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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

Absolutely. So, ask them to DO what they preach to others. Don't make those in LCA, Arjun projects feel like they made a wrong choice by choosing to work on those projects and not in MNC's.

Just because one works in a MNC it doesnt take away his right to criticise the officials in DRDO if there are genuine problems in their work culture.

As much I would like to appreciate DRDO for its sucesses ; I still maintain they are not some God figures who are immune to criticism.

If they(coolies in Infosys) want respect themselves, then better start giving some. Let me give a sample dose - "Show that they have brains, by making something to rival DRDO. Make some patented product. Make India proud? Can we have our own iPad please? Or, you plan to embarrass us Indians, being puppet of IBM forever?"

You have no idea of what you are talking about. Infy banking products run in the 3 of the top 5 American banks. A coolie as you claim can never produce such quality products beating rivals like Accenture.

TCS banking products power almost all the biggest banks in Middle East. Your notion of software techies as geeks who just another version of call centre guys are long passe.

Our Software industry has long moved into the niche category of hi-tech products.

I would say just one thing to that - "you feel bad when you are served same medicine".

When you get rich too fast, and too easy(we know very well about disconnection between their work-quality and payscale due to $-Rs equation), then you grow arrogant. That's the case with them, well most of them, not all. Some are still on their toes and study well before passing judgments on others.

You know jack$ about the prevalent work culture among the "most" of them. We dont just go, type some C code for 5 hours and earn in five figures. We work our off and of course that money just comes into our system.
But what you told is more suitable for Government job babus than us working in Private cos.

I repeat - just because some DRDO guys work on lower payscales (only the juniors have low payscales , the higher ups have all the priviledges as free housing,free teransport and some even have free cars) it doesnt make them immune to criticism as we guys are still apting our tax money to the ovt at prevalent structures.

You people who blindly defend the DRDO are no better than those who blindly criticise it. Both are no good.Take an objective stand. Appreciate them where it is due and criticise in case of any faults.
Are you a retard? Name some recent projects those failed other than whining. You have no reply.

Name some recent projects that succeeded. Whatever you name will not be recent. They are all projects of my father's time.

:blink: Akash is India 1st SAM project and IAF wanted world class standard even drdo never had any exprience in this so project delayed but finally they come up ,even IAF revised their ASR in between ... So stop ranting and bashing ,you are just one of few who came up with shitty explanation.. If a SAM system gets 4billion dollar order even after it get delayed earlier that proves its potency in an evironment where our generals want phoren maal and natasha massage 1st...
P.S-- B.S
Thanks for enlightening me about Akash. So till some 5 years ago, DRDO did not know that IAF was expecting a world class missile? Poor souls they were making a Diwali standard missile for PANDORA to play till 5 years ago.

Its basically the self-hatred commonly found in Anglophonic NRI Indians who, due to 200+ years of foreign rule have been programmed to believe that whatever that is Indian/indigenous is crap. Period
:rofl: you sound like Zaid Hamid. He says Hindu Zionist, you say anglophonic NRI :lol:

And this one should go to PDF Hall of Fame. :rofl:
Ok so do you even cry out that loud for "independent verification" of DRDO,s claim over some failure?
If DRDO says failure, you gladly accept that and if DRDO says success, you have all the reasons of the world to doubt that. Thats a prime example of hypocracy.

Then what you waiting for ??
Join Drdo and show us what you can do if you can't then shut ya mouth .
They need management but think about those scientist who are working for 1st time even if IAF,ARMY AND NAVY set world class standard in mere budget ..
I am doing my job. I expect them to do THEIRS. And their job asked them to work for the 1st time on world class technology. And the nation had given them enough allowance for error and delay when I was a kid. Why don't you accept that their claims of success have been consistently denied by other parties that verified them until about a couple of years ago? Is it so hard to understand why people ask for verification of their claims?
Name some recent projects that succeeded. Whatever you name will not be recent. They are all projects of my father's time.

Thanks for enlightening me about Akash. So till some 5 years ago, DRDO did not know that IAF was expecting a world class missile? Poor souls they were making a Diwali standard missile for PANDORA to play till 5 years ago.

:rofl: you sound like Zaid Hamid. He says Hindu Zionist, you say anglophonic NRI :lol:

And this one should go to PDF Hall of Fame. :rofl:

I am doing my job. I expect them to do THEIRS. And their job asked them to work for the 1st time on world class technology. And the nation had given them enough allowance for error and delay when I was a kid. Why don't you accept that their claims of success have been consistently denied by other parties that verified them until about a couple of years ago? Is it so hard to understand why people ask for verification of their claims?

You name one single failed product except trishul
you don't even know what you talking about !?
Verification huh ?? You are a piece of dumb sh*t now verify it ?? Did amerika ,china,russia calld Ruby jack as* to verify their range of products or they have their own criteria to check ?? CEMILAC- AN AUTONOMUS PRODUCT VERIFICATION AGENCY,CERTIFY LCA . Similary Indian army ,navy ,af have their own agency to verify it even CAG also verify it .
You just keep blabering but the thing is don't blame others for your own shortcoming and failures in life ... Whenever we asked to give a list of failures then as usual you ran away..
i have gone through many pages of this thread, but not all.....

i didn't find a single troll in those pages i read. can any one help me by giving the number of attempts of trolls??????
Name some recent projects that succeeded. Whatever you name will not be recent. They are all projects of my father's time.

OK I am naming few and you have to explain.... all of them are recent projects (certainly not of your father's time, assuming you are not a kid) and inducted........

1) Weapon Locating Radar
2) Samyukta and Sangrah integrated electronic warfare systems
3) NBC Recce vehicle
4) Dhanush ship launched ballistic missile
6) Humsa-NG, Nagan, Panchendriya, USHUS sonars
7) CMDS, Radar warning receivers,
8) Mareech torpedo decoy system, TAL, Takshak, Varunastra torpedoes
9) Electro optical fire control system and active array radar for ship
10) Agni-III.

You said all projects are failed when almost all projects are successes. Now don't run away.

By your argument anyone can say that all projects of US and Russia have also failed, he don't have to name them but just continue whining and ranting. :lol:
OK I am naming few and you have to explain....

1) Weapon Locating Radar
2) Samyukta integrated electronic warfare syste
3) NBC Recce vehicle
4) Dhanush ship launched ballistic missile
6) Humsa-NG, Nagan, Panchendriya, USHUS sonars
7) CMDS, Radar warning receivers,
8) Mareech torpedo decoy system, TAL, Takshak, Varunastra torpedoes
9) Electro optical fire control system and active array radar for ship
10) Agni-III.

You said all projects are failed when almost all projects are successes. Now that is something strange that you even brought your father..... don't run away.

wat about 1)Nuke submarine arihant..it will join navy in another 8 months...(2 years sea trails)
5)Shivalik class stealth frigate...(1 already in service,another shivalik class will be commissioned in coming months)..

Some one is living in 1990's..... :lol:
i have gone through many pages of this thread, but not all.....

i didn't find a single troll in those pages i read. can any one help me by giving the number of attempts of trolls??????

X, plus you so that makes it x+1 :lol: j/k
wat about 1)Nuke submarine arihant..it will join navy in another 8 months...(2 years sea trails)
5)Shivalik class stealth frigate...(1 already in service,another shivalik class will be commissioned in coming months)..

Some one is living in 1990's..... :lol:

Mate, I have mentioned few of those already inducted and developed in recent years, not his fathers time. ;)

As I said one can whine saying Russia also didn't induct anything, they have totally failed, but ask to name the projects, he will still continue to whine, ' i have no time' blah blah but will not name name you anything. Thats an old way of ranting.

I said u,the video of the sunday test will come soon..
some one was suspecting that DRDO was lying ,here's the proof....
We don't have a practice of hiding...
Let it be failure or success.....
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I said u,the video of the sunday test will come soon..
some one was suspecting that DRDO was lying ,here's the proof....
We don't have a practice of hiding...
Let it be failure or success.....

That is the target missile but strange that a Chinese headed US based news channel showing such footage. This is not a DRDO video. DRDO has shown a video of Sunday's test to the media persons, I am expecting release of the video soon.
1.Not a single post was offtopic , i was giving a realistic and constructive criticism.

2.You are not on my level son, go learn a bit about how to read on a forum, i am a way senior member and know my limits and boundaries.

3.But like i say always - many indian poster whin about indian not treated well here . but scene is totally opposite. infect - this forum let them whin too much and only goody good stuff.

1. Your "realistic and constructive" criticism was too generalised! This thread is about the Indian ABM effort; if you have any valid criticism of this program then post it here and we can discuss further.

2. Respect for seniority is commanded not demanded. More than once you have denigrated other posters here by saying that "they are not of the same level as you". Statements like these don't exactly reinforce your position as a senior member here, do they? Even a troll deserves one or two straight answers before getting berated like this. And the ones you engaged were serious posters.

3. You are welcome to have your own view, no problem with that!

Finally, I will start a thread about DRDO and it's faliures (Both real and imaginary). You are welcome to make your stand there.

But please, if you want to post anything on this thread, let it be related to DRDO faliures in ABM program only!

I am doing my job. I expect them to do THEIRS. And their job asked them to work for the 1st time on world class technology. And the nation had given them enough allowance for error and delay when I was a kid. Why don't you accept that their claims of success have been consistently denied by other parties that verified them until about a couple of years ago? Is it so hard to understand why people ask for verification of their claims?

No sane country in the world would agree to a third party review of her ABM system/s. It will thoroughly compromise the ability of that particular system.

Meanwhile please put your objections with respect to the ABM system and we can discuss.
As I have repeated several times, I have no problem with their claimed success. But when they say it is ready to be inducted into the strategic command, I am sceptical about it. They did mess up a lot in the past. I did not ask for a verification from a foreign country. How dumb can YOU be to think so?

@Kinetic: Making a radar piece there a carrier vehicle there is not considered a success. A complete weapon system has to be COMPLETE meeting all the requirements. Rest all deserve no comments as you have no idea about the stages of induction each are in and the time each project took. This is what happens if you read your first newspaper only yesterday. No perspective. No concern.
Name some recent projects that succeeded. Whatever you name will not be recent. They are all projects of my father's time.

OK I am naming few and you have to explain.... all of them are recent projects (certainly not of your father's time, assuming you are not a kid) and inducted........

1) Weapon Locating Radar
2) Samyukta and Sangrah integrated electronic warfare systems
3) NBC Recce vehicle
4) Dhanush ship launched ballistic missile
6) Humsa-NG, Nagan, Panchendriya, USHUS sonars
7) CMDS, Radar warning receivers,
8) Mareech torpedo decoy system, TAL, Takshak, Varunastra torpedoes
9) Electro optical fire control system and active array radar for ship
10) Agni-III.

You said all projects are failed when almost all projects are successes. Now don't run away.

By your argument anyone can say that all projects of US and Russia have also failed, he don't have to name them but just continue whining and ranting. :lol:

@Kinetic: Making a radar piece there a carrier vehicle there is not considered a success. A complete weapon system has to be COMPLETE meeting all the requirements. Rest all deserve no comments as you have no idea about the stages of induction each are in and the time each project took. This is what happens if you read your first newspaper only yesterday. No perspective. No concern.


Why run away now? This hart so much that you are busted? Liars have shame when they lie without people's knowledge but you are doing so in front of all people on known facts. You proved you name.

As I said anyone can say there is no success of US or Russia, but ask for proofs, they will still whine, 'you don't know anything',!!!! :lol:
Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept "Ballistic Missile"...

...on a Saterday night in the most crowded local gay pub of course. :azn:
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