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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

^take some time off mate. your IQ levels are quite low these days.. . .

Consider yourself lucky as I won't report your explict personal attack post.

If one mentions "War-planes", by and large it means modern warplanes such as F22, J20, etc. And usually one won't think about some stone-aged LCA Tejas.

Similarly by and large with "ballistic missiles", one refers to ICBM, not some short leg toy guns. Get it?

If you claim that Indian scientists intercepted what they don't have, you'd better claim having intercepted anything out of a sci-fi booklet. Why not?
If one mentions "War-planes", by and large it means modern warplanes such as F22, J20, etc. And usually one won't think about some stone-aged LCA Tejas.
Ohh is this some new dictionary or what ??/ Buddy its your own personnel terminology. By the way it does not suite you to compare J20 with an already functional 5th gen fighter. Right now J20 only had its first flight, its a long road buddy and problem arises in these kind of critical projects. I hope you guys get successful but don't be overconfident, you know some projects don't even complete and then finally get scrapped.

Similarly by and large with "ballistic missiles", one refers to ICBM, not some short leg toy guns. Get it?
You kidding... right ??? Don't make fool fo yourself by setting up your own definitions.

If you claim that Indian scientists intercepted what they don't have, you'd better claim having intercepted anything out of a sci-fi booklet. Why not?
I don't think you have done your homework. If US does an interception of a 13000 km range ICBM that does not mean that they have to launch that missile from 13000 km range, any missile with similar operational feature like that missile will work.

By the way India has not yet done interception of an ICBM but yeah will do it in a near future.

India even doesn't have ballistic missiles, how the heck it claims that Indian scientists have successfully intercepted one? Intercepted whose? NATO's?
Oh my god, either you have no IQ or you just too stubborn to accept the facts. Even Pakistan has Ballistic missiles. And they even claimed once that their missiles are better than yours. :)
Consider yourself lucky as I won't report your explict personal attack post.

If one mentions "War-planes", by and large it means modern warplanes such as F22, J20, etc. And usually one won't think about some stone-aged LCA Tejas.

Similarly by and large with "ballistic missiles", one refers to ICBM, not some short leg toy guns. Get it?

If you claim that Indian scientists intercepted what they don't have, you'd better claim having intercepted anything out of a sci-fi booklet. Why not?

bla !bla !bla
so how chinese scientists celebrated J20 maiden flight ???Any idea
how do you test ASBM DF 21 ,as you don't have Aircraft carrier ???
I read your posts regarding japanese ATD-X,where you were criticising and insulting your Godfather aka Russia (There is an idiom for you -Dog never bite its feeder):coffee:
"inventory of missiles in the Indian arsenal..."


What inventory? an inventory of computer simulators?

I can probably find a bunch of amateurs capable of making some computer simulated 5th gen fighters in action, that doesn't mean they have one parking outside their lawn.

Yeah, computer simulated interception. India better claims that it has successfully intercepted an UFO from Outer Solar sSstem, cus that can be simulated as well in a cartoon :rofl:

Your rubbish personal attack post is reported.
Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept "Ballistic Missile"...

...on a Saterday night in the most crowded local gay pub of course. :azn:

Seems now we know, what the target of the "Ballistic Missile" was ..is that why you so frustrated this week..your Saturday night "fun" was intercepted? :azn:
Who is a liar?:devil:

It's like you even don't have chicken, neither curry, how the heck you claim you have successfully made Tikka Massala?

In DRDO's bollywood dream?

Now we talk about liar!

Yet another Pakistani pretending to be a Chinese. You are ashamed of your identity on an internet forum. God help you in real life. :lol:
China's Nuclear proliferation to North Korea and Pakistan is far more worrisome in my opinion

We are part of the NSG and do not participate in nuclear proliferation. We are part of the groups that make the laws regarding nuclear proliferation. India did not sign the NPT and forced a nuclear arms race in South Asia. I am not saying this is India's fault, merely stating facts.
We are part of the NSG and do not participate in nuclear proliferation. We are part of the groups that make the laws regarding nuclear proliferation. India did not sign the NPT and forced a nuclear arms race in South Asia. I am not saying this is India's fault, merely stating facts.

China did not become a member of NSG till 2004..Pakistan had conducted its nuclear tests in 1998 and had supplied North Korea, Iran and Libya with centrifuges by then..infact China is believed to be the main facilitator behind Pakistan transferring centrifuges to N.Korea in exchange for No-dong missile... just another fact
China did not become a member of NSG till 2004..Pakistan had conducted its nuclear tests in 1998 and had supplied North Korea, Iran and Libya with centrifuges by then..infact China is believed to be the main facilitator behind Pakistan transferring centrifuges to N.Korea in exchange for No-dong missile... just another fact

No dong missile :lol: we assamese might call - No dung Missile :rofl: (no offence pls)
I did not ask for a verification from a foreign country.

How dumb can YOU be to think so?

I'm dumb enough to understand your posts!

As for you not asking for a verification from a foreign country.......

With no cross checking party like in the case of Arjun and Tejas, DRDO is having field day(s) celebrating its unverified success.

Now, you being the sooper dooper IQ guy that you are, must be knowing that Arjun was verified by the Israelis. The last time I checked Israel was a foreign country,wasn't it?
The tejas testing protocol was reviewed and modified by Bae ( that's british).

So, next time before you type, sit still for a while and think about it before you touch the keyboard.

And if you are asking about independant review within the country, then it already exists...........

Have you ever heard the name CAG?:smokin:

There are review independant review comitees for every major stage of every major DRDO project.

Check this IIT prof's profile....

CASDE, IIT Bombay Web

K. Sudhakar, Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Chairman, Preliminary Design Review of ASTRA Aerodynamics & Structure. November 26, 2007

Chairman, System Design Review of Lakhsya-2 Lead-in Project. July 2007

Member, System Review of Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV). DRDL. April 2005

Member, Preliminary Design Review Meeting for Airborne Guidance & Control of Project CADS. ADRDE, DRDO. Nov 2004

Member, Preliminary Design Review Meeting for Parachute System of Project CADS. ADRDE, DRDO. Sept 2004

Member, Specification Review Meeting for CADS. ADRDE, DRDO. April 2004

Member, Peer Review Committee on Development of Controlled Aerial Delivery Systems, Constituted by Directorate of Aeronautics (R&D), New Delhi. 2003

Member, Peer Review Committee on Development of Combat Free Fall Parachute System, Constituted by Directorate of Aeronautics (R&D), New Delhi. 2002

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