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Indian Special Forces

I'll probably do that which is annoying because the song that is causing all this WMG fuss is really appropriate to this video.

@Koovie, you've seen the vid right? Any suggestions about what song to replace the first song with?

Let's just pretend this never happened, I realise I was being incredibly stupid now :tsk:
Something more harder? ^^

I actually found the first song quite fitting. The second one was kinda too soft
I don't like the fact that we are aping the outfit of the special forces of the West...why does the uniform have to be black..its not very practical in the Indian heat...especially if the special forces are deployed in the sun all day..they will literally cook.
I don't like the fact that we are aping the outfit of the special forces of the West...why does the uniform have to be black..its not very practical in the Indian heat...especially if the special forces are deployed in the sun all day..they will literally cook.
They wear black so that they dont stick out like sore thumbs.
How does that work? I agree at night, black will act as a camo, but SF also have to conduct operations during daylight hours.
How does that work? I agree at night, black will act as a camo, but SF also have to conduct operations during daylight hours.
Afaik they color code their uniform according to the places they 're going to enter, like you will see SPG wearing beige at times and at other times grey.


I don't like the fact that we are aping the outfit of the special forces of the West...why does the uniform have to be black..its not very practical in the Indian heat...especially if the special forces are deployed in the sun all day..they will literally cook.
Which units are you referring to?

Today i got in touch with my friend whose pictures i posted last year(Ex RR/Ghatak guy).

So while asking him about the problems in INSAS i like always asked him about when he is planning to go for the probation period of PARA SF.We started talking about SF when he raised the topic of Vikas unit(he called it that).

I asked him about his interaction with any members he said last year while he was in Jammu he happened to meet 2 guys unusually dressed at the lunch table.(they were not wearing the ribbons and there were no epaulettes)

He went closer to them and asked them..Buddy,Why didnt you wear the ribbons?

One of those guys replied..Is that a problem?

He said..No,I am just curious because i cant guess if you are a officer or a jawan.

Then the guy said..No,we are from Vikas Unit and went away.

He dint have a clue what it was and i also used to ask him about SFF and SG which no one knows exists.

He says he then called up his friend in Para and asked them about Vikas Unit and finally came to know what it was.

Months later he was traveling to a location in the Himalayas(cant disclose it) when he came across guys carrying out drills but looking very different than the normal guys.He asked the Gate sentry if the guys are PARA but the sentry replied...No it is the Vikas unit.

He says less than 1% of the regular Army knows about Vikas Unit.It is not known as the SFF in the Army.

I asked him about the need to have a unit like this when the PARA SF exists but he didnt give a clear answer and said wait for 10 more years and you would know.(he was joking as he has 10 years left in the Army).

But he said that Vikas unit has a war time primary purpose and a secondary purpose.It is doing its secondary purpose but the primary purpose is such that the unit rightfully exists.

I asked him what purpose does PARA SF serve then and he says PARA SF is for special missions and that too for mostly on the Pak border.And then i said what about Vikas unit and he says i am sharing too much and changed the topic.

This guy is a soldier and does not have access to top secret info.His views(what he shared) are based on his interaction with PARA SF guys(he made friends with in Kashmir).

But what i can guess is that there is some secret base where Vikas unit is stationed(obviously) and there is a secret base where PHANTOMs are sent(as we know)...SO,there is the mother of all SF base in India comprising of NSG,SG and PARA SF.(or others)

Secondly,what i felt like is that the Vikas unit is trained for some high value targets but in a smaller team in a conventional war.

Whats your take?

Today i got in touch with my friend whose pictures i posted last year(Ex RR/Ghatak guy).

So while asking him about the problems in INSAS i like always asked him about when he is planning to go for the probation period of PARA SF.We started talking about SF when he raised the topic of Vikas unit(he called it that).

I asked him about his interaction with any members he said last year while he was in Jammu he happened to meet 2 guys unusually dressed at the lunch table.(they were not wearing the ribbons and there were no epaulettes)

He went closer to them and asked them..Buddy,Why didnt you wear the ribbons?

One of those guys replied..Is that a problem?

He said..No,I am just curious because i cant guess if you are a officer or a jawan.

Then the guy said..No,we are from Vikas Unit and went away.

He dint have a clue what it was and i also used to ask him about SFF and SG which no one knows exists.

He says he then called up his friend in Para and asked them about Vikas Unit and finally came to know what it was.

Months later he was traveling to a location in the Himalayas(cant disclose it) when he came across guys carrying out drills but looking very different than the normal guys.He asked the Gate sentry if the guys are PARA but the sentry replied...No it is the Vikas unit.

He says less than 1% of the regular Army knows about Vikas Unit.It is not known as the SFF in the Army.

I asked him about the need to have a unit like this when the PARA SF exists but he didnt give a clear answer and said wait for 10 more years and you would know.(he was joking as he has 10 years left in the Army).

But he said that Vikas unit has a war time primary purpose and a secondary purpose.It is doing its secondary purpose but the primary purpose is such that the unit rightfully exists.

I asked him what purpose does PARA SF serve then and he says PARA SF is for special missions and that too for mostly on the Pak border.And then i said what about Vikas unit and he says i am sharing too much and changed the topic.

This guy is a soldier and does not have access to top secret info.His views(what he shared) are based on his interaction with PARA SF guys(he made friends with in Kashmir).

But what i can guess is that there is some secret base where Vikas unit is stationed(obviously) and there is a secret base where PHANTOMs are sent(as we know)...SO,there is the mother of all SF base in India comprising of NSG,SG and PARA SF.(or others)

Secondly,what i felt like is that the Vikas unit is trained for some high value targets but in a smaller team in a conventional war.

Whats your take?
I don't know what more I can add bro. The Vikas unit (Special Group) are operating in Kashmir this is a fact. What they are doing in the state is less clear but It's fair to assume it is clandestine in nature and more of a strategic mandate than even the PARA (SF) units get tasked with in the state.

As for some joint NSG-SG-PARA (SF) base I am unsure if one really existed it would be more than intriguing what are these guys training for? What missions will they be sent out on? What missions are they currently undertaking?

I've been doing a lot of research on US SFs lately and it strikes me the SG/Vikas unit is remarkably similar to the US's Delta Force (operates directly under the CIA, CT is their primary mandate, recruit from their army's SF ranks etc etc) and so one can hazard a guess as to what SG does based on what Delta does (loosely). Once the Indian SOCOM is formed and the true utility of SFs is understood then things will change for the better and a clearer picture will emerge I am sure.
I don't know what more I can add bro. The Vikas unit (Special Group) are operating in Kashmir this is a fact. What they are doing in the state is less clear but It's fair to assume it is clandestine in nature and more of a strategic mandate than even the PARA (SF) units get tasked with in the state.

As for some joint NSG-SG-PARA (SF) base I am unsure if one really existed it would be more than intriguing what are these guys training for? What missions will they be sent out on? What missions are they currently undertaking?

I've been doing a lot of research on US SFs lately and it strikes me the SG/Vikas unit is remarkably similar to the US's Delta Force (operates directly under the CIA, CT is their primary mandate, recruit from their army's SF ranks etc etc) and so one can hazard a guess as to what SG does based on what Delta does (loosely). Once the Indian SOCOM is formed and the true utility of SFs is understood then things will change for the better and a clearer picture will emerge I am sure.
SFF has a base in Uttarakhand but they are deployed in Kashmir.Para have a base in J&K where probation is carried out.PHANTOMs are sent to a base for further training.I know where SFF and Para share a base so i am guessing either the PHANTOM are sent to that base or they are sent to SG's home base.Because PHANTOMs are not sent to a newer base.
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SFF has a base in Uttarakhand but they are deployed in Kashmir.Para have a base in J&K where probation is carrierd out.PHANTOMs are sent to a base for further training.I know where SFF and Para share a base so i am guessing either the PHANTOM are sent to that base or they are sent to SG's home base.Because PHANTOMs are not sent to a newer base.
who are Phantoms? it's the first time m hearing bout them.
I don't like the fact that we are aping the outfit of the special forces of the West...why does the uniform have to be black..its not very practical in the Indian heat...especially if the special forces are deployed in the sun all day..they will literally cook.

Its a popular misconception, wearing Black is infact the best for a hot day.

"The best color to keep cool in the heat, it turns out, is to wear black. Black absorbs everything coming in from the sun, sure. But black also absorbs energy from the body instead of reflecting it back. Now, the helpfulness of black clothes depends on finding black clothes that are the same thickness and looseness as those summery white clothes. Black clothing also needs a little help from atmospheric conditions. Once it has absorbed heat, it has to have some way to radiate it away. If there's even a little wind, black clothing is the better choice for those who want to keep cool, like goths who understandably don't like sweating through their make-up. So find something black to wear this summer."

The Physics that Explain Why You Should Wear Black This Summer




IAF GARUDS wearing Army camo :angry:

I like the helmets..wish it was bullet proof.

They need better gloves.
The helmets are ugly and, as you pointed out, offer no ballistic protection.And yes, I am quite sick of seeing these fast-rope "mittens" in use by Indian forces.

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