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Indian students rank 2nd last in global test


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
MUMBAI: Across the world, India is seen as an education powerhouse - based largely on the reputation of a few islands of academic excellence such as the IITs. But scratch the glossy surface of our education system and the picture turns seriously bleak.

Fifteen-year-old Indians who were put, for the first time, on a global stage stood second to last, only beating Kyrgyzstan when tested on their reading, math and science abilities.

India ranked second last among the 73 countries that participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), conducted annually to evaluate education systems worldwide by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Secretariat. The survey is based on two-hour tests that half a million students are put through.

China's Shanghai province, which participated in PISA for the first time, scored the highest in reading. It also topped the charts in mathematics and science.

"More than one-quarter of Shanghai's 15 year olds demonstrated advanced mathematical thinking skills to solve complex problems, compared to an OECD average of just 3%," noted the analysis.

The states of Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, showpieces for education and development, were selected by the central government to participate in PISA, but their test results were damning.

15-yr-old Indians 200 points behind global topper

Tamil Nadu and Himachal, showpieces of India's education and development, fared miserably at the Programme for International Student Asssment, conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Secretariat.

An analysis of the performance of the two states showed:

In math, considered India's strong point, they finished second and third to last, beating only Kyrgyzstan

When the Indian students were asked to read English text, again Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh were better than only Kyrgyzstan. Girls were better than boys

The science results were the worst. Himachal Pradesh stood last, this time behind Kyrgyzstan. Tamil Nadu was slightly better and finished third from the bottom

The average 15-year-old Indian is over 200 points behind the global topper. Comparing scores, experts estimate that an Indian eighth grader is at the level of a South Korean third grader in math abilities or a second-year student from Shanghai when it comes to reading skills.

The report said: "In Himachal, 11% of students are estimated to have a proficiency in reading literacy that is at or above the baseline level needed to participate effectively and productively in life. It follows that 89% of students in Himachal are estimated to be below that baseline level."

Clearly, India will have to ramp up its efforts and get serious about what goes on in its schools. "Better educational outcomes are a strong predictor for future economic growth," OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria told The Times of India.

"While national income and educational achievement are still related, PISA shows that two countries with similar levels of prosperity can produce very different results. This shows that an image of a world divided neatly into rich and well-educated countries and poor and badly-educated countries is now out of date."

In case of scientific literacy levels in TN, students were estimated to have a mean score that was below the means of all OECD countries, but better than Himachal. Experts are unsure if selecting these two states was a good idea.

Shaheen Mistry, CEO of Teach For India programme, said, "I am glad that now there is data that lets people know how far we still have to go."

Indian students rank 2nd last in global test - The Times of India

---------- Post added at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------

oh dear me what happened here
OECD Educational Test Scores:

Pathetic and a humiliation to say the least. This clearly proves that India still did not enter the world stage.
The Education system is archaic, even when compared to that of developed countries a good 40 years ago. The test clearly shows a naked picture of Indian education system and Educationalists should seriously work on this.
Without sufficient levels of education, a demographic dividend can turn into a demographic disaster.

the thing to notice is where r we heading. i see india walking on china's foot prints. well today in every 5 yrs india is only increasing its literacy. in next 2 decades literacy in india will be 95% what its of china today. now u can bring the demographic dividend statistics. :)

and it is very corrupt.......

and it is very corrupt.......

yes it sucks big time. but i wud say, its not bout corruption. its bout how much has it evolved. with time and economy, it will only evolve.
Top 10 Countries in the OECD Global Achievment Tests for 2010

Global Academic Testing 1980 - 2010

In examining the results of academic achievement tests administered worldwide to high school students at age 15, I first noticed South Korea's advancement and overtaking the Number One slot on the Top 10 List in 1986. South Korea remained high in the Top 10 for many years.

Since that time, the tests have been reconstructed. They are currently called, since 2000, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development tests and are administered to the youth of 65 (currently) counties only once every three years. In early December 2010, the results for the 2009 testing round were reported to the media.

These international tests of the Earth's 15-year-olds showed something interesting in 2009 results. Shanghai - China is the a city and, with its surrounds taken as a region or a separate economy from the rest of China, home to the youth that scored highest in all three subjects of the academic areas of the assessment, beating every other country.

Shanghai scored highest in Overall Reading, Mathematics, and Science. Hong Kong - China (another city-region) scored either 3rd or 4th in each of these subjects, gaining further recognition for Chinese education. These two regions are in the Top 5 highest-scring countries in all three areas of assessment.

Japan is no longer at the top of these achievement lists, scoring 8th in Reading, 9th in Mathematics, and 5th in Science among 65 countries. South Korea is also no longer at the top of academic achievement in 2010, but its youth scored 2nd in Reading, 4th in Mathematics, and 6th in Science. Maths and Science scores for S. Korea are not as high on the international lists of top achieving countries as they were in the mid- to late 1980s.

China, at least specific regions, is advancing beyond all other countries. However, high achievers among all youth tested are predemoninantly located around the Pacific Rim, with a few in Europe and a a cohort in Canada. Canada is the only country in the Western Hemisphere to reach the Top 10 List. (see maps below).

The reference link just below this paragraph provides a full report of the statistics among the 65 countries that took part in these achievement tests. The United States youth scored average or below average in most of the categories of achievement.

OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Are students well prepared for future challenges? Can they analyse, reason and communicate effectively? Do they have the capacity to continue learning throughout life? The OECD Programme for International ...

Top 10 Countries in Reading

Reading as a subject is broken down into 5 additional categories. The Overall Reading scores place the following countries in the Top 10.
2.S. Korea
4.Hong Kong-China
7.New Zealand

Top 10 Countries in the OECD Global Achievment Tests for 2010
the thing to notice is where r we heading. i see india walking on china's foot prints. well today in every 5 yrs india is only increasing its literacy. in next 2 decades literacy in india will be 95% what its of china today. now u can bring the demographic dividend statistics. :)

India today already has one of the largest populations of young people in the world, except perhaps China.

But India's nominal GDP output is still lower than that of Britain, even though Britain has only 60 million people (and most of them are old).

So the demographic dividend is not being used very well.
India today already has one of the largest populations of young people in the world, except perhaps China.

But India's nominal GDP output is still lower than that of Britain, even though Britain has only 60 million people (and most of them are old).

So the demographic dividend is not being used very well.

thats what i say, current scenario isnt appreciating. i would like to bring this demographic dividend thing after 2 decades. we understand after 2 decades, china wont be what its today in terms of average age. afterall, world will need youngsters to their type of work. with growing entrprenuership and literacy, i presume india will be the biggest expertise exporters. you will see indians in almost every country in some good positions.

well, i hope you understand soft power, demographic influence in any country, etc mean something to add to a country's global standing.

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