and Muslims from the Threat of India, NATO, US, West, Australia, Brazil, South North America, Russia, Europe and China to Islam, Arabs and Muslims; We are living in End times and very Dangerous times when Arabs and Muslims are in Real threat from the Kafirs especially India, Israil, US, Europe Crusaders Supremacist Nazis and even China and Russia, either Wake up or it will be like Syria and Iraq for Pakistan and OIL rich Arab countries:sniper: :taz::devil::chilli::bounce:
:disagree: *facepalm*
Iam Patriot Muslim Canadian Pakistani, My allegiance is to Islam and Muslims not to any Country

then you should know that India has 3rd largest muslim population in the world,right???you're posting some random info..lets sort them out..

India is the virtual guardian of entire IOR stretch,having 2nd most powerful Navy,while first is USA's seventh fleet.we guard waters stretched from Somalia and horns of Africa to Malacca Strait..

none of Islamic countries apart from Pakistan is hostile towards us.we've special friends among islamic countries,like UAE and Oman..

we're not conducting modern Crusades against Islam.

Pakistan is poising far greater danger for Islam as their love towards terrorism is giving Islam a bad name.

and we're not getting 2 more air craft carriers within 2017.we're getting them in 2022-2025 time frame.we'll maintain 3 CBGs..
No, Iam Patriot Muslim Canadian Pakistani, My allegiance is to Islam and Muslims not to any Country but Since Iam born in Pakistan; I want to Wake up Pakistanis also all Arabs and Muslims from the Threat of India, NATO, US, West, Australia, Brazil, South North America, Russia, Europe and China to Islam, Arabs and Muslims; We are living in End times and very Dangerous times when Arabs and Muslims are in Real threat from the Kafirs especially India, Israil, US, Europe Crusaders Supremacist Nazis and even China and Russia, either Wake up or it will be like Syria and Iraq for Pakistan and OIL rich Arab countries:sniper: :taz::devil::chilli::bounce:
lols people like you can be hypocrite only. You earn your bread and butter from Kafirs and then abuse them too. kafir country feed you so you are a kafir too. Lols
lols people like you can be hypocrite only. You earn your bread and butter from Kafirs and then abuse them too. kafir country feed you so you are a kafir too. Lols
There are Millions of Kafirs like Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddist, Jews etc. living in Muslim and Arab Countries and their Loyality also lies with their Religion and their own People! so it is not Muslims but also Kafirs who earn their bread and butter from Muslims and then abuse them too, Muslims and Muslim Arabs countries Feed them so they are Hypocrite too! :flame:
I seriously didnt understand the options in the poll, what restrictions?
You know what OP is smoking
Seems like good stuff
HAHHAHA yes,must be. 
No, Iam Patriot Muslim Canadian Pakistani, My allegiance is to Islam and Muslims not to any Country but Since Iam born in Pakistan; I want to Wake up Pakistanis also all Arabs and Muslims from the Threat of India, NATO, US, West, Australia, Brazil, South North America, Russia, Europe and China to Islam, Arabs and Muslims; We are living in End times and very Dangerous times when Arabs and Muslims are in Real threat from the Kafirs especially India, Israil, US, Europe Crusaders Supremacist Nazis and even China and Russia, either Wake up or it will be like Syria and Iraq for Pakistan and OIL rich Arab countries:sniper: :taz::devil::chilli::bounce:
So,the whole world is against Islam?
How do you know this all,are you Nostredamus?:what:
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Indians will have a very powerful military & a massive GDP to match

But they dont have the mental strength to use this muscle

Physically BIG STRONG nation but very small weak minded LEADERS.
Indians will have a very powerful military & a massive GDP to match

But they dont have the mental strength to use this muscle

Physically BIG STRONG nation but very small weak minded LEADERS.
so you mean Pakistan has strong leaders
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