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Indian Stealth Bomber No Longer a Secret

when it comes to military technology and national security, every nation is in a race and even in peacetime we do whatever we can to catch up to our enemies.

but it is pointless to debate with an indian. after all, chinese and indians are different biologically: we have two eyes above our nose and between our ears to look forward, and we see far ahead to predict and prevent future troubles. indians' eyes grow on the top of their scalp and they can only see anglo-saxon hands calmly and paternally patting their heads and telling them not to worry about the future and just buy weapons from white people.

it is too unfair to criticize the indians for anything.

Typically warped chinese racist views. Looking at everything from a 19th century anthropologist's perspective. Funny how you people expect to be treated like equals when you migrate to the west while you spout racist trash. /rant
Anyway, the reason why India deals with the west and Russia at the same time is to contain China(and consequently it's tech-handout receiver - Pakistan). It's the same reason why Japan, Vietnam, the Phillipines have all invited Americans to base their aircraft in their territory. Asia knows how belligerant and dangerous China is to the region. So I don't get why you're trashing India for doing the sensible thing?

Sorry for the off-topic post though.
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