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Indian Special Forces

The high training time of 2 years is to make a inexperienced skillless sailor into a SF operator.PARA SF trains elite soldiers in 6 months.

My dad used to be a commander of RR in the 90s when the terrorism was at peak...i have friends my age serving in RR currently and my brother has served in SOG...i have been in every district of Kashmir.I have escaped bullets on 3 occasions at an age of 24....and you tell me sitting in Kerala that there is still a secret place left in the state(to which i belong to) where Marcos operate and a secret unit of which i have no idea of having been spent 20 yrs of my life in Army cantonments..

There is a limit on how much you can lie to prove your fav SF is doing wonders and you have crossed all such limits...There is no where else Marcos are deployed except in Wular lake.Para SF,RR and SOG are the only units active...and Marcos are not a part of them...Cmon man i have heard this bullshit of Marcos in secret operation and being part of SG too much now.It comes from the types of those who had rated Marcos NO 1 SF for 26/11..i am seriously not interested in these fake stories anymore.

bro, it is up to you to believe me or not. if somebody in the area knows about covert operation unit in that area then they are no longer a covert operation unit.

i'm not their commander to tell exactly where they operate. i get this information from my friend in navy who wants to join the marcos. and i am here not to prove that marcos is NO 1.

for us army SF training is period approximately 2 years
bro, it is up to you to believe me or not. if somebody in the area knows about covert operation unit in that area then they are no longer a covert operation unit.

i'm not their commander to tell exactly where they operate. i get this information from my friend in navy who wants to join the marcos. and i am here not to prove that marcos is NO 1.

for us army SF training is period approximately 2 years

My friend in the navy who wants to join Marcos says when i showed him a pic of SPB that they are Marcos..You should ask the right people.I would consider such sources who havent ever seen action in J&K and are a Marcos wannabe as unreliable.

I would rather trust RR people,SOG and Ghataks as they operate together for special missions and that is where i will put my money on.
My friend in the navy who wants to join Marcos says when i showed him a pic of SPB that they are Marcos..You should ask the right people.I would consider such sources who havent ever seen action in J&K and are a Marcos wannabe as unreliable.

I would rather trust RR people,SOG and Ghataks as they operate together for special missions and that is where i will put my money on.

it looks like neither of us is not going change our belief.
shiv aroor says this photo is of marcos.


Livefist: New Look Indian Marine Commandos
There is no where else Marcos are deployed except in Wular lake.Para SF,RR and SOG are the only units active...and Marcos are not a part of them...Cmon man i have heard this bullshit of Marcos in secret operation and being part of SG too much now.

Why do they not deploy MARCOS along with PARA SF in operations ??

PARA SF being a more experienced SF , MARCOS will be able to learn more from them .

Such joint ops will give tremendous boost to the MARCOS in real time experiences , don't you think .
Why do they not deploy MARCOS along with PARA SF in operations ??

PARA SF being a more experienced SF , MARCOS will be able to learn more from them .

Such joint ops will give tremendous boost to the MARCOS in real time experiences , don't you think .

Thats exactly what i want..
Thats exactly what i want..

Bro I know we apparently don't agree on this subject but I respect your POV compelty. All I will say is that AFAIK MARCOs HAVE operated alongside PARA (SF). I don't know if this is the case today or on a routine basis.

Got this info from an ex PARA (7 PARA so not SF).

I hope you trust me enough to believe me.
We should have a join SF command with Marcos and Garuds being part of action and i mean regular action.In N-E we can send a flight of Garuds for 6 months and see how they perform.In the beginning they might have problems but they can only learn and implement.Sitting in bangalore base or Chandigarh base wont help in anyway coz target boards dont fire back and Sachin tendulkar cannot be made in net practice but real match experience.

Marcos can be given better assingments in kashmir with RR and PARA SF.

Moreoever these secrets units no matter how secret they are will always be deployed and attached to a Army unit.and that is the only reason i say they are not present because had they been there i would have known..and if you want you can trust me and if you want you cannot but when i can get information of the like of beheading before any damn news agency in the country got it then i would like to believe my sources are not wrong.

Marcos are attached to Badami Bagh cantt of the Indian Army in Srinagar...nowhere else is any SF unit attached like Marcos and Garuds...most of you wont know but Garuds are not even deployed in radar installation near the LOC where DSC is deployed which is a unit of ex armymen.

Rest i cant stop anyone from halucination..choice is yours.

Bro I know we apparently don't agree on this subject but I respect your POV compelty. All I will say is that AFAIK MARCOs HAVE operated alongside PARA (SF). I don't know if this is the case today or on a routine basis.

Got this info from an ex PARA (7 PARA so not SF).

I hope you trust me enough to believe me.

Buddy,i have friends in almost all IA bases in Kashmir and i dont think that is correct with all due respect.

Do you agree Marcos need to be attached to a unit..

ATTACHED-is a army term when a soldier moves from one place to another his reports and documents are tranfered and kept and records are made.

I am from a Army background trust me such things are not possible without many guys in the Army knowing about it.hese are technical matters and difficult for me to explain...Marcos dont live in hotels you know.They need a parent unit.

7 PARA is not a Sf unit moreover and not part of any SF operations...33 RR is though and i dont think they are a part of 33 RR...33 RR consists of the Para regtt personnel for those who dont know.
Personnel report in transit camps.Where they are attached with all their docs and reports to verify their identity.Then they are transferred to various bases in kashmir where they carry along their documents.They attend CBS school in Srinagar where they are trained for what they will be facing.Rhen they are sent to their parent unit where a report is made and sent to higher command that these many people from these units are in our base...(A commanding officer takes everyones interview)

These are technical things guys and very diffcult to explain to a civilian who relies on newspaper for information..and i am not saying this in a wrong sense.Please understand the complications and steps involved.

We are not operating A teams in Kashmir that Marcos personnel will land in Kashmir and suddenly get a hotel booked and bang bang bang kill a few terrorists....cmon...theres a length process..Need i show you pics of Marcos deployed in Wular lake and Army guys from the HQ around them?

Navy doesnt have a base in Kashmir so naturally they have to be deployed with Army only.

When i have seen Para SF men with beards dressed in Muslim dresses walk in and out of Army cantonments there is no reason Marcos wont be doing that.

And may i ask you who will give the intel to them as all the intel is with the Army bases only.Without intel there is no operation..

But still most would like to dream and wont accept the facts when the have 0 technical knowledge on things relating to deployments...Maybe a day when TOI or Hindu would report this you can trust me then.
Still if you feel like me,Media and Press and the knowledgeable authors of the book indian Special Forces are wrong and you are right having been provided technical know hows in bits and pieces too then i would say kindly excuse me coz i am having an arguement with a wrong kind who believes in imagination and not in real facts.

I rest my case..
Hey man,a few years I had heard that the SOG was to be disbanded!I wonder what could have been the rationale behind that notion of banning such an well trained and highly effective organisation??By the way,are they still active??And which organisation do they draw their cadres from-Army,paramilitary or JK Police?

And what is the present status of the Ikhwans??Haven't heard about them for a long time?Do you see those guys now?

About the 9 Para in Kashmir-could you kindly give some examples of some of their notable operations?

And lastly,how would you rate the Ghatak troopers vis-a-vis MARCOS operative??
Hey man,a few years I had heard that the SOG was to be disbanded!I wonder what could have been the rationale behind that notion of banning such an well trained and highly effective organisation??By the way,are they still active??And which organisation do they draw their cadres from-Army,paramilitary or JK Police?

And what is the present status of the Ikhwans??Haven't heard about them for a long time?Do you see those guys now?

About the 9 Para in Kashmir-could you kindly give some examples of some of their notable operations?

And lastly,how would you rate the Ghatak troopers vis-a-vis MARCOS operative??
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1.Tell me if I am wrong. There is a tendency among India's higher bureaucracy and political leadership to (mis)use military SFs for routine sentry duties and personal protection.

2. Who provides the physical protection for the Service Chiefs who often have to attend non-military functions?
1.Tell me if I am wrong. There is a tendency among India's higher bureaucracy and political leadership to (mis)use military SFs for routine sentry duties and personal protection.

2. Who provides the physical protection for the Service Chiefs who often have to attend non-military functions?

You're wrong. SFs don't protect civilians.

Afaik the COAS has a small team of PARA (SF) for personal protection but that's about it.
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