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Indian Rafale talks hit offset snag

Hmm, it was supposed to be 12 billion for 126 jets in the super MMRCA
They can't even settle on the cost of 36?

Its all happening because of 2 reasons. One IAF has already said its the best jet, 2nd, PMO and DM have this make in india route, which is a play ground for political parties, only if the 50% is not excercized.

Ultimately, if IAF wants to buy Rafale they need to shelve this offset stuff. Money is not a question for 36, but was a problem for 126 jets.
India should buy 126 Rafale ..................France have made them Fool.:enjoy: :laugh: :rofl:
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Guru, my Friend, are you always this innocent?
I mean, you knew all along that Rafale was gonna be expensive, so why waste 6 years on a drama?

After Qatari and Egyptian orders, sure they are. Business.

& after the massive reduction in orders it will be even more tough
If pushed to the wall, go foe Typhoon or Super Hornet!! I mean what are the other options...off the shelves??

Or 2nd hand....good condition....damn cheap??
Meantime why not order more Mig 29s(not Mig 35 as it's still not operational in any airforce). Two squadrons at 30 million bucks for each aircraft would do huge favour to IAF falling numbers.
1. No new facility and training would be required.
2. Would be damm cheap.
3.could be procured in a short time frame.
4. And yes its a good aircraft.
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offsets are not unless specified about anything related to the product even weapons.
If specified that offsets are to be in a mili product of parts-construction nature, then that
is the first step in ToT.

If not specified, nothing stops a car company to offset in a new market with a lollipop factory
worth the value in percent of the deal.

You people would need that precision stated if it exists.
Good day and condo all, Tay.
No comment save to allow a better discussion :

offsets are not unless specified about anything related to the product even weapons.
If specified that offsets are to be in a mili product of parts-construction nature, then that
is the first step in ToT.

If not specified, nothing stops a car company to offset in a new market with a lollipop factory
worth the value in percent of the deal.

You people would need that precision stated if it exists.
Good day and condo all, Tay.

offsets and TOT are different things, could be clubbed in cases. but what ua saying is tOT

If pushed to the wall, go foe Typhoon or Super Hornet!! I mean what are the other options...off the shelves??

Or 2nd hand....good condition....damn cheap??

Its not so simple you see. Typhoon and hornets are rejected and if we say typhoon the L2 bidder to be re instated then its a job beyond the scope of MRCA in current situation.

2nd hand is for someone else, not us
Rafale sucks. No DSI. Do not sign this crappy deal.

in movie Alien lost because they dont have Super DSI in their ship.........
Its not so simple you see. Typhoon and hornets are rejected and if we say typhoon the L2 bidder to be re instated then its a job beyond the scope of MRCA in current situation.

2nd hand is for someone else, not us
If Dassault keeps on going back on its word then IMO we should scrap the MMRCA and go for Typhoon. It was after all the L2 bidder.
Isn't PAK-FA set to enter production in 2016? If yes then we should go for a few of them, MKIsed version of course or as @Ankit Kumar 001 has said Mig-29s are another option. so we do have options.
Just out of frustration, never seriously!!

What is the situation of LCA. SP1 was delivered...What about the next ones?

They will be by end of year. I am just hoping that Mk2 gets delivered on time cuz thats more crucial than this. I would rather let go of this MMRCA and focus on LCA more.

If Dassault keeps on going back on its word then IMO we should scrap the MMRCA and go for Typhoon. It was after all the L2 bidder.
Isn't PAK-FA set to enter production in 2016? If yes then we should go for a few of them, MKIsed version of course or as @Ankit Kumar 001 has said Mig-29s are another option. so we do have options.

The problem is not with Dassult or EADS, the problem is WE. L2 bidder by defntion is more money than L1. What we can do right now, although its complicated, we can take a step forward with the risk involved and live with it. All countries have done that at sometime in thier history.
Mig 29 are not the option at all.

The last time they were chosen only for Viks coz we had no other option.
Bloody frustrating!!

We need to stop this charade! We're making a fool of ourselves.
Russia is wooing India with SU 35 / SU 30 MKI UPGRADED

Rafale might not happen at all

These are better alternatives specially SU 35s as MIG 35 is not made in numbers. meanwhile work fast and hard on LCA 2 and FGFA

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