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Indian state bans beef, introduces jail time for possession

Let it be known I utterly respect India or any Indian state that bans beef/meat. May all of India, every blessed square inch of it go "meat free" zone.

Let us start campaign [HASHTAG]#IndiaMeat[/HASHTAG] FreeZone
Here is member in the previous page who is saying that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus and Muslims feel offensive about us Hindus as we Hindus worship Idols. Is that true ?
Images are forbidden as object of worship. But not as an art work.

You are wrong. Do a bit of basic research on net. Christianity believe in one god, but idols of Christ and Mary are not art work. People pray before them.
3.. If you consider a cow ban is justified then why your Indian Parliament fails to intact a law in this regard/

State subject. Centre cannot interfere. The constitution explicitly allows for such a ban

3. When non-Hindu eat cow meat they are doing it to fulfill a natural, normal need for food NOT as an Insult whereas when you or for that matter French and danish or anyone depict our Prophet offensively that is altogether a different thing

You can not compare a normal eating habit with an abnormal hate provocative action by French and others.

Comparison is based on the act of causing offense. Many Hindus can be offended by the insistence of Muslims to slaughter cows just as Muslims are offended by the insistence of some to draw cartoons. Muslims won't be accepting the world's lack of appreciation to their being offended & Hindus might feel similarly.

You cannot argue that what offends you is somehow of a more serious nature than what offends others. Either take no offense or allow others to their viewpoints on the matter.
Only cows are special

Other animals are just animals ; Cow is a HOLY living creature

Then Indian Hindus should remove this fake concern called cruelty against animals catch phrase when they talk about ban on cow meat.
Yes & no. When freedom of expression is limited because it offends Muslims, is it not equally an imposition of minority will over a majority? This is a thin edge, you could argue both ways. It is well understood that India is not a conventional secular state like the likes of France.

In fact the founding fathers were very aware that while they stood for tolerance & the equal rights of all individuals, the provisions that they made allowing for a certain entry of religion into the business of state (both Hindu & non-Hindu) and that it wasn't reconcilable with the then common definition of secularism, they did not consider India to be a secular state like the European countries and avoided calling the country secular even though they did their best to give equal rights to all. Consequently, the constitution of 1950 had many clauses that were secular in nature but the preamble defining the state did not include the word. That was introduced by the Indira Gandhi government in the mid 1970's when the Indian definition of secularism had been better developed (also for political reasons) and when the courts had pronounced on the inviolability of India's secular nature.

Please stop mixing freedom of expression in this particular case where a majority wants to enforce its religious ideas upon others and still wants to call that country secular.

Freedom of expression is limited everywhere.

No one can be allowed to publish cartoons, movies or whatever to promote hatred, child pornography or violence.
State subject. Centre cannot interfere. The constitution explicitly allows for such a ban

Comparison is based on the act of causing offense. Many Hindus can be offended by the insistence of Muslims to slaughter cows just as Muslims are offended by the insistence of some to draw cartoons. Muslims won't be accepting the world's lack of appreciation to their being offended & Hindus might feel similarly.

You cannot argue that what offends you is somehow of a more serious nature than what offends others. Either take no offense or allow others to their viewpoints on the matter.

on the one hand is basic human need on the other is pure religious bias and hate at work. So no it

Lets look at it this way, Muslims around the world can protest against the offensive drive against Islam or our Prophet but Hindus can not protest cow slaughter around the world why?
1. we do not impose ban on that in their country not even in India. We use our right to protest their offensive and insults they throw at our Prophet (PBUH).

If anyone insults Jesus(PBUH) or David (PBUH) even then we would stand up against this insulting drive.

2. We stand for respect to our Prophet (PBUH) across the world and do not mince our words or act otherwise unlike Indian Hindus who sell cows but at the same time want others not to eat beef.

3.. If you consider a cow ban is justified then why your Indian Parliament fails to intact a law in this regard/

3. When non-Hindu eat cow meat they are doing it to fulfill a natural, normal need for food NOT as an Insult whereas when you or for that matter French and danish or anyone depict our Prophet offensively that is altogether a different thing.

You can not compare a normal eating habit with an abnormal hate provocative action by French and others
1. Same here. Just learning from Muslims how to protest just like the way they have protested in case of Charlie Hebdo.
2. Same here. We are learning from Muslims what respect is, that means drink alcohol in International flights which violates basic rules of Islam and do Jihad.
3. Indian Parliaments will do it. We were in learning process from other Muslim countries. It will take time.
4. Same here. When an art loving person draws some cartoons of holy figures, he/she does it to fulfill his or her natural, normal need for pleasure and creativity NOT as an insult, but slaughtering cows in a particular day in thousands is all together a different thing.

:) then why some hardcore pure Hindus opposed eggs for kids in schools in a part of India?
Ask them not us. You can say that it is similar to those hardcore muslims who oppose construction of Hindu temples in their countries.
Here is member in the previous page who is saying that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus and Muslims feel offensive about us Hindus as we Hindus worship Idols. Is that true ?

Point to the post on the previous page in this thread where a member writes

"that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus"

Go ahead, you have all the time.

PS. Troll reported.
Please stop mixing freedom of expression in this particular case where a majority wants to enforce its religious ideas upon others and still wants to call that country secular.

Freedom of expression is limited everywhere.

No one can be allowed to publish cartoons, movies or whatever to promote hatred, child pornography or violence.

It is not about freedom of expression alone. The points raised by you on violence, child pornography etc are secular in nature, i.e. not connected to any religion alone. When restrictions are sought based on the principle of religious feelings getting hurt, then it should only be fair that such an accommodation be also shown towards other religions by those so offended in other matters.

Many places also impose restrictions on slaughter & consumption of some meat or the others. while the Chinese may love their dog meat, many others won't be joining them. There are cultural reasons why many people don't eat dogs, cats, donkeys etc. Some eat horses, others don't. There is no reason why cows cannot be put on that list in a cultural frame like India's. Not like there is any insistence on the rest of the world following suit.
Point to the post on the previous page in this thread where a member writes

"that Islam is intolerant towards Hindus"

Go ahead, you have all the time.

PS. Troll reported.
A sentence started with small letter ? you dont have guts to show the entire post do you ? he he he. MIT troll reported for trolling.
Any beef related threads are the most active threads in PDF.......
on the one hand is basic human need on the other is pure religious bias and hate at work. So no it

There is no specific basic need (eating cows) , the need to express oneself is as much a basic need to some. Food to the soul may be as important to some as food to the stomach

Lets look at it this way, Muslims around the world can protest against the offensive drive against Islam or our Prophet but Hindus can not protest cow slaughter around the world why?

Hindus can, they might just not be interested in imposing their views elsewhere.
Worshiping idols by anyone, Hindu, Martian, Klingon is offensive to Muslims, Christians and Jews.

BUT it is still tolerated

There are however some countries, which have embedded religion into their constitution and might even ban it.

But according to my knowledge in no secular country with majority Muslims, Christians, Jews the worship of Idols by Hindus is banned.

The same way we would expect that a country like India, which "proudly" calls itself a secular country, should not enforce the majority religion's ideas on minorities. At least not as long as she wants to call her secular.

See what this member is saying about Islam. He is saying that Muslims get offense when Hindus worship Idols. Is it true ?
@Irfan Baloch @waz

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