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Indian Prime Minister Modi takes a swipe at China in speech to the UN and demands nuclear-armed India be added to the Security Council because it is ‘

This is sort of a joke but might be kind of true.
World is divided by ideologies. The US, UK, France are supposed to represent democracy, ownership by the elites but rule by the retarded muggles. While the Chinese and Russian represent the socialist communism rule of the elites but ownership by the retarded muggles. India is a democracy and thus it is ownership by the elites and rule of the muggles. India's interests should have been protected by the other demoncrazy nations.
Your democracy argument doesn't make sense based on the actions of US, UK, France at the UNSC. Pakistan is a democracy as well. One can argue that Iran is more democratic than the GCC.
Your democracy argument doesn't make sense based on the actions of US, UK, France at the UNSC. Pakistan is a democracy as well. One can argue that Iran is more democratic than the GCC.

it doesn't? Have not the UNSC democratic nations all tried to enrich the elite (bankers, entertainers and moguls) while spreading democratic "freedoms" to the world?

Doesn't Pakistan have some very rich people and a whole bunch of not rich people. Are the Elites getting richer while their muggles just survive or struggle on?

I don't know. Like I said, "it might be kind of right" :)
The criteria for UNSC permanent seat is victor in WWII. Japan was the loser. And India represented through Britain.

It has been 8 decades since world war 2 ..the world has changed ..so should UNSC. To reflect the current and the future world order. Nations have risen and fallen since then and fallen and risen again eg Soviet Union and Germany.
It has been 8 decades since world war 2 ..the world has changed ..so should UNSC. To reflect the current and the future world order. Nations have risen and fallen since then and fallen and risen again eg Soviet Union and Germany.
UN will only change after there is another world war.
It has been 8 decades since world war 2 ..the world has changed ..so should UNSC. To reflect the current and the future world order. Nations have risen and fallen since then and fallen and risen again eg Soviet Union and Germany.

if India and other nations don't like how the UN is structured, unfair/injust, then why not leave and make their own? Is somebody forcing them to be in the UN or to partake in the current economic system? If they are being forced and they acquiesce to the demands then they are probably not powerful enough to earn a seat.
Having many people is not reason to have a seat, nor is having nuclear weapons....the UK and France don't have many people. Israel, Pakistan and North Korea all have nukes, many other nations could build nukes on short notice.

You don't change the laws just because more people arrive.
Demand ? who are you to demand anything no one lol a racist terrorist nation filled with hate and lies is what you are stay in your place and keep that dirty stinky mouth shut lmao !!!!
I just cant read beyond first few lines This pathetic Gaye sarindra modie have no shame he will lie just right at your face this sanghie terrorist is a pathetic NAZIE ediot he think he can foul the entire world.
if India and other nations don't like how the UN is structured, unfair/injust, then why not leave and make their own? Is somebody forcing them to be in the UN or to partake in the current economic system? If they are being forced and they acquiesce to the demands then they are probably not powerful enough to earn a seat.
Having many people is not reason to have a seat, nor is having nuclear weapons....the UK and France don't have many people. Israel, Pakistan and North Korea all have nukes, many other nations could build nukes on short notice.

You don't change the laws just because more people arrive.

So tell us ..what is the "reason" for having a seat at SC ?
Demand ? who are you to demand anything no one lol a racist terrorist nation filled with hate and lies is what you are stay in your place and keep that dirty stinky mouth shut lmao !!!!
We are one sixth of humanity ..who the hell are you?
So tell us ..what is the "reason" for having a seat at SC ?

India was 1/7th of humanity when the UN was founded. They didn't complain then.

Reason? ownership, power, influence, two sides of the ideological coin
You know that the UN and SC only has influence over others such that its powerful members can exert, right? India fears others exerting influence over it. Why, if India is powerful and your economy is mostly self contained?
All 5 SC nations (with their allies) can exert a lot of financial and military influence. India can barely influence its closest neighbors.

Like I said. India is part of "their" system/club. Millions of Indians have profited greatly by joining with "their" system/club, both in India and by moving into the "West".

something like that.
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