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Indian Stealth Bomber No Longer a Secret

Just that the "American" designs are based on German designs from the Horton aircrafts. The similarity comes from similar development aims wrt reduce the RCS and besides that this is still might not be an official graphic, most UCAVs that are currently under developments have the same similarties, since they are developed with the same aims again. Even most stealth fighters share similar shapings, while the changes come from different requirements again (single or twin engine, designed to be a strike fighter mainly (F35), or for air combats (F22), designed to have long range (Pak Fa / FGFA, possibly J20), or simply beeing a lighter stealth fighter for point defence roles, like some Swedish or S. Korean designs. But with the main aim of a very low RCS, there MUST be similarities and with the same aims of UCAVs, their design will be more than similar as well, no matter if US, Russian, Chinese, European, or Indian.
take a pic of the B-2 and Horton, compare. Similar...in that both are flying wings (in the way that a F-18 and F-15 are "similar" in having twin tail, two engine design). Take the image posted here , hold it next to a US stealth drone...exact same....down to the US style bomb image.
@Oscar @Aeronaut @WebMaster @nuclearpak please take care of this troll.

The truth make you mad? The Wright brothers designed, built, and flew the first airplane, which was copied by all subsequent plane designs. And it was an American design. What part of the truth you don't like?

India is a known corrupted state. Corruptions have been caught and documented in many military projects. This new project will attract corruption again. What part of the truth you don't like?
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take a pic of the B-2 and Horton, compare. Similar...in that both are flying wings (in the way that a F-18 and F-15 are "similar" in having twin tail, two engine design). Take the image posted here , hold it next to a US stealth drone...exact same....down to the US style bomb image.

Hey dim wit, I am seriously annoyed by your senseless and reason-less comments.
Being an Asian I can spank ur whity *** saying all ur explosives, rockets and bombs are copy of Chinese-Indian Chemists co notions called "Black Powder". The rockets used by all ur armed forces dose the same task ,look same and works same as the rockets used by Tipu Sultan of India.

And to finish this for once and for all, all ur digital works starting from the device u are reading this post to the computers keeping those 3 letter acronym-ed planes floating in air all use digital interfaces which speaks language of "0 - 1", where u all copied Indian mathematician "Aryabhatta".

Now once u sort all these out, then come and show us what we do. But first get rid of all those things which we Asians have given u then come and comment what u have just said.

@Moderators: Can u pls take care of such dimwits, dud-heads.
kṣamā;3791398 said:
Hey dim wit, I am seriously annoyed by your senseless and reason-less comments.
Being an Asian I can spank ur whity *** saying all ur explosives, rockets and bombs are copy of Chinese-Indian Chemists co notions called "Black Powder". The rockets used by all ur armed forces dose the same task ,look same and works same as the rockets used by Tipu Sultan of India.

And to finish this for once and for all, all ur digital works starting from the device u are reading this post to the computers keeping those 3 letter acronym-ed planes floating in air all use digital interfaces which speaks language of "0 - 1", where u all copied Indian mathematician "Aryabhatta".

Now once u sort all these out, then come and show us what we do. But first get rid of all those things which we Asians have given u then come and comment what u have just said.

@Moderators: Can u pls take care of such dimwits, dud-heads.

Chinese might invented the gun powder and India the digit '0'. But these are ancient inventions. US set the pace for aerospace and defense innovation. All others are trying to catch up as fast as they can.

But don't be shameful of copying American innovations. You want to copy the best. And its shameful to reinvent the wheel.
Chinese might invented the gun powder and India the digit '0'. But these are ancient inventions. US set the pace for aerospace and defense innovation. All others are trying to catch up as fast as they can.

But don't be shameful of copying American innovations. You want to copy the best. And its shameful to reinvent the wheel.

@allguyslikeu: U ppl really need to revisit your fluid dynamics class. And after you do so again revisit ur class on "Low drag bodies". These two classes would explain how conventional wisdom dictates this field.
Chinese might invented the gun powder and India the digit '0'. But these are ancient inventions. US set the pace for aerospace and defense innovation. All others are trying to catch up as fast as they can.

But don't be shameful of copying American innovations. You want to copy the best. And its shameful to reinvent the wheel.

America what ??? do you know , the first unmanned flight of any aircraft was done in INDIA , the designs and everything of which were stolen by british . first demonstration of wireless by Dr.C.V.Raman in INDIA , who was denied recognition for same and his work stolen but anyhow got nobel prize in physics for his other research outside INDIA uninfluenced by British . and as our colleagues mentioned TIPU SULATAN's use of rocket artillary , photos of which are gracing NASA space centers . don't puff up because you don't know jiltch about INDIA .
At least India know how to copy. At least in CGI. Good for India.

not better than china:)

Chinese might invented the gun powder and India the digit '0'. But these are ancient inventions. US set the pace for aerospace and defense innovation. All others are trying to catch up as fast as they can.

But don't be shameful of copying American innovations. You want to copy the best. And its shameful to reinvent the wheel.

china is way ahead than india in reverse engineering:china:
just hot air cgi. not copy. you guys are giving em too much credit. drDoDo have yet to make a working rifle or a basic jet trainer. forget this. this project is just an excuse to steal money. nothing more..:lol:
just hot air cgi. not copy. you guys are giving em too much credit. drDoDo have yet to make a working rifle or a basic jet trainer. forget this. this project is just an excuse to steal money. nothing more..:lol:

Who knows CGI's better than a chinese ????..........:lol:
Flying wing designs go back much further, there were many before Horten.

True, but the Horten 229 was the first aircraft designed and developed to avoid radar detection, therefor the flying wing design, new materials, coatings, internal weapon bays were used, which all are the basic features of any stealth bomber that was developed after it!
The US developed their stealth bombers after getting their hands on these aircrafts and all modern UCAVs designs are still based on these design and tech features. That's why it's not surprising why the most stealth UCAVs looks similar and why your fellow countrymen is wrong about both, India copying anything here, or the design beeing US based.
True, but the Horten 229 was the first aircraft designed and developed to avoid radar detection, therefor the flying wing design, new materials, coatings, internal weapon bays were used, which all are the basic features of any stealth bomber that was developed after it!
The US developed their stealth bombers after getting their hands on these aircrafts and all modern UCAVs designs are still based on these design and tech features. That's why it's not surprising why the most stealth UCAVs looks similar and why your fellow countrymen is wrong about both, India copying anything here, or the design beeing US based.

Sancho, the Horten RCS reduction was achieved by the use of wood air frame, charcoal and saw dust. Even so, the Germans only succeded in achieving an RCS reduction equal to a WWII fighter aircraft like Spitfire or Mustang. The flying wing design is ideal for long range endurance and internal space for plenty of extra fuel and bombs, the Germans hoped the Horten bomber could be used to bomb factories in mainland US to stop US war supplies to Russia and Britan.It is for this reason many prefer this design. These benefits were known to the aviation community long before Horten.
Indians cannot ever take some criticism. They get all high and mighty once you point out a truth and even when somebody is on their side they lash out. :lol: :rolleyes:
Sancho, the Horten RCS reduction was achieved by the use of wood air frame, charcoal and saw dust.

So what? It's still the first stealth aircraft and that was the point, since that was not developed by the US!

the Germans hoped the Horten bomber could be used to bomb factories in mainland US to stop US war supplies to Russia and Britan.

Wrong, the Horton brothers have aimed on later versions which were bigger and more capable to use them as strategic bombers, but the reason for the development in general was, that most of the German bombers and fighters were shot down before they reached the UK, since they were detected by radar even when they were at the other side of the Canal. The Germans developed several different systems to attack UK, from bombers, the V2 rockets (base of US rocket program btw) to long range artillery, but none of them proved to be effective in that time, that's why these first stealth fighters / bombers were developed.

It is for this reason many prefer this design. These benefits were known to the aviation community long before Horten.
As I said, that's true, but only for the aircraft requirements in that early time! The Germans searched for a design that has benefits to avoid radar detection and that's where a flat design, without many external payloads or shapes that reflects has many benefits. If just range would have been important, they could have designed a flying wing with the engines below or above the wing and external payloads as well, but that's was not the case, since range was only a secondary requirement.
With a less crazy leader and the Japanese not forcing the US into the war, the Germans would have won, since they were technologically far superior than most other countries and even today defence developments benefits from developments back than.

However, back to topic!
Everyone the XB-35.


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