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1.) Who says it was spreaded to large part? but he was not a Bihari or pride of Bihar.

2.) Its like saying Modi praised Queen Elizabeth because her rule was spread over africa, asia, India including Bihar.

3.) Hence spread over is not the thing, the real thing is who is bihari having his capital as patliputra??

Queen Elizabeth, Chandragupta I or Chandragupta Maurya??????????

4.) It is Chandragupta "Mauyra"

a.) Born and braught up in Bihar
b.) Ruler of Bihar
c.) Having its capital as "Patliputra" (Patna, Bihar)

d.) The most proud son of Bihar as he defeated the army of Alaxender, ruled large part of India, Balochistan, Iran and Afganistan

4.) And u fools want to believe that Modi was not talking about that great son of bihar but of a invader of bihar Chandragupta I of Ujjain just to save Modi. :hitwall::hitwall:

chuteye its to make u remind even kids know about the vikram the chandragupta I of Ujjain not of Bihar.

Its you who is making a fool out of himself... Chandragupta-II was also called Chandrupta- Vikramaditya and was a son of Samudragupta and grandson of Chandragupta-1.. He ruled during 4th century AD. His rule is considered the best period of Magadh empire as He won over Gujrat , Saurashta and Malwa ( with capital Ujjain which you seem to be very fond of ).

Vikramaditya of Ujjain was from Parmar dynasty not from Gupta dynasty and used to rule in 1st century AD. Now got it tard..? Time difference of 300 years. Baital-pachisi is story of this Vikramaditya .

Its time for typical congressian fools like you to unlearn congressian history and start studying from neutral sources.

And hands off my Magadh and Magadh's history.. There is no place for Congress in Chankaya's Patliputra anymore.
Morkho ke raja, read again about the Chandragupta I:

With a dowry of the kingdom of Magadha (capital Pataliputra) and an alliance with the Lichchhavis, Chandragupta set about expanding his power, conquering much of Magadha, Prayaga and Saketa.

Gupta Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a.) This means he have got kingdom of Magadha with its capital Patliputra as a dowry it makes it clear that he was not the king of Patliputra or a Bihar but got Bihar/patliputra as a gift.

b.) As he have married a princess and got Magadha/patliputra as a wedding gift but before getting married he was king of Ujjain after marriage he remain the king of Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) ut his empire also consist of Magadha/patliputra.

c.) The fact remain he was not bihari and Modi was not referring to him.

Now on, i will try to ignore Modi fools.

Murakh dubara padh.

In foreign Greek and Latin accounts, Chandragupta is known as Sandrokottos and Androcottus.[4] He became well known in the Hellenistic world for conquering Alexander the Great's easternmost satrapies, and for defeating the most powerful of Alexander's successors, Seleucus I Nicator, in battle.

Chandragupta subsequently married Seleucus's daughter to formalize an alliance and established a policy of friendship with the Hellenistic kingdoms, which stimulated India's trade and contact with the western world. The Greek diplomat Megasthenes is an important source of Mauryan history.

Chandragupta Maurya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vikram was chandragupta 2 , not 1. So your claims of history with vikram and vetal are fucked up. Go back and read your 6th standard history book.
And I am not modi bhakt. I can give you pappu supporters a thousand names.
Here is one for you, PAPLUCHND.
Post anothet nonsense and I shall present you with another glorius name, bitch.
I commend your knowledge of ancient Indian history! Now we have a real Chandragupta & a fake Chandragupta! & your evidence is Vikram & baital stories :lol:

Vikran and Baital stories are based on Vikramaditya from Ujjain who was from Parmar dynasty and ruled 300 years before Chandragupta-Vikramaditya... This fool is trying to Congressize Magadh's history.

BTW Chandragupta-Vikramaditya expanded Magadh by winning Malwa ( Capital- Ujjain ) along with Gujrat, Saurashtra . He even made Ujjain his second capital at later stage.
Vikram was chandragupta 2 , not 1. So your claims of history with vikram and vetal are fucked up. Go back and read your 6th standard history book.
And I am not modi bhakt. I can give you pappu supporters a thousand names.
Here is one for you, PAPLUCHND.
Post anothet nonsense and I shall present you with another glorius name, bitch.
Vikran and Baital stories are based on Vikramaditya from Ujjain who was from Parmar dynasty and ruled 300 years before Chandragupta-Vikramaditya... This fool is trying to Congressize Magadh's history.

BTW Chandragupta-Vikramaditya expanded Magadh by winning Malwa ( Capital- Ujjain ) along with Gujrat, Saurashtra . He even made Ujjain his second capital at later stage.
Its you who is making a fool out of himself... Chandragupta-II was also called Chandrupta- Vikramaditya and was a son of Samudragupta and grandson of Chandragupta-1.. He ruled during 4th century AD. His rule is considered the best period of Magadh empire as He won over Gujrat , Saurashta and Malwa ( with capital Ujjain which you seem to be very fond of ).

Vikramaditya of Ujjain was from Parmar dynasty not from Gupta dynasty and used to rule in 1st century AD. Now got it tard..? Time difference of 300 years. Baital-pachisi is story of this Vikramaditya .

Its time for typical congressian fools like you to unlearn congressian history and start studying from neutral sources.

And hands off my Magadh and Magadh's history.. There is no place for Congress in Chankaya's Patliputra anymore.


'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'
With rally, Modi evolves from #feku to #compulsiveliar

Modi is a good orator. In fact, many would argue that that’s probably all he is. In the early days, when he made mistakes with historical facts, he earned himself the twitter hashtag of #feku. But now with his mistakes continuing, and with the intention behind those mistakes becoming clearer, it looks like he has earned himself the #compulsiveliar title.

Lets be clear here. Modi doesn’t give any interviews. He doesn’t respond to any questions from the audience. He simply shoots and scoots. He says whatever he wants to say and goes away.
Its much like a movie – where an audience has no chance to participate, and has to stay contented with a one-sided delivery (If I could have, I would have stopped Aamir from the trash he dished out in Dhoom3!).

And just like a movie is made after many “takes”, one has to assume that Modi’s speeches are written and re-written and practiced and re-practiced many times. So when mistakes still remain, one has to conclude that they are intentional. And the habit of lying is compulsive.

Take the really silly mistake about how many CMs Maharashtra has had since 1960 and how many Gujarat has had. Modi said Maharashtra has had 26 CMs while Gujarat has had only 14. Now the truth is remarkably different. In reality, Maharashtra has had 17 “unique” individuals as CMs, spread over some 22 tenures. In contrast, Gujarat has had 14 CMs spread over some 23 tenures. So how did he get his 14/26 numbers for Guj/Maha? Clearly, he chose to use “uniques” for Gujarat and “total tenures” for Maharashtra! Why did he lie like this? A clue to this is in the message he was trying to drive home. That in Maharashtra, the Congress government has been useless (what else!)…..and every time a CM takes charge, there is another neta waiting to oust him. It was with this political intention that Modi made that mistake. A mistake that has to qualify as a knowing lie. BTW, Modi probably didn’t realize but his alliance partner Shiv Sena wouldn’t be too happy with this – in its little more than 4 year rule in Maharashtra, the Shiv Sena had two CMs (Manohar Joshi & Narayan Rane)!

Take the motor vehicles tax issue where Modi said something about Maharashtra earning some Rs 400 odd crores while Gujarat – using technology – earned more than a thousand. Impressive right? Except that Modi was lying again. Not with the figures this time, but with the interpretation. The NCP quickly rebutted Modi’s argument. As per NDTV.com “Several vehicles from Maharashtra carry goods to northern parts of India. All of these go through Gujarat. Therefore the Motor Vehicle Tax that Gujarat collects is higher. On the other hand, lesser number of vehicles come from Gujarat in Maharashtra. Modi has wrongly interpreted this fact to present Gujarat positively”. Wrongly interpreted…..yes….but mistakenly or intentionally?

Then this assertion that the Central government, led by the Congress, had not given permission to create some “big gates” on the Sardar Sarovar project for so many years…..and that if it had done so, it would help Maharashtra get electricity worth some Rs 400 crores.

Again, the NCP quickly rebutted this: “Modi's allegation about not getting permission to place the gates of Sardar Sarovar Project holds no ground. Since Madhya Pradesh has failed to rehabilitate affected people, the permission for the gates is pending. Therefore even we are deprived of electricity”. Again, does this look like an innocent mistake…..or an intentional lie???

The same story played out with respect to Local body Tax (LBT)….which Modi branded (in his unique style!) as “Loot Baantne ki Technique”. Catchy yes, but factual???? Hell, no! Here’s what the rebuttal issued by the NCP is “The local body tax (LBT), whose implementation in Maharashtra Modi opposed today, is not an exclusive feature of this state. All the states with no octroi have LBT”. This is what Wiki reports about LBT and Gujarat “LBT is not levied upon in the state of Gujarat. The octroi was cancelled in 2007 and to compensate that, Value Added Tax (VAT) was increased. However, as of April 2013, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) was planning to add on a separate LBT apart from the current VAT structure”. Again, a big fat lie.

So why is Modi resorting to such big lies? :eek:

In my mind, there is a simple explanation. Beneath the clever exterior – PR driven no doubt –of the BJP’s PM candidate lies a very very dumb interior. :agree: :lol: :lol:

An interior that is largely illiterate, and very ignorant of facts. :P

Knowledge – or rather information – about subjects is shallow. This is why Modi doesn’t engage in a dialogue, only a monologue.
:agree: :enjoy:

This is why Modi walked out of an interview with Karan Thapar – the going got too tough and his ignorance was getting exposed. As always happens with shallow ignorant people, the external façade is fragile and needs to be protected at all costs; else the interior would get exposed.

Modi knows his strength is his oratory, not his intelligence. :agree:

He uses this fact to the hilt. He thus utters complete lies with an absolute straight face, knowing his audience will lap it up in complete trust.

By the time the world gets to the truth, he and his audience would have split, the political goal achieved.

That is why the other hashtag Modi has rightly earned for himself is #shamemodi.

The real truth is that Modi has evolved from #feku to #compulsiveliar, the way a small time crook evolves from petty theft to daylight robbery to assault to much worse.

Modi’s lies are compulsive, which means that even he cannot control them.

The reasons for these lies are a) strategic & intentional (political rhetoric), b) ignorance (we have enough evidence of that!) and c) in a large measure just an uncontrollable penchant for lies. Vote for Modi. Vote for the compulsive liar!

The real truth: With Mumbai rally, Modi evolves from #feku to #compulsiveliar
So after one lie is nailed, you brought another one.
Everyone else, please put him on ignore list. This donkey isn't worth replying.
More so, he is incapable of keeping debates rational, and accepting his mistake.
Headlines Today polls showing what I predicted yesterday.
BJP is getting most % of votes of Upper class and OBCs in UP while in dalits votes BJP is only behind to BSP and ahead of rest other.
BJP's vote share
upper caste(48%)
OBC votes(35%)
Dalit votes(21%)
Muslim votes(7% while rest muslim votes are almost equally divided among rest parties)
Last edited:
Two out of three people arrested in Racial attack case in Delhi are AAP workers. They have been arrested under SC/ST act.

Farman, Pawan and Sunder have been arrested in the case. Pawan and Sunder are AAP workers. AAP posters/banners have been removed from there houses post arrest.
Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde today held a meeting with Congress MPs from North East to discuss the issue of security and safety of people from the North East.

Rahul Gandhi called for the fast tracking of investigation into the death of Nido Taniam and the assault on two women from Manipur.
How BJP infiltrates law agences with its own people and subversts investigation should be very clear now that Satyapal Singh, the Ex-Chairman of the Special Investigation Team of Ishrat Jahan Fake Encounter case, has joined BJP and shared stage with Narendra Modi and Amit Shah at BJP's Meerut Rally.



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कारवां पत्रिका में छपी रिपोर्ट ने संघ की काली करतूतों को बेनकाब कर दिया है। असीमानन्द ने ये स्वीकार किया है कि राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ सांप्रादायिक और आतंकवादी गतिविधियों में लिप्त है। अपने विस्फोटक कबूलनामे में असीमानंद ने सरसंघचालक मोहन भागवत को सीधे सीधे संघ की आतंकवादी गतिविधियों से जोड़ा है। क्या हम अपना देश आतंकवादियों के हाथ सौंप सकते हैं?

In an interview Swami Aseemanand has accused RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat of terrorism and blasts in the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Sharif. He said Bhagwat who was an RSS member then asked him to do the deed as this will be good for Hindus and that it should not be linked to Sangh.
Congress workers participating in second day of "Padyatra" in Raibareily, Loksabha constituency of Congress president Smt Sonia Gandhi.


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