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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

prove about china - the amount spent on a project for research and development . and as for eu and usa - divide their money spent by 60 - as one euro - 60 rupees.

or 45 for dollor . economy is diffrent you cant compare both on same parameter.

Why should I divide by 60 and 40 - all in dollar figures.

The Chinese never release the true figures. But going by the simultaneous development of various platforms it should conservatively be about 100 Billion dollars.

No need to mention about the US here.

And how much India spends. Hardly about 10 billion dollars.

how many are acdepted by IAF AND navy ? and inducted too ? arjun have some big issue from navy, iaf is not keen on lca .
missile are failing to get big orders . dhruv is best product by far but it has big involvement from overseas and private firms.

All have been accepted by the Armed Forces.Arjun ahd problems but all have been ironed out in the existing configuration and the MK II config with about 93 upgrades is ready for trial.Desert Ferrari

LCA Mk1 has been given IOC and Mk II is well under development and who said IAF is unhappy with it. They just want HAL to finetune some minor defects to give them a world class product.

A four billion dollar order for missile (Akash) is a testimony to the roaring sucess of the project and the first squadrons being inducted along Chinese border shows the IAF's confidence in it.

And FYI , the strategic missile orders (Agni,Prithvi)will never be disclosed to the common man as it is too sensitive info.

See you are just stuck up in the past when DRDO had only failures and is refusing to come to present. Sorry I cant help you.

so u want me to wait for 70-80 years before i can compare their productivity to india ?

These things are not like $hit that once you have dinner in night they will come out in the morning. You have to have patience and BTW learning is always exponential so you dont have to wait 70 years for it.

i am just saying these guys are not doign any charity - they are doign their job. just like any other govt employee their productivity and etchis are at par with other babus.

Who said they are doing charity ?? They are doing their work and it is not ordinary clerk work. These things take time and patience never fails.

BTW if you look at their pay scales and those in private companies they are doing a kind of charity only.
video of the last test....Some of u guys only believe in wat u see na,so...watch it...
soon video of this test will be released.....

And here's AAkash test some one earlier said akash was a failed project:-)lol: @ him).....
check this line:
The India military's combined orders of the Akash, including radar systems(WLR and Surveillance), have a total worth of $5.2 billion (Indian Rupee ₹ 23,300 crore
here's the source....aviationweek

enjoy the video
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Why should I divide by 60 and 40 - all in dollar figures.

The Chinese never release the true figures. But going by the simultaneous development of various platforms it should conservatively be about 100 Billion dollars.

No need to mention about the US here.

And how much India spends. Hardly about 10 billion dollars.

All have been accepted by the Armed Forces.Arjun ahd problems but all have been ironed out in the existing configuration and the MK II config with about 93 upgrades is ready for trial.Desert Ferrari

LCA Mk1 has been given IOC and Mk II is well under development and who said IAF is unhappy with it. They just want HAL to finetune some minor defects to give them a world class product.

A four billion dollar order for missile (Akash) is a testimony to the roaring sucess of the project and the first squadrons being inducted along Chinese border shows the IAF's confidence in it.

And FYI , the strategic missile orders (Agni,Prithvi)will never be disclosed to the common man as it is too sensitive info.

See you are just stuck up in the past when DRDO had only failures and is refusing to come to present. Sorry I cant help you.

These things are not like $hit that once you have dinner in night they will come out in the morning. You have to have patience and BTW learning is always exponential so you dont have to wait 70 years for it.

Who said they are doing charity ?? They are doing their work and it is not ordinary clerk work. These things take time and patience never fails.

BTW if you look at their pay scales and those in private companies they are doing a kind of charity only.

Karthic !he's still struck in the 90s or mid of 2000-2005 ... They overlook Drdo success but never miss to make some jibes about failures. Good do criticise but also learn to appreciate their work...
not a single post was offtopic , i was giving a realistic and constructive criticism. You are not on my level son, go learn a bit about how to read on a forum, i am a way senior member and know my limits and boundaries.

We have seen your level. Thank you.

And, claiming to be senior doesn't improve credibility of your arguments. It only shows your desperation as your last-bit attempt to run from debate in a respectful manner.
Karthic !he's still struck in the 90s or mid of 2000-2005 ... They overlook Drdo success but never miss to make some jibes about failures. Good do criticise but also learn to appreciate their work...

You have put it perfectly. Old egos die hard!

Actually, those people in year 2000 and 1990's era, who used to term whole domestic programmes like LCA,Arjun as failure and waste of money, are now finding it hard to eat their own words. They still want to justify that LCA was biggest mistake in Indian history by pulling through all sorts of wicked, illogical and silly arguments. And, they still are trying every effort to delay AMCA and dry up its funds, like they did to LCA.

Many people here don't know that these lobbies(having strong supporters in IAF), never supported fundings to LCA since beginning in 1989 when first funding was approved. Instead they were forcing DRDO to bring in Russia into LCA project but people in DRDO said, "If we can't do it alone, then what is purpose of LCA? Better close DRDO down."

Now, I think that was a master-stroke!

What these fools don't see is the bigger picture. India has arrived and this is just beginning. The real fun will begin when AMCA design is finalized and funds are sanctioned.
HAL To Deliver More Dhruv Mk. 3 Helicopters | AVIATION WEEK

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) soon
will hand over five Mk. 3 versions of
the Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter
(ALH) to the Indian army. This is in addition to the five Dhruv Mk.
3 helicopters delivered to the service during the just-concluded Aero India 2011 symposium, which marked the first deliveries in a total order of 159 advanced Dhruv variants. HAL says the rest of the helicopters will be delivered
in phases over the next five years. “There were issues with the shortage of spares, which put the brakes on the
production activities,” a senior HAL official says. “We have overcome the crisis, and the production plan has
picked up momentum now. Ten
Dhruvs for the Indian air force [also]
will be handed over soon.” The Mk. 3 variants are powered by
Shakti turboshaft engines developed
by HAL and Turbomeca. The helicopter
underwent high-altitude trials in 2009.
“The Mk. 3 sports a new electronic warfare suite, advanced laser warning
systems, missile warning systems and
electro-optical pods. It has a new-
generation vibration-control system in
place along with the glass cockpit. It
also has an automatic chaff-and-flare dispenser,” the official says. “The [Indian air force] versions will be tested by pilots from [the] Aircraft
System and Testing Establishment,” he adds. “We will also roll out the Mk. 4 variants of Dhruv during [the]
2011-12 period.” The subject of frequent criticism from
Indian media and audit agencies, the
Dhruv seems to have finally come of
age thanks to strong management
principles put in place at HAL ’s Helicopter Complex. Insiders say that
new computer-aided design and
manufacturing features at the
production lines, user feedback, and
the establishment of a separate
maintenance, repair and overall facility have all helped the program.

Haters read it ,how things are changing so fast unlike your 8 pound brain..:drag:
Those in LCA, ALH and LCH projects are real heroes of India. They do their duties and not whine on internet.

Those in Infosys, Wipro who get paid 20 times for doing coolie work for American MNC's, come here to whine on internet, on how they are James Bond's and know everything on earth.

These coolies are nothing but fools who can't even create a single patent using their $2 Billion/year profits or come up with anything useful for India, while DRDO has created everything on earth on just $900 million budget and this includes Operating Systems & processors too!

There are two types of geniuses in this country - One who gets top-ranks in College, PhD in IIT,IISc and goto DRDO to work on latest next-generation R&D projects on pitty salaries & become a shameful joke in their friends circle. They are laughed upon. Second are those who gets top-ranks in college, post-grad in IIT,IISc and end up doing Coolie work in companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, Morgan-stanely etc. & they get congratulations amongst friends, family.
Those in LCA, ALH and LCH projects are real heroes of India. They do their duties and not whine on internet.

Those in Infosys, Wipro who get paid 20 times for doing work for American MNC's, come here to whine on internet, on how they are James Bond's and know everything on earth.

These coolies are nothing but fools who can't even create a single patent using their $2 Billion/year profits or come up with anything useful for India, while DRDO has created everything on earth on just $900 million budget and this includes Operating Systems & processors too!

There are two types of geniuses in this country - One who gets top-ranks in College, PhD in IIT,IISc and goto DRDO to work on pitty salaries & become a shameful joke in their friends circle. They are laughed upon. Second are those who gets top-ranks in IIT,IISc and end up doing Coolie work in companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, Morgan-stanely etc. & they get congratulations amongst friends, family.

great post and thanks you didn't mention Cognizant for which i work for :lol:
Those in LCA, ALH and LCH projects are real heroes of India. They do their duties and not whine on internet.

Those in Infosys, Wipro who get paid 20 times for doing work for American MNC's, come here to whine on internet, on how they are James Bond's and know everything on earth.

These coolies are nothing but fools who can't even create a single patent using their $2 Billion/year profits or come up with anything useful for India, while DRDO has created everything on earth on just $900 million budget and this includes Operating Systems & processors too!

There are two types of geniuses in this country - One who gets top-ranks in College, PhD in IIT,IISc and goto DRDO to work on pitty salaries & become a shameful joke in their friends circle. They are laughed upon. Second are those who gets top-ranks in IIT,IISc and end up doing Coolie work in companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, Morgan-stanely etc. & they get congratulations amongst friends, family.

Well said bro. DRDO and other Indian R&D orgs has much higher success rate than other orgs keeping mind the minimum budget they get and minimum support from private orgs.

In the mean time these people are ready to bash them any time while will never tell you which projects are failed but for them all of the projects are failed, even Akash. Now think what in their mind? They were ready to bash DRDO etc, though the reality is opposite.
After just 64 years of Independence...Today we have these type of technology,Name,Awesome companies,space tech.....
I feel proud of it...:smitten:

I am waiting for many other test in coming days..... :)
Those in LCA, ALH and LCH projects are real heroes of India. They do their duties and not whine on internet.

Those in Infosys, Wipro who get paid 20 times for doing coolie work for American MNC's, come here to whine on internet, on how they are James Bond's and know everything on earth.

These coolies are nothing but fools who can't even create a single patent using their $2 Billion/year profits or come up with anything useful for India, while DRDO has created everything on earth on just $900 million budget and this includes Operating Systems & processors too!

There are two types of geniuses in this country - One who gets top-ranks in College, PhD in IIT,IISc and goto DRDO to work on latest next-generation R&D projects on pitty salaries & become a shameful joke in their friends circle. They are laughed upon. Second are those who gets top-ranks in college, post-grad in IIT,IISc and end up doing Coolie work in companies like Accenture, Infosys, Wipro, Morgan-stanely etc. & they get congratulations amongst friends, family.

The part about software was totally uncalled for. Everyone has his own career choice and you cant dictate to him this is right and this is wrong.
Dont forget it was the very same servicres that you ridiculed in your post as coolie work that gave the impetus to the Indian economy to grow at the rate it is growing.And trust me it is nothing like coolie work - we milk the foreigners like anything saying all sorts of term bringing in the money into our system.

Yes I work in software firm and just because of that it doesnt mean I dont criticise others if they are genuinely wrong. After all I am also paying a proportionate amount of Tax for my earnings.
One thing I've wondered about these ballistic missile tests is how the exercise is held.
Does the anti-ballistic missile given the position of the target missile directly or is the target missile launched from a random location and the anti-ballistic missile and its radar has to find it first? The latter would be more realistic.
One thing I've wondered about these ballistic missile tests is how the exercise is held.
Does the anti-ballistic missile given the position of the target missile directly or is the target missile launched from a random location and the anti-ballistic missile and its radar has to find it first? The latter would be more realistic.

The second one is rite.

The target was launched from a ship or unknown position. The tracking radar captured it and feed the info to LCS (launch control centre). The LCS than launched the interceptor missile. Its fully automatic with man in the loop.

The radar will track the incoming missile inspite of from wherever its launched if the missile come with in its range and guide the interceptor towards it.
The part about software was totally uncalled for. Everyone has his own career choice and you cant dictate to him this is right and this is wrong.

Absolutely. So, ask them to DO what they preach to others. Don't make those in LCA, Arjun projects feel like they made a wrong choice by choosing to work on those projects and not in MNC's.

If they(coolies in Infosys) want respect themselves, then better start giving some. Let me give a sample dose - "Show that they have brains, by making something to rival DRDO. Make some patented product. Make India proud? Can we have our own iPad please? Or, you plan to embarrass us Indians, being puppet of IBM forever?"

Dont forget it was the very same servicres that you ridiculed in your post as coolie work that gave the impetus to the Indian economy to grow at the rate it is growing.

I would say just one thing to that - "you feel bad when you are served same medicine".

When you get rich too fast, and too easy(we know very well about disconnection between their work-quality and payscale due to $-Rs equation), then you grow arrogant. That's the case with them, well most of them, not all. Some are still on their toes and study well before passing judgments on others.
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