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Indian Rafale talks hit offset snag

Hmm, it was supposed to be 12 billion for 126 jets in the super MMRCA
They can't even settle on the cost of 36?
no saeen ji you are getting it wrong ;)

point is india wanted the best and french had the best but they are getting too greedy so MOD slashed the order to bare minnimum which has now chances of getting totally bieng scrapped as why waste hard earned tax payers money on a 4.5++ gen fighter when you can get a 5th gen fighter for the same ammount money :)
No need to get excited, MOD is making sure, India gets the most out of it's buck.

This is a done deal, for sure.
no saeen ji you are getting it wrong ;)

point is india wanted the best and french had the best but they are getting too greedy so MOD slashed the order to bare minnimum which has now chances of getting totally bieng scrapped as why waste hard earned tax payers money on a 4.5++ gen fighter when you can get a 5th gen fighter for the same ammount money :)

Guru, my Friend, are you always this innocent?
I mean, you knew all along that Rafale was gonna be expensive, so why waste 6 years on a drama?

French are tough nuts

After Qatari and Egyptian orders, sure they are. Business.
Guru, my Friend, are you always this innocent?
I mean, you knew all along that Rafale was gonna be expensive, so why waste 6 years on a drama?

After Qatari and Egyptian orders, sure they are. Business.

thing is this deal was salted to be yet another corruption scandal of UPA where the money would have been paid in advance and then the defnce supplier would be blacklisted after the money reached its destinations in some foriegn account

they did in many such contracts and delibaretalli messed up defnce deal made by earlier NDA goverment like vikrmaditya and british hawk trainer jet , barak missile deal to name a few as NDA had made those deals minus any kickbacks (main reason why they count nail ABVs NDA govt in a single corruption scandal)

now about MMRCA after kargil war IAF wanted 126 more M2Ks which NDA was nagociating and was almost done and french were tranferring entire production line and assembally line with a few critical techs but then UPA came who totally scrapped it and started with new MMRCA deal which was supported by corrupt MOD & IAF officials and rest is history (ever wonderred why dassult wanted confirmation from MOD that deal done witj UPA govt wont be scrapped by NDA govt)

baki aap khud samjhdaar ho saaeen ji :)
FGFA/PAKFA just might be the real winner if russians some how can deliver them to india on fast track basis both ways its win win situation for IAF & all indians specially those on PDF :devil:

If you see what their government chap said, they are going to induct 12 fighters by 2020 due to budgetary constraints. Production capacity is 60 fighters. This is from confirmed Russian sources.

The Russians will be more than happy to maintain original production plan, if they can divert fighters to the IAF. Their plant produces at top capacity and they hit the French where it hurts. We should cap the Rafale at 36, that is if we proceed with it.
This is turning out to be a major embarrassment for India. From 126 Rafale jets to only 36 and now even that looks impossible.

The deal started out at 6 billion dollars, peaked at ~ 10 billion dollars and is not back again at 6 billion dollars minus 90 aircraft. What a waste!!
India overestimates its negotiating capability and strategy. France is not going to sell and transfer Rafale technology for peanuts to India.

India does not over-estimate anything. Indian bureaucrats have a habit of taking ages to decide whether they will have tea or coffee. Buying a jet would make them take decades.

No country is going to sell critical technology for cheap. They spend years honing these tech and take pride in them. ToT is not the solution for everything.
No need to get excited, MOD is making sure, India gets the most out of it's buck.

This is a done deal, for sure.

I am not so sure.

At this point there is too much bad blood and distrust. The deal is screwed up and it is unlikely to be smooth sailing IF ever it get signed.
Dassault has been unfairly biased, stubborn and going back on there commitments since past more then 3 years now

get some MIG 35 and work hard n fast on Tejas Mark 1 & 2, FGFA
India should have a plan B.
If this deal gets closed for good,what are the options for India other than Rafaels ?
Fgfa is not a good comparison bcz it will take time to come and will also come in few numbers.
By that time,most probably we will also procure the fifth gen J 31.

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