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Indian RFP for six new-generation submarines

Very good analysis..but we dont have to spend that much money to stop pakistan from getting the subs...thats not how it is done.
This extra money must be for something which cant be made public.
Our Govt. is not stupid to buy something at higher price just to stop pakistan from getting it
i think our govt is - we got two offers to upgrade our mirage -2000... one frm france and one frm israel...
france was asking twice the amt israel was yet we still went with france.... and next thing u know france puts the jf-17 upgrade deal on hold/cancel
cud be same for submarines
on a side note - if it is a true competition and my theory is completely bonkers then i hope we get the amur class
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dude thats a 2008 article..its 2010. Have you heard anything regarding this in last two years. This is another promise made by DRDO which they are not in position to fulfill.
dude thats a 2008 article..its 2010. Have you heard anything regarding this in last two years. This is another promise made by DRDO which they are not in position to fulfill.

go through drdo annual report recently released you will see few hints.;);).
Uh I think they meant a AIP system in 4-5 years. Not the whole submarine.
Might b some hidden deal has to do some thing with this wopping amount (as on BR) quit a possibility.
Uh I think they meant a AIP system in 4-5 years. Not the whole submarine.
My question was more general and not to the AIP system. 'Why can't we build them anyway, now that we've built something technologically more complex'
dude thats a 2008 article..its 2010. Have you heard anything regarding this in last two years. This is another promise made by DRDO which they are not in position to fulfill.

DRDO has done a lot work on AIP and fuel cell technologies and in last two years achieved crucial breakthroughs.
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