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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

Things are too hot for local commanders to be reigned in - they wont stop. If I was there I wouldn't stop.

The DGMO's need to interact ASAP.

The HQs are too far away in case of both parties and according to the source that KRAIT posted, the Hotline is down. The Area Commanders will have to do something to control the situation until the high-ups can arrange something.
I still do not understand why there is no hotline between Kayani and Bikram Singh when there is a similar setup India has with China to prevent things getting out of hand in Arunachal Pradesh.
Your pakistani posters have used a million gazillion Indian links on this topic and you question the credibility of Indian media, nice!

With News about India, we will obviously have to rely on Indian Media for reports, but for news that concerns us both. It's a neutral link that we'll look for.
so india killed our guys on saturday and today again??? interesting!!!
Still not a neutral source. Emotionalism may work with the Indian Public but I'll still wait for a detailed autopsy report or a report by a Neutral Party.

There is no neutral party. Your soldiers crossed into our territory and did stuff. So its between India and Pakistan. Like I said to Jana, we go by what our Army says or that old mother of that shaheed says. You may choose to believe or disbelieve it.

But our Army's response will be according to our version of the story. Which is - Pakistani soldiers crossed into India, killed two soldiers and beheaded one. And once again, I have known the Army personally and going by what I know this is far from over. The Northern Command commander had spent the whole day trying to pacify his troops bent on retaliation yest for the beheading. Such things dont happen for a routine LoC firing. So I would request you to quit the holier-than-thou act and stop blaming me or sermonizing me as if I started all this or my opinion here will be taken as the order and implemented.

When somebody decided to escalate things, then he must be ready for it.
With News about India, we will obviously have to rely on Indian Media for reports, but for news that concerns us both. It's a neutral link that we'll look for.

Please go and read the entire thread on this topic, you will find pakistani members using Indian links to say that Indians started this fight.
There is no neutral party. Your soldiers crossed into our territory and did stuff. So its between India and Pakistan. Like I said to Jana, we go by what our Army says or that old mother of that shaheed says. You may choose to believe or disbelieve it.

In that case, I choose to disbelieve. Simple.

But our Army's response will be according to our version of the story. Which is - Pakistani soldiers crossed into India, killed two soldiers and beheaded one. And once again, I have known the Army personally and going by what I know this is far from over. So quit the holier-than-thou act and stop blaming me or sermonizing me as if I started all this or my opinion here will be taken as the order and implemented.

Well then let it get out of hand, I served at the border during the 2002-03 stare down at Chakothi and will gladly do so again, again, again and again until there's no need or I get killed in the process.
The HQs are too far away in case of both parties and according to the source that KRAIT posted, the Hotline is down. The Area Commanders will have to do something to control the situation until the high-ups can arrange something.

Something like the Christmas ceasefire of 1914?
The Guns are still not Cold , Day is not over yet.
Its a shame that India has to retaliate, when we should have proactively piled the pressure on Pakistan's eastern border, while its busy fighting the civil war like situation in the west.

Don't know why our leaders are busy singing this peace tune, when Pakistani military proxies like Hafiz Saeed are openly threatening India with terrorism.
Why is this happening now that PA is focusing on internal threats compared to threats from India? When it also apparently wants to focus on the western border?

The popularity of the PA is at an all time low among the population with all the fiascos in the recent years. What better way to salvage the pride and get back all the people behind them than a threat of imminent attack from India ?
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