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[Bregs];4844857 said:
his statement is taken out of context there might be some criteria in minority eligible for it, Feku fans have habbit of twisting facts

I know, some poster here gave the example of politicians in Uk etc, but even here in Uk government has schemes specially for minorities. There is nothing wrong in it.
I know, some poster here gave the example of politicians in Uk etc, but even here in Uk government has schemes specially for minorities. There is nothing wrong in it.

Schemes to help them is good man but this is literally purchasing their votes through handouts. Tell me how does it empower someone?
What is so wrong with asking votes from muslims and other minorities? Aren't they citizens entitled to voice their political opinions based on politicians who will work for them? How is this any different for using hindu conservatism as a means to ask for votes(which also happens in India)?

Doesn't modi plaster himself as an hindi nationalist? How is that not asking for hindu votes?

Learn to distinguish between freebies for appeasment and being one's poster boy. I haven't heard any Pakistani leader offering freebies to minority in Sindh.
Does Modi confidant Amit Shah’s trip to Ayodhya signal a return to Hindutva in Uttar Pradesh?

On its part, the BJP is doing everything in its power to quell the fear of the Muslim voter. While leaders like Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi are saying that the party is trying to reach out to Muslims and is preparing a vision document to allay their fears, the strategists of the party are also keeping a close eye on the fallout of the “Muslim appeasement” to both the SP and the Congress. According to party insiders, a close watch is being maintained in districts and places that have witnessed communal riots in the past year-and-a-half.

The fact that over 100 small and big communal riots have taken place during the SP regime has given the saffron party a reason to see a potential of social engineering in those areas. The party feels that an aggressive campaign might lead to an increase in its current tally.

“The general impression on the ground is that both Yadavs and Muslims have suffered under the rule of Akhilesh Yadav,” says a BJP leader in Lucknow. “There is unease among the upper castes, which voted for the SP, and we could end up gaining this time.”

Moreover, the party is also trying to aggressively counter the ‘Muslim-friendly’ policies of the SP. It feels that issues like seeking closure of cases against Muslim youths lodged in jail for alleged terror activities, money being given to girls from Muslim community for marriages and other things provides a window of opportunity for them to convince upper caste voters of how despite voting for the SP, they are at the receiving end now.

With Rajnath Singh also from Uttar Pradesh, if the party is able to swing some of the Rajput votes, this could reap rich dividends in the state. It could also help them defeat the SP and BSP’s efforts to woo the Brahmin community by offering them 20-plus seats.

But the actual challenge to Modi and Shah in decoding Uttar Pradesh will not be in reviving Hindutva or wooing the Muslim voter; it will come from within the party. The party organisation is in a shambles and there are more leaders than cadres. According to a close aide of Shah, both men understand the importance of putting a unified structure before attempting to achieve the impossible. They are aware of the importance of this chance and its implication on their future. Also, Modi has been a sangathan mantri (chief organiser) in the past, and so he is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the state unit.

The overwhelming feeling within the party is that the state BJP has a ‘tired and tested’ leadership, which needs massive rejuvenation, before they can actually march towards the dream figure of trebling their current holding.

One thing working in Modi’s favour is that state leaders are aware of his reputation as a leader who neither forgets nor forgives, and it is this fear that will make them toe his line. How effective the strategy of fear proves to be, though, will only become apparent after the polls. Second-rung leaders like Varun Gandhi and Uma Bharti can be good assets, although with Shah as boss, what say the others will have in campaigning and candidate selection decisions remains to be seen.

Political observers are also aware that one of the reasons Modi’s candidacy is being talked about a lot is because he is an OBC. Elections in states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have always meant that much of the political narrative is written on caste lines. The BJP will remember the recent example of Bihar, where after the split with the JD(U), the state unit did not mention Narendra Modi as a shining example of governance but as the son of a tea stall owner, an OBC who was denied his due. The significance of this was not lost on Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who did not lose any time in retorting that just being born an OBC does not entitle one to become their leader.

The Muslim elite, however, feel that even without Modi contesting from Uttar Pradesh, the BJP is already working towards a communal polarisation of the voters in the state. According to Peerzada Ahmed Salim Khan, president of the Parcham Party, “The process is already on. All contentious issues like Article 370, Uniform Civil Code and the temple at Ayodhya are back. The BJP will do all in its power to create communal rift, but it won’t be able to do much.”

The other strategy the party is working on in Uttar Pradesh is to focus on those seats where the margin of loss was less than 50,000 votes. There are 10 such seats in the state, and in six of these, the margin of loss is less than 30,000 votes.

Apart from this, the party is also eyeing the 17 Lok Sabha seats reserved for the scheduled castes. In 2009, the BJP won only two seats out of the 17, but in past parliamentary elections, the party had retained as many as 15 seats. The view in the party is that with hardwork and smart candidate selection, they can reverse the tide in 2014.

The question therefore remains: will the mix of aggressive Hindutva and good governance, with a dash of caste, work for the BJP? A senior party leader summed up the real fear thus: “If we don’t get good results this time, not even Lord Ram can save us from decimation.”

Source: The Modi-Shah game plan in UP | Tehelka.com - Part 2
No one will cry foul if congress/other sickular plays Minority politics but when BJP even hints at Majority politics every one loses their mind.

Look around...people ARE crying foul....no doubt this government is in its last stages...and the surprising thing is dat they are SO stupid that they still dont realise it....otherwise they wouldnt say things like this and even ThINK of passing the recent ordinance..
Schemes to help them is good man but this is literally purchasing their votes through handouts. Tell me how does it empower someone?

Does asking employers to hire a certain population of their workforce from minorities groups counts? Does advertising some vacancies for minorities only count?

Learn to distinguish between freebies for appeasment and being one's poster boy. I haven't heard any Pakistani leader offering freebies to minority in Sindh.

What has Pakistan got to do with this? I'm commenting on India here, I'm not the one to get in mud slinging match between nations. And regarding your question, strangely enough I am minority from Sindh...I didn't get any freebies no
http:// www google com /hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ibyzCoopytE4OrX-1NeNmLwzXg4Q?docId=7f7f478c-3dcd-41f0-9c08-1a4b8d739e0c

New Delhi — A teenage Indian maid rescued last week with horrific injuries has alleged her employer forced her to drink urine, kept her naked in the bathroom and burnt her with a frying pan, reports said Saturday.

The young woman was speaking to the media Friday after being rescued by police from a home in an upscale New Delhi neighbourhood following complaints by neighbours.

Police say the teenager had been tortured by her employer, a 50-year-old Indian woman working for a French multinational.

"(My employer) forced me to drink urine, kept me naked in the bathroom and would singe me with a frying pan and hit me with a broom," the maid told The Hindustan Times newspaper.

"She would laugh after beating me," the girl alleged.

The girl also alleged her nails were pulled out and a piece of paper on which she had written down the telephone numbers of her relatives had been torn up, The Indian Express reported.

After her rescue last week, social rights campaigners said she had been slashed with knives and mauled by dogs.

The girl's account has focused the spotlight on abuse of domestic servants, including children.

The employees are sometimes trafficked from remote and poverty-stricken Indian states to urban centres and toil for long hours in homes for little and or no pay.

The teenager, who was initially reported to be 15 but is around 18 according to police, spoke to journalists in hospital where she is recovering from multiple injuries all over her body, including a deep gash on her head.

The maid recounted her alleged ordeal in detail after being reunited with her mother Friday, the English-language daily said.

Photographs showed the girl hugging her tearful mother inside a hospital room.

The girl, from the impoverished eastern state of Jharkhand, told police after her rescue that she had been working for her employers for the past year.

Social rights activists who assisted in the police rescue said she was slashed with knives and mauled by five dogs kept as pets by her employer who lived with her 85-year-old mother in the house.

The employer, who has been arrested and is facing charges of illegal confinement and assault, has denied the allegations and has accused the teenager of being mentally unstable.

Charges would not be pressed against the employer's elderly mother on account of her age, police said.

Reports of impoverished domestic servants being abused by their rich employers frequently appear in Indian newspapers.

In April last year, police arrested a wealthy doctor couple who locked up their 13-year-old maid while they went away on holiday.

She was rescued by firefighters when neighbours spotted her crying on an outside balcony.

In 2006 India passed legislation banning employment of children under 14 in households, roadside eateries and hotels, but the law is widely flouted in the country of 1.2 billion people.
What has Pakistan got to do with this? I'm commenting on India here, I'm not the one to get in mud slinging match between nations. And regarding your question, strangely enough I am minority from Sindh...I didn't get any freebies no

Fair enough, freebies disfigure the concept of Democracy itself, hence I abhor it and suggest that it should be discouraged in every form and at time expect same from those who has a iota of idea about democracy.
Does asking employers to hire a certain population of their workforce from minorities groups counts? Does advertising some vacancies for minorities only count?

Yes they do count. Any scheme directed for any particular community does comes in category of appeasment , even our apex court had banned it but lawmakers circumvented by passing some bill.
Good Gawwwddddddddd!! Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to take some loans?? :D :D
Modi has come to be linked to extreme positions of all hues imaginable – from rabid Hindutva to growth fundamentalism to chest-thumping nationalism to lynch mob justice. It may not entirely be his fault though. He has been trying to hard-sell an image without rough edges ever since he started nursing the prime ministerial ambition. He is gradually warming up to the Muslims and talking of inclusive economic growth. He has even started toning down his jingoistic views on India’s foreign policy keeping with his status as the prime minister candidate of the country’s second largest national party.

He is not convincing enough, but no one can fault him for not trying to be more statesmanlike in his approach to the bigger world outside Gujarat. The problem, however, is none of his die hard loyalists would stop pinning him down to the image he would like to dissociate himself from.

So for the Hindutva fanatics he remains the champion of combative political Hindutva, for the growth fundamentalists he remains the aggressive promoter of businesses and for the jingoists he remains the ultimate symbol of macho nationalism.

He now means all things to all people, particularly those of the wrong kind – just check the comments sections in every article on him on social media, you realise how. How he reconciles such extremes without alienating any of his followers as he moves ahead is his problem.

But the fact is the myth-making machinery that has helped him build a larger-than-life image has veered out of his control and got a life of its own. He cannot do much about it now. If someone claims, on his behalf, that he rescued 15,000 pilgrims single-handed from rain and landslide-ravaged Uttarakhand, he has to take the embarrassment with a grimace. But what he certainly can do is not allow further damage to his image from lies, particularly those slipping into his speeches frequently. After his elevation as the party’s official contender for the top job, he would be under sharper scrutiny than earlier and there are chances that rebuttal from the rival camp would be quicker.

Chidambaram’s ‘fake encounter with facts’ jibe in reply to Modi’s claim that India grew at 8.4 percent during the NDA’s rule is a case in point. This is an exaggerated number that has already been refuted by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Parliament earlier. The PM said the average growth rate in the last nine years has been 7.9 per cent, while during the NDA tenure it was less than six per cent. The Finance Minister reiterated that saying the average growth during UPA’s first term was 8.4 per cent and 7.3 per cent during the first four years of UPA-II compared to 5.9 percent during the NDA’s rule.

Modi must go slow about the claim of Gujarat being the investment gateway to India. Contrary to what his hype machinery would assert, according to the Reserve Bank of India’s FDI figures for the decade 2000-2011, Gujarat received about $7.2 billion in FDI while Maharashtra received $45.8 billion and Delhi over $26 billion. States such as Karnataka ($8.3 billion) and Tamil Nadu ($7.3 billion) attracted higher FDI.

The Gujarat growth numbers during Modi are impressive but other states such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and even Bihar have done equally good, even better, too. There are serious issues relating to key development indices in Gujarat – infant mortality and malnutrition among children are at uncomfortable levels and the state has witnessed virtual jobless growth between 2001 and 2011. Of course, there is the problematic communal question, the 2002 riots, the fake encounters and all that. The more Modi flaunts the Gujarat success story, the more he would be confronted with numbers and the reality on the ground.

His achievements, at least on the economic front, are laudable, and there’s little doubt that when it comes to governance he is one of the best chief ministers in the country, but the less he relies on numbers to make a point the better it is for Modi. It only makes him look like one of his online loyalists, who have little patience for veracity of facts and statistics. Moreover, the numbers are meaningless for the lay voter who would like to hear more about corruption under the Congress-led UPA’s rule and issues of good governance

It’s time for Modi to change his tactic.

Read more at: http://www.firstpost.com/politics/d...?utm_source=editorpick&utm_medium=authorposts
Yes they do count. Any scheme directed for any particular community does comes in category of appeasment , even one of our high court had banned it but lawmakers circumvented by passing some bill.

well yes That's what happens in UK. That particular comment was directed at a person who implied that minorities didn't get favourable treatment in the UK. I agree with you on everything else.
Good Gawwwddddddddd!! Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to take some loans?? :D :D

Yes by paying 60% of to be loaned money as a bribe to corrupt officials and one more thing there would be a cap on upper limit of loan to be sanctioned.
Yes by paying 60% of to be loaned money as a bribe to corrupt officials and one more thing there would be a cap on upper limit of loan to be sanctioned.

Na!! I will cry out loud about minority torture and there will be news agencies who will cry with me.. They will sanction me loan with out a cap :P
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