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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

I am not interested in excuses. What I started off saying was that DRDO's claims about success in BMD have no independent verification. Then these fanboys got to talking. I had to explain why DRDO's claims have to be challenged everytime, what with all their history and baggage of failures. But these guys don't even want to call them failures. This mentality is even more dangerous than what DRDO does. I mean they 'can' produce stuff at least in a million years, if they dont get lazy. But these guys, they just talk and take whatever cr@p they get and go home bragging about it.
Yeah learn to talk to each other and dont respond. Thats the way to hide your face when you rant without knowing what you are talking. If user trials are the benchmark date for missile development, why did akash's user trial happen only some 2-3 years ago? And how does it prove your claims of success? Witness things in real, urgh, plzz... you witness things in real when an enemy aircraft dodges akash and fires your @$$.

User trail happen when User want to check the claims and satisfy the ASR.IAF SET ASR ,so its 3years back Drdo announced completion of development and IAF was extremly happy with AKASH SAM and accepted it as a STANDARD after user trail ... Are you on high because you don't even know what you talking about ,you don't even know the Range name in South where Akash fired as per user trail mate. Seems like you had a bad day :lol:
P.S-Don't bring your personal failures or frustration in PDF..
User trail happen when User want to check the claims and satisfy the ASR.IAF SET ASR ,so its 3years back Drdo announced completion of development and IAF was extremly happy with AKASH SAM and accepted it as a STANDARD after user trail ... Are you on high because you don't even know what you talking about ,you don't even know the Range name in South where Akash fired as per user trail mate. Seems like you had a bad day :lol:
P.S-Don't bring your personal failures or frustration in PDF..
Why do I care where akash was tested. And are you trying to tell me that army and IAF did not want to test akash for all these years? SO they are like: DRDO comes to army guys and says 'hey guys we are ready for the test' and army says 'No wait. Come after 10 years. I am a lil busy rite now'.
FOR SOME REASON- these fan boys over estimate DRDO. forgetting its a bloody govt run babu organization. just like dda or mcd.

where even if you have togo n take a dump in toilet you have to pay bribe.

ruby - bro just let them be in their fairy land. when the time will come and i hope it wont, they will know the real truth.

DRDO - is a big failure.

Then what you waiting for ??
Join Drdo and show us what you can do if you can't then shut ya mouth .
They need management but think about those scientist who are working for 1st time even if IAF,ARMY AND NAVY set world class standard in mere budget ..
What I started off saying was that DRDO's claims about success in BMD have no independent verification. .

Ok so do you even cry out that loud for "independent verification" of DRDO,s claim over some failure?
If DRDO says failure, you gladly accept that and if DRDO says success, you have all the reasons of the world to doubt that. Thats a prime example of hypocracy.

For Allahs sake, its nothing like DRDO claims 100% success rate. If its s failure, it is known to us as a failure (You dont question that). And if its a success, It becomes known to us as success. You doubt the very integrity of DRDO. And if your allegations are true, DRDO could have easily covered up its failures and made to look like success. THEY HAVENT DONE THAT. Scores of missile test failures are an example to that. DRDO has accepted failure unlike what you may want all of us to believe.

You are just ranting for the sake of it.
Dont read wiki pages and come to the conclusion that these projects are blazing successes. When I said I dont have time to search for their failures I meant I dont want to dig up that sh!t now. Do you know when aakash missile was tested first? go read about that first. You guys have short term memory loss syndrome. You forget all failures for the decades when at the end theey make and declare a success with technology a decades old(at least the design). I did not say DRDO cannot do anything. Given a lifetime even Maldives can come up with a missile. All those which you mentioned are technically failures. Dhruv came from HAL.

Are you a retard? Name some recent projects those failed other than whining. You have no reply.
Why do I care where akash was tested. And are you trying to tell me that army and IAF did not want to test akash for all these years? SO they are like: DRDO comes to army guys and says 'hey guys we are ready for the test' and army says 'No wait. Come after 10 years. I am a lil busy rite now'.

:blink: Akash is India 1st SAM project and IAF wanted world class standard even drdo never had any exprience in this so project delayed but finally they come up ,even IAF revised their ASR in between ... So stop ranting and bashing ,you are just one of few who came up with shitty explanation.. If a SAM system gets 4billion dollar order even after it get delayed earlier that proves its potency in an evironment where our generals want phoren maal and natasha massage 1st...
P.S-- B.S
Then what you waiting for ??
Join Drdo and show us what you can do if you can't then shut ya mouth .
They need management but think about those scientist who are working for 1st time even if IAF,ARMY AND NAVY set world class standard in mere budget ..

No mate, dont tell em to shut thier mouth. for smart a--es on internet, its all too easy to declare DRDO's work as 'bullshit' and their products as whack

'overly paid' scientists are at DRDO are leaving the org, to work 'their ---es off' in private companies :rolleyes:
Some Tests failed so what? DRDO didnt labelled it as a success. Whay are you whining so much about if DRDO claims success?
I am not interested in excuses. What I started off saying was that DRDO's claims about success in BMD have no independent verification. Then these fanboys got to talking. I had to explain why DRDO's claims have to be challenged everytime, what with all their history and baggage of failures. But these guys don't even want to call them failures. This mentality is even more dangerous than what DRDO does. I mean they 'can' produce stuff at least in a million years, if they dont get lazy. But these guys, they just talk and take whatever cr@p they get and go home bragging about it.

There is a proposal for a verification by it using a committee consisting of Bihar MLA and MPs.
FOR SOME REASON- these fan boys over estimate DRDO. forgetting its a bloody govt run babu organization. just like dda or mcd.

where even if you have togo n take a dump in toilet you have to pay bribe.

ruby - bro just let them be in their fairy land. when the time will come and i hope it wont, they will know the real truth.

DRDO - is a big failure.

You got your bro. :lol:

These losers will always whine DRDO is a failure but ask for to name few, will run away in no time.
I am not interested in excuses. What I started off saying was that DRDO's claims about success in BMD have no independent verification.

:lol: You will fail Zaid Hamid!!! US BMD is not verified by anyone, no PAK FA, no F-22, nothing is verified!!! :lol:

Then these fanboys got to talking.

Who are fanboys? Who is whining here and claming all failed but themselves failed to name some of the projects? lol

Your name is correct. lol
Its basically the self-hatred commonly found in Anglophonic NRI Indians who, due to 200+ years of foreign rule have been programmed to believe that whatever that is Indian/indigenous is crap. Period
Its basically the self-hatred commonly found in Anglophonic NRI Indians who, due to 200+ years of foreign rule have been programmed to believe that whatever that is Indian/indigenous is crap.

I think so.

Let see these two guys doing this all over the forum again and again. Same whining... all failed, but ask for naming some of them. No reply but again whining.

A Pakistani guy posted today that India should will not need ballistic missile defence if we leave Kashmir. He has got better logic than these two rubjack@$$ and duhastmish!!! lol
So India plan to guard against missles fire across from the border. It has no plans against long range ICBMs. The problem with terminal phase ABM is that it would be more expensive to build the ABM than offensive missiles with decoys and MIRVs.

Let them have their glory. Stop being a buzz kill.

All you both guyz are doing is trolling. First you ppl were caught up with a lame argument that since the BMD missile was within 70 KMs so it took down the Ballistic missile in Boost phase :LOL:

Now that your argument has been punctured, some of u ppl are bringing LCA into this thread ! Seriously u ppl will bring even trollers to disrepute.

And the argument that, since US has not been able to figure out the shortcomings of PAC3 for the last 5 years thats why DRDO cant achieve it ? Why is that so ? So if your argument holds then even china cant develop one until US perfects it ! HUH !

NASA spent billions around the moon but it was the Chandrayaan which ultimately gave conclusive evidence about the presence of water on the surface of moon ? Not Even the chinese probe to moon could do it. So just because some one spent billions and failed doesnot mean that a person with million $$ cant achieve it.
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