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Indian student brutally attacked in Germany

Doesn't seem as if you are talking about any present day radicals.....religion is a touchy subject...don't push it. !!

They are same be it al quaeda or medieval terrorist , hating infidels to core , killing massacring and converting them .
Ok, the followers of the religion of peace are at it again. Is that better?
Note that they always say "islam took so and so places to new heights", islambrought prosperity and so on all the time. When its something negative, its not the religion's fault.
Again its based on interpretation. I will stop here as it will turn into religious discussion.

That Indian was stupid. 2 vs 1 at night and threatening you. **** I would have run. Looks like Indians aren't so smart after all. :rofl:
They attacked him from behind and again you are generalizing. I just don't want to generalize Pakistanis based on your posts.
That Indian was stupid. 2 vs 1 at night and threatening you. **** I would have run. Looks like Indians aren't so smart after all. :rofl:

and you are very smart.ur economy grows faster than us.and u r poised to become the 3rd largest economy by 2050 with a gdp 16 times that of india.
oooo!wait a minute or is it the other way around?
maybe u can answer smart guy.
neo nazi islamophobic element attacking non muslim asian in the name of Islam... One shot two kill! Yeah makes sense!
Its still there. :cry:

Forced conversion in Germany. :lol:

Oh please at least think before you write a crap story. :lol:
and you guys are very smart.ur economy grows faster than us.and u r poised to become the 3rd largest economy by 2050 with a gdp 16 times that of india.
oooo!wait a minute or is it the other way around?
maybe u can answer smart guy.

Who gives a **** about your economy?

Obviously the Indian economy didn't help this bharti from getting beat up.
Conspiracy theories are made by people who live in denial.So,even after they prove it,Their will still be conspiracy theories.:P
Some times I think why Pakistani movie makers don't start making films on these conspiracy theories. They will surely be super duper hit. :D

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