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Indian Rupee dives a new record low against dollar

You really have no idea about RBI the answer is in your own post you big time stupid high school dropout !! It is through foreign exchange the your Govt intervenes by buying USD from the market to keep INR stabilize !! OK !
I'm a CA, you dummy. You seem to have no idea and you're retracting from previous comments and telling me what I already said. LOL. Go home, complete your sophomore. LMAO, buying US dollar from Market? You think one country can buy dollar like buying fish from the fish market?:lol:
Central banks of every country are responsible for the value of the currency in every country, it's not artificially propping up the price. Dude, how can government 'buy' dollar and prop up currency?
Why not apply for a Job in Turkish finance ministry, they might need your genius ideas.:enjoy:
Indian Rupee about to make a move even lower 70.85 coming soon. This is the best time buy dollars and move your investments out of India or you will lose all the money you will earn to depreciation in Indian rupee. India is flop market look for some better country in Africa to invest.
Latest: Indian rupee crashing like hell just crossed 71.10 wow Indian economy gone down the drain this is now a real crises. Confirm report India rupee is crashing like hell.
India has Such a useless currency. If u compare other nation than it is pathetic. Even poor japan has a greater value of its currency wrt dollar. And now don't bark at me by saying I'm anti indian
Well no matter what usa is rich and will be rich. Even the poorest person in us has a car, a home and a job
I'm a CA, you dummy. You seem to have no idea and you're retracting from previous comments and telling me what I already said. LOL. Go home, complete your sophomore. LMAO, buying US dollar from Market? You think one country can buy dollar like buying fish from the fish market?:lol:
Central banks of every country are responsible for the value of the currency in every country, it's not artificially propping up the price. Dude, how can government 'buy' dollar and prop up currency?
Why not apply for a Job in Turkish finance ministry, they might need your genius ideas.:enjoy:
Yes iam sure you are CA !! India is full of your kind of CA, chutiya accountnts .. hahahahahah.
This seriously sad. The way Indian rupee is crashing. Indian Rupee at all time low and worst performing currency in Asia is at 71.46 today if tomorrow RBI don't intervene it will dip more this is sad news for Indian economy.
This seriously sad. The way Indian rupee is crashing. Indian Rupee at all time low and worst performing currency in Asia is at 71.46 today if tomorrow RBI don't intervene it will dip more this is sad news for Indian economy.

But Indian ?Brahmins still has the last laugh. No matter how low is Indian Rupee, it will never be as low as Indian moral character and it’s disrespect of women.
But Indian ?Brahmins still has the last laugh. No matter how low is Indian Rupee, it will never be as low as Indian moral character and it’s disrespect of women.
Don't worry Indian rupee will win this falling race from every thing else. If RBI don't gives support today rupee will be some where near 72 If they give support foreign reserves will lose a lot of money.
Don't worry Indian rupee will win this falling race from every thing else. If RBI don't gives support today rupee will be some where near 72 If they give support foreign reserves will lose a lot of money.

This might cause their character to reach even lower. They measure themselves by how low they can reach on everything.
This might cause their character to reach even lower. They measure themselves by how low they can reach on everything.
It is only 3 hours left for rupee to fall again today. We will know soon what part of India hits bottom first.
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