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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

So India plan to guard against missles fire across from the border. It has no plans against long range ICBMs. The problem with terminal phase ABM is that it would be more expensive to build the ABM than offensive missiles with decoys and MIRVs.

We don't have enemies ten thousand of KMs away all are enemies are withing 3000 Km of us..
besides AD1 and AD2 are being developed to deal with ICBMs.
We don't have enemies ten thousand of KMs away all are enemies are withing 3000 Km of us..
besides AD1 and AD2 are being developed to deal with ICBMs.

THAAD has a very limited capability against ICBM. If AD1 and AD2 hopes and desires to have the same capability as THAAD, limited capability against ICBM is the best that it can hope for. As I mentioned earlier, the primary US ABM againt ICBM is NMD. But as India has no plan to create something similar to NMD, it would not have true ABM capability against ICBM. The best it can get is THAAD.
THAAD has a very limited capability against ICBM. If AD1 and AD2 hopes and desires to have the same capability as THAAD, limited capability against ICBM is the best that it can hope for. As I mentioned earlier, the primary US ABM againt ICBM is NMD. But as India has no plan to create something similar to NMD, it would not have true ABM capability against ICBM. The best it can get is THAAD.

Well it is better to take one step at time, right now we don't even have THAD yet..besides they have already started developing soft kill(KALI) and hard kill(Lasers) methods to deal with BM in boost and midcourse phase ..but it will take another 10-15 yrs to deploy.

So India plan to guard against missles fire across from the border. It has no plans against long range ICBMs. The problem with terminal phase ABM is that it would be more expensive to build the ABM than offensive missiles with decoys and MIRVs.

Dude do you suffer from amnesia??? On this thread it has been discussed that DRDO has plans for multi-layered BMD. The starting point is defence against 2000KM missile or IRBMs for which DRDOs developed AAD and PAD (soon upgraded PAD called PDV). After this DRDO will develop intercepts for 5000KM missiles (ICBM). In the meantime, DRDO is also working on mid-course and boost phase intercepts technologies using DEWS (directional energy weapons). I hope this clears your doubts .

AND we are developing our BMD keeping in mind our threat perception not yours. Our threat comes from the neighborhood not from Europe or US or Africa.
u told that data link is vital and the only one and nearly impossible to jam. my dear nothing is impossible
now a days. if incoming missile has random velocity and random path then what will u do? and what will do ur missile shield what will do if our missiles have random turning points that u have not identified what will u do???????????????????????????? ur simulation should be failed.
and what will u do if we fire thousands of missiles at same time. dear brothers try to leave KASHMIR. then u will have no chance to do this.

1) The data link is connected by optical fibres and encrypted, how do you gonna jam it?

2) Read the first post of the thread to know about 'random velocity, path & turning' points.

3) Where will you get thousands of missiles? If Pakistan can make thousand of missiles than India can also make, though there is no truth in your claims.

Rest of the thing like 'leave kashmir or any thing can happen to India' is a very old speech, randomly used by many specially zaid hamid. lol
1) The data link is connected by optical fibres and encrypted, how do you gonna jam it?

2) Read the first post of the thread to know about 'random velocity, path & turning' points.

3) Where will you get thousands of missiles? If Pakistan can make thousand of missiles than India can also make, though there is no truth in your claims.

Rest of the thing like 'leave kashmir or any thing can happen to India' is a very old speech, randomly used by many specially zaid hamid. lol

Everything can be jammed. Pakistan air force will destroy your systems in a preemptive attack. Shower of missiles on your. So it is better for you to leave Kashmir and save your country.
Everything can be jammed. Pakistan air force will destroy your systems in a preemptive attack. Shower of missiles on your. So it is better for you to leave Kashmir and save your country.

How will you carry preemptive strike when our borders are guarded with radars and Aerostats... this is not 1980 sirjee.. it is 2010 wake up
I disagree strongly. We must get out of our typical doubting indian mentality!

Tell me one missile that DRDO could produce satisfactorily for its customers(army, IAF, navy) after it claimed the development is over? Dont count Brahmos, it is a joint venture. The fact remains that whenever DRDO claimed success an outside test was done it was not found satisfactory. SO what is typical is not our doubting mentality, their incompetence so far. It is their duty to come out of the rut and make people believe in them. Its not my problem to become dumber and agree with whatever they say.
Tell me one missile that DRDO could produce satisfactorily for its customers(army, IAF, navy) after it claimed the development is over? Dont count Brahmos, it is a joint venture. The fact remains that whenever DRDO claimed success an outside test was done it was not found satisfactory. SO what is typical is not our doubting mentality, their incompetence so far. It is their duty to come out of the rut and make people believe in them. Its not my problem to become dumber and agree with whatever they say.

Tell me you intelligent fellow which systems you are talking about? Its easy for an intelligent fellow to act dumb with talking nonsense like many when talks about reality they run away. :lol:
Everything can be jammed. Pakistan air force will destroy your systems in a preemptive attack. Shower of missiles on your. So it is better for you to leave Kashmir and save your country.

ok..i'll write a letter to our pm..in just 2 days we'll leave kashmir..till then please wait...
Everything can be jammed.
That I am asking how you will jam?

Pakistan air force will destroy your systems in a preemptive attack.
What our air force will be doing? Seat and see?

Shower of missiles on your. So it is better for you to leave Kashmir and save your country.

Nothing have to say. Every Pakistani say this everywhere.
THAAD has a very limited capability against ICBM. If AD1 and AD2 hopes and desires to have the same capability as THAAD, limited capability against ICBM is the best that it can hope for. As I mentioned earlier, the primary US ABM againt ICBM is GMD. But as India has no plan to create something similar to NMD, it would not have true ABM capability against ICBM. The best it can get is THAAD.

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense
Tell me one missile that DRDO could produce satisfactorily for its customers(army, IAF, navy) after it claimed the development is over? Dont count Brahmos, it is a joint venture. The fact remains that whenever DRDO claimed success an outside test was done it was not found satisfactory. SO what is typical is not our doubting mentality, their incompetence so far. It is their duty to come out of the rut and make people believe in them. Its not my problem to become dumber and agree with whatever they say.

Here in your face rubyjackass...

Akash missile

Army Order about 1000 missiles

Airforce Order about 1000 missiles

Total Order worth more than US $ 4 billion.

Largest ever single defence Order for DRDO with US $ 4 billion and more.

I am waiting your explanation: how india acquired such alien technologies to allow her missile to complete boost/mid course and a large part of its terminal stages within 70 kilometers distance.

With a small enough trajectory, 70 km is enough to complete all stages of a ballistic missile. That is why we have ballistic missiles with range of lower hundreds. If you look at the picture at the end of youtube video you will see that thee missile was intercepted not in its boost phase but in its terminal phase only.
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