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Indian Soldier gets short by Kashmir Mujahid

Random videos allowed as sourse?:unsure:
Yes, if it promotes a certain ideology or POV. Remember that random 22 second facebook video put up by windjammed, purpoted to be about persecution of muslims in India, that was allowed to run for 20+ pages? It all depends on whether the management likes the video or not - if they do, it's allowed; if they don't, it's against forum rules and will be deleted.

As for us, we don't really care - it's fun to laugh at the desperation of some people in glorifying these random acts of violence as the work of some noble mujahids, while we know for a fact that Kashmir will remain Indian as long as the Union of India exists. 50 years from now, if PDF exists, there will still be teenagers and 20 somethings who put up videos like this and proclaim that the end is imminent, as soon as USA's next war ends, Kashmir will be Pakistan's.:coffee::coffee::coffee:
Short! :lol::lol:

Better luck next time. Give these yahoos better training. They are impotent against Indian army.
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