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Indian Special Forces

bro i am not able to upload photo from my mobile plzz help me.

I'd advise you to email the photo to yourself then login on your phone's browser to your email. Open the picture and copy and paste the URL onto the "insert image" here on PDF.

Actully I see very limited role for this system I don't see this system inducted in large number ...

The point is just that, it is for limited deployment for very specifc missions. The idea is not to have an entire Assualt team armed with the CornerShot but maybe 1-2 "point-men".
I'd advise you to email the photo to yourself then login on your phone's browser to your email. Open the picture and copy and paste the URL onto the "insert image" here on PDF.

The point is just that, it is for limited deployment for very specifc missions.the idea is not to have an entire Assualt team armed with the CornerShot but maybe 1-2 "point-men".

Oh great u r a gem this is what I wanted to hear ;)
I'd advise you to email the photo to yourself then login on your phone's browser to your email. Open the picture and copy and paste the URL onto the "insert image" here on PDF.

The point is just that, it is for limited deployment for very specifc missions. The idea is not to have an entire Assualt team armed with the CornerShot but maybe 1-2 "point-men".

Frankly speaking they are extra weight you have to carry, when you really don't want that weight. They are battery eaters, expensive to operate and get damages easily. Not a fan, with good tactics and instict you can fill that gap, that cornershot provides.
Frankly speaking they are extra weight you have to carry, when you really don't want that weight. They are battery eaters, expensive to operate and get damages easily. Not a fan, with good tactics and instict you can fill that gap, that cornershot provides.

The kind of ops these would be used in ie urban CQB the ops are going to short and sharp. From what I know the battery life is pretty decent so the need for extra batteries is not going to be so pronounced.
The kind of ops these would be used in ie urban CQB the ops are going to short and sharp. From what I know the battery life is pretty decent so the need for extra batteries is not going to be so pronounced.

Heard there is some balancing problem on ak's ?
I'd advise you to email the photo to yourself then login on your phone's browser to your email. Open the picture and copy and paste the URL onto the "insert image" here on PDF.
Bro my mobile not showing the insert options at all only option is for text. Thats why i cant share photos from mobile.
could you pls translate this.

i get this as its translation, i don't know it correct or not. pls help me, bro.
After the attack in Mumbai the Indian police turned to the Israeli police and asked it to help and establish a SWAT like unit in India, the unit was named Force One. The Israeli police sent three instructors that are incharge of the Border Police CT school. They reached the training center in India where they met the 34 members of what would-be Force1. At first, they checked the armory and saw weapons that weren't cleaned for 5 years and soldiers that didn't know that they can shoot while running or even find the north using the sun-clock.
Five weeks later the 26 that finished had a summarizing CT training and a graduation ceremony where they received their diplomas decorated by the Indian and Israeli flags, Border Guard flag and the LOTAR emblem. The best one of them received his LOTAR pin from the head instructor of the Israeli border guard CT school.
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could you pls translate this.

i get this as its translation, i don't know it correct or not. pls help me, bro.
After the attack in Mumbai the Indian police turned to the Israeli police and asked it to help and establish a SWAT like unit in India, the unit was named Force One. The Israeli police sent three instructors that are incharge of the Border Police CT school. They reached the training center in India where they met the 34 members of what would-be Force1. At first, they checked the armory and saw weapons that weren't cleaned for 5 years and soldiers that didn't know that they can shoot while running or even find the north using the sun-clock.
Five weeks later the 26 that finished had a summarizing CT training and a graduation ceremony where they received their diplomas decorated by the Indian and Israeli flags, Border Guard flag and the LOTAR emblem. The best one of them received his LOTAR pin from the head instructor of the Israeli border guard CT school.

I had asked an Isreali member some time back for a breif summary of the vid and it wasn't too dissimilar to this.

One thing that member said was highlighted was the progression these commandos had made (signifcant) and also be bond between the Israeli trainers and their Indian students. By the end of it he Israeli guys said they felt these Indians were their brothers and that they'd happily go into combat with them.
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I had asked an Isreali member some time back for a breif summary of the vid and it wasn't too dissimilar to this.

One thing that member said was highlighted was the progression these commandos had made (signifcant) and also be bond between the Israeli trainers and their Indian students. By the end of it he Israeli guys said they felt these Indians were their brothers and that they'd happily go into combat with them.

i got this as its translation from my friend. i don't know it is correct or not. any others in this form knows hebrew pls translate this...

After the attack in Mumbai the Indian police turned to the Israeli police and asked it to help and establish a SWAT like unit in India, the unit was named Force One. The Israeli police sent three instructors that are incharge of the Border Police CT school. They reached the training center in India where they met the 34 members of what would-be Force1. At first, they checked the armory and saw weapons that weren't cleaned for 5 years and soldiers that didn't know that they can shoot while running or even find the north using the sun-clock.
Five weeks later the 26 that finished had a summarizing CT training and a graduation ceremony where they received their diplomas decorated by the Indian and Israeli flags, Border Guard flag and the LOTAR emblem. The best one of them received his LOTAR pin from the head instructor of the Israeli border guard CT school.
For the first time in life i had an oppurtunity to interact with a high level official of the IA who served in kashmir about SF and i got the info out of him that Marcos are indeed deployed in Wular lake only.They are doing well there and have 1 team.However he did not share the strength of the team.

Marcos are not part of any IA unit and the IA top brass is impressed by their work however they feel that they are good around water bodies only and nowhere else.

Regarding a question put up by me on Army SF..The top official went on to say that Ghataks are also doing a good job and the Infantry units rarely need Para SF help...However there are units which are trained on specific roles on LOC..details of which were not shared.(IA SF Units)
For the first time in life i had an oppurtunity to interact with a high level official of the IA who served in kashmir about SF and i got the info out of him that Marcos are indeed deployed in Wular lake only.They are doing well there and have 1 team.However he did not share the strength of the team.

Marcos are not part of any IA unit and the IA top brass is impressed by their work however they feel that they are good around water bodies only and nowhere else.

Regarding a question put up by me on Army SF..The top official went on to say that Ghataks are also doing a good job and the Infantry units rarely need Para SF help...However there are units which are trained on specific roles on LOC..details of which were not shared.(IA SF Units)

Did he happen to share with you how PARA (SF) operate in JK? What are their main duties and roles in the valley today?
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