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Indian Rupee dives a new record low against dollar

india end is near.soon their economy will fail.with 400 billion usd reserves there is high rate of poverty imagine what happens when their reserve reach 200 billion usd.they will break in to small countries.india should reduce defence budget and stop buying expensive weapons if they want to control economy

you are not a good friend of India!!
India must buy more weapons in order to avoid her breakup into small pieces once economy goes to shit.
Shove up your advice somewhere.

How many times one should explain Indian debts are not government debts. One should have enough MNC's for non-government external debts. :lol:

Lol! How? It looks like you know nothing much about Finances. INR is set at a floating rate currency. The central bank does not determine the value of currency unlike in your country where PKR used to be overvalued by dummy politician. Preach it back home. Not here.

Before you open your stupid mouth GO try to understand as HOW your RBI constantly intervene to stabilize your INR. Also read few reports of IMF on your beloved currency.
As much as I hate to say this, but Indian economy is not in a bad shape.. It is a temporary phase and it will pass.. It is correct that Indian rupee may continue to fall, but even if dollar reaches 200, there is no threat to India's existence..

India's existence will be threatened when Muslims (other than Kashmiris), Dalits and Sikhs will grow balls against Hindu Brahmins.
india end is near.soon their economy will fail.with 400 billion usd reserves there is high rate of poverty imagine what happens when their reserve reach 200 billion usd.they will break in to small countries.india should reduce defence budget and stop buying expensive weapons if they want to control economy

Great post. India is not a poor country, but it is being terribly managed and way too large to be efficient. Hindutva is not a strong enough concept to unite a whole nation, especially as diverse as India. From culture down to history, everything is decaying and fed on superstitions and outright lies.

The wealth coming into India is only benefitting the rich elite while the poor wallow in abject poverty, unsanitary living conditions, and lack of clean water.

Priorities need to be rearranged to put human development on top, and hypernationalistic Hindutva frenzy on the back burner.

No matter how many weapons a country has, when it splits internally, they will be of no use.
Before you open your stupid mouth GO try to understand as HOW your RBI constantly intervene to stabilize your INR. Also read few reports of IMF on your beloved currency.
Lol! What happened Finance expert? Forgot basic lessons? RBI can only intervene through the Forex market. It cannot intervene in the price of the rupee vis dollar directly and don't apply the logic of your currency which was kept overvalued, now it's falling like a card palace. Now, RBI is not a bunch of idiots who don't know the implication of overvaluing the currency. Before you say more stupidity, go take your old books. There's a subject called Foreign exchange and treasury management. If you ever learned lol.
Lol Indian rupee broke another record just few minutes ago trading at all time low. RBI is decreasing its intervention on the fears of declining foreign reserves and high debt on Indian economy. The rupee crisis about to get worse.

Modi economics are drowning India.


@SunilM where are you my friend economic crisis is knocking your door now?

And now Indian rupee crossing 70.52 Mark all time low. The every day nose dive continues.

Just to lift 20 Paisa today Indian Foreign reserves will fall below the mark of $400 billion and loan repayments are on the door of Modi soon

Latest low reached again 70.57 and falling.
Lol! What happened Finance expert? Forgot basic lessons? RBI can only intervene through the Forex market. It cannot intervene in the price of the rupee vis dollar directly and don't apply the logic of your currency which was kept overvalued, now it's falling like a card palace. Now, RBI is not a bunch of idiots who don't know the implication of overvaluing the currency. Before you say more stupidity, go take your old books. There's a subject called Foreign exchange and treasury management. If you ever learned lol.
You really have no idea about RBI the answer is in your own post you big time stupid high school dropout !! It is through foreign exchange the your Govt intervenes by buying USD from the market to keep INR stabilize !! OK !
Trump slapped Modi in the face regarding buying iranian oil and this is the outcome.

most people in the markets know Indian rupee is highly over valued and its real rate should be around 90 ruppes to $1.

expecting Indian rupee to hit the 90 mark by december as winter approcahed and oil and gas prices rise.
these numbers might seem too high or too big. but remember india is a Huge Economy and growing fast. so its natural that they would have big debts and huge losses! its because the size of the country and its economy and its people everything seems so huge when compared to European countries, middle eastern countries and smaller asian countries. China and india are huge !!!! Economies. india is smaller in comparison but still it has potential to catch up with china soon.
Lol ok. Now let me know how many here know that India has untouched reserves that can last for 70years ????
We are Importing oil not because we don’t have it. But who cares right :)
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