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Indian state bans beef, introduces jail time for possession

there is ban on eggs in schools in madhya pradesh plus rajasthan also i think... it is against the rights of students to have a nutritious food in a increasingly enforced vegetarian environment.

Would a muslim like his son eating or fed pork or dog meat or anything thats offends there religions beliefs and that to because kid could not differentiate between kind of foods offered. Thus in order to ensure that someones beliefs are not hurt it simple that you keep that as private affair and not make it public.
there are plenty of other nutritious substitutes available.
Would a muslim like his son eating or fed pork or dog meat or anything thats offends there religions beliefs and that to because kid could not differentiate between kind of foods offered. Thus in order to ensure that someones beliefs are not hurt it simple that you keep that as private affair and not make it public.
there are plenty of other nutritious substitutes available.
They are special, dont you know that ? Even the most secular one will do jehad at slightest of offence.
Here is member in the previous page who is saying that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus and Muslims feel offensive about us Hindus as we Hindus worship Idols. Is that true ?

Well not quite. Why not ask him the proper question first. Ask him on behalf of which brand of Islam does he speak because last time I checked there are a dozens.

It is like if I go to my local superstore and I ask the lady "Can I have porridge please" We all know what porridge is. It is simple porridge, right?

She will ask "Which porridge?" I will say "Porridge"? She will get frustrated and say " Do you want Morningflake Porridge, Scotts Porridge, Quaker Porridge or Jordans Porridge"?

My answer is no Islam is not intolerant to any faith but then I am only spokesman for my brand. You better ask other brands also.





Definition of brand "a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product"

Free Health Advice: Porridge is good for you. It is nutrious, cheap, easy and filling. It has the go and vitality so don't forget porridge a day keeps the doctor away. Any brand will do but please if you support one brand don't kill lovers of other brands.
Well not quite. Why not ask him the proper question first. Ask him on behalf of which brand of Islam does he speak because last time I checked there are a dozens.

It is like if I go to my local superstore and I ask the lady "Can I have porridge please" We all know what porridge is. It is simple porridge, right?

She will ask "Which porridge?" I will say "Porridge"? She will get frustrated and say " Do you want Morningflake Porridge, Scotts Porridge, Quaker Porridge or Jordans Porridge"?

My answer is no Islam is not intolerant to any faith but then I am only spokesman for my brand. You better ask other brands also.





Definition of brand "a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product"

Free Health Advice: Porridge is good for you. It is nutrious, cheap, easy and filling. It has the go and vitality so don't forget porridge a day keeps the doctor away. Any brand will do but please if you support one brand don't kill lovers of other brands.
Ok. I got the answer. I have reported his post for spreading wrong image of Islam. I have even Quoted his post too. May be in his brand of Islam its offensive.
Stop trolling and stay on topic.

You can not impose your religious ideas on the minorities and still call yourself secular.
Declare yourself "Hindu Republic of whatever" and ban whatever you want to for poor minorities.

Period !!

If we can allow aazans over loud speakers, if we can allow baakra id then we can also put a ban on cow slaughters.
When you leave in a family there is always some compromises done to adjust happiness of all.
1. Same here. Just learning from Muslims how to protest just like the way they have protested in case of Charlie Hebdo.
2. Same here. We are learning from Muslims what respect is, that means drink alcohol in International flights which violates basic rules of Islam and do Jihad.

:) Good . BTW in majority Muslim countries including Pakistan if you are a non-Muslim you can drink freely

3. Indian Parliaments will do it. We were in learning process from other Muslim countries. It will take time.

The problem with India is that you guys have to put up a fake secularism face to the world hence i doubt if Indian parliament would be able to pass such a law in near future

4. Same here. When an art loving person draws some cartoons of holy figures, he/she does it to fulfill his or her natural, normal need for pleasure and creativity NOT as an insult, but slaughtering cows in a particular day in thousands is all together a different thing.

Sorry your argument holds no weight here an art loving person will draw something that is art and not draw insulting images of the Holy personalities of the one of the biggest religions.

If you insist then do you also consider similar compaign by a magazine wherein they depicted ganesha in offensive poses ? do you think it was love for art? NO i dont think so it was love for art

Ask them not us. You can say that it is similar to those hardcore muslims who oppose construction of Hindu temples in their countries.

They are your government officials :). As far as Muslim countries well they dont mince words they have clear laws, India should also have

Would a muslim like his son eating or fed pork or dog meat or anything thats offends there religions beliefs and that to because kid could not differentiate between kind of foods offered. Thus in order to ensure that someones beliefs are not hurt it simple that you keep that as private affair and not make it public.
there are plenty of other nutritious substitutes available.

:lol: we wont eat it because of the hygiene issues and these are called haram forbidden to eat in Islam rather any animal that eats shit and rotten dirt well we do not eat it simple as that crows included :laugh:

pigs are not holy for us but dirty dogs are not holy for us but dirty that is why we dont eat them

Stupid offensive post
A sentence started with small letter ? you dont have guts to show the entire post do you ? he he he. MIT troll reported for trolling.

Whole of your post was quoted. Learn to read first and then write.

Either show the post in this thread where a member writes "..that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus" ..

or stop spreading false propaganda. It is not Times of India.
:) Good . BTW in majority Muslim countries including Pakistan if you are a non-Muslim you can drink freely

The problem with India is that you guys have to put up a fake secularism face to the world hence i doubt if Indian parliament would be able to pass such a law in near future

Sorry your argument holds no weight here an art loving person will draw something that is art and not draw insulting images of the Holy personalities of the one of the biggest religions.

If you insist then do you also consider similar compaign by a magazine wherein they depicted ganesha in offensive poses ? do you think it was love for art? NO i dont think so it was love for art

They are your government officials :). As far as Muslim countries well they dont mince words they have clear laws, India should also have
1. Sorry in any of the muslim countries you mentioned, drawing cartoon of holy figures is prohibited and punishable. We are learning this now slowly. will take time.
2. In one hand you are saying that beef eating is a food habit and nothing to do with religion and other hand you are saying that banning it is equivalent to communal. So you are confused.
3. Drawing cartoon of religious figures of your is offensive to you. So is cow slaughter to us. So both should be banned or there should be no ban on anything.
4. If cow slaughter is mandatory in Islam then banning of cow slaughter would have been anti-secular. so answer me this question, whether COW SLAUGHTER IS MANDATORY IN ISLAM OR NOT ?
Then I will answer the ban will be anti secular or not.

By the way depicting Ganesha in cartoons, Depicting your Prophet in Cartoons, Satanic Verses and Cow slaughter, all are equally offensive to us. That is why we banned all of them.

Whole of your post was quoted. Learn to read first and then write.

Either show the post in this thread where a member writes "..that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus" ..

or stop spreading false propaganda. It is not Times of India.
Liar. already quoted it. he he he he. you are lying. I have even reported it for spreading wrong image of Islam.
Well not quite. Why not ask him the proper question first. Ask him on behalf of which brand of Islam does he speak because last time I checked there are a dozens.

It is like if I go to my local superstore and I ask the lady "Can I have porridge please" We all know what porridge is. It is simple porridge, right?

She will ask "Which porridge?" I will say "Porridge"? She will get frustrated and say " Do you want Morningflake Porridge, Scotts Porridge, Quaker Porridge or Jordans Porridge"?

My answer is no Islam is not intolerant to any faith but then I am only spokesman for my brand. You better ask other brands also.





Definition of brand "a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product"

Free Health Advice: Porridge is good for you. It is nutrious, cheap, easy and filling. It has the go and vitality so don't forget porridge a day keeps the doctor away. Any brand will do but please if you support one brand don't kill lovers of other brands.

He is just trolling for the sake of it.

Ask him to show the post where a member writes in this thread " ..that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus".

If he can not, he should apologize and stop trolling immediately.
:) Good . BTW in majority Muslim countries including Pakistan if you are a non-Muslim you can drink freely

The problem with India is that you guys have to put up a fake secularism face to the world hence i doubt if Indian parliament would be able to pass such a law in near future

Sorry your argument holds no weight here an art loving person will draw something that is art and not draw insulting images of the Holy personalities of the one of the biggest religions.

If you insist then do you also consider similar compaign by a magazine wherein they depicted ganesha in offensive poses ? do you think it was love for art? NO i dont think so it was love for art

They are your government officials :). As far as Muslim countries well they dont mince words they have clear laws, India should also have

:lol: we wont eat it because of the hygiene issues and these are called haram forbidden to eat in Islam rather any animal that eats shit and rotten dirt well we do not eat it simple as that crows included :laugh:

pigs are not holy for us but dirty dogs are not holy for us but dirty that is why we dont eat them

Stupid offensive post

What is offensive about it ?
I am just trying to highlight what will be missed in their menu.

I don't get offended watching pork based cookery all day on TV,

Had i posted the slaughter videos and pictures from Eid
that would have been offensive.
Its a good step. Cow slaughter must be banned in India.

Why stop at cows ? What about vegetarian food ? What about the eggs, chicken, goats, sheep, fishes, sea food ? India should end fishing since fish meat also kills life !
Whole of your post was quoted. Learn to read first and then write.

Either show the post in this thread where a member writes "..that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus" ..

or stop spreading false propaganda. It is not Times of India.
Again this i a general statement. Show with verse that Idol worshiping of Hindus are an Insult to Islam and dont speak for Jews and Christians. Then I will comment. Because what you are claiming will confirm that Islam is not tolerant towards other religions. And then I will ask others here too. You have mentioned it is written in Quran that " For you , your religion and for me mine. ".So tell the truth whether according to Islam and your Holy books Idol worshiping of Hindus are a Insult or not .

That is the original Quote. By the way as @Atanz said which brand of Islam you are following.
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Would a muslim like his son eating or fed pork or dog meat or anything thats offends there religions beliefs and that to because kid could not differentiate between kind of foods offered. Thus in order to ensure that someones beliefs are not hurt it simple that you keep that as private affair and not make it public.
there are plenty of other nutritious substitutes available.

your point is taken.

but problem is milk and banana is hard to come by in government-arranged school meals... what they provide, solely in the noon, is rice with dal or even worse, sambar... dal is fine but if it would have been made with brinjal ( north indian style ) and with potato ( bengal style ), along with tea... additionally ensuring that parents are given allowance for giving their children banana with milk and corn flakes in the morning... otherwise, the whole exercise is pointless.

also, csir ( council for scientific and industrial research ) should have asked its food research laboratory to research on artificial milk, meat and eggs, because protein is important... this way, cultural sentiments would have been respected as well as nutrition-for-present-and-future would have been ensured.

by the way, i will formuate soon reply to your long post on page 7.
What is offensive about it ?
I am just trying to highlight what will be missed in their menu.

I don't get offended watching pork based cookery all day on TV,

Had i posted the slaughter videos and pictures from Eid
that would have been offensive.
Did you get offended by watching Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad ? Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad to you is equal to Cow slaughter to us.

Why stop at cows ? What about vegetarian food ? What about the eggs, chicken, goats, sheep, fishes, sea food ? India should end fishing since fish meat also kills life !
They are not sacred in Hinduism. Cow is sacred. So people can eat them but not beef.
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That is the original Quote. By the way as @Atnaz said which brand of Islam you are following.

You have still not shown the post number on this thread where a member writes: " ..that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus"

In your next post do point to that post before we can discuss it further. Or just stop lying, trolling and spreading fanatic hindu propaganda. It is not Times of India.
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