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'Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.'

This guy is stooping lower and lower with every passing day. . . . :rolleyes:

Reminds me one of the incidents I witnessed in Hyderabad. . . .

Few Muslim boys( teeagers and most probably uneducated ) were teasing girls, abusing old men, standing on a bus stop. . .And then a big guy came and slapped one of these boys. . . and called the police.

Suddenly these boys started giving excuse of them being harassed because they belong to minority and other bla bla bla. .

.now look at this low life . . .not even sparing religion to fulfill his propaganda. . .and if some one will reciprocate his actions then he will start baby crying about personal attacks and other shit like he did in the other thread.

@Oscar @Aeronaut @WebMaster . . . plz look at his posts. .religious flame baiting . . . . a clear violation of the forum rules.
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i m indian i hate all who creates terror whether it is indian mujhahideen (some misled muslim or RSS now .
its not about religion but about india and its unity i dont support any hardliners

media have records with audio recording
People like you always try compare terrorist groups with RSS WHICH have highest number of ngo working for indian society there humanitarian work in 1962 war 1965 many more there works in any natural disater taken place in india whether its earth quake in gujrat uttarakhand assam kashmir many more. How many ngo does Laskar ,Indian Mujhahideen operates Please tell me
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I donot understand why our people are so upset even if hypothetically RSS boss blessed killing of some enemey country assets...
Does this kind of sympathy was there by Congress when all these terrorist attack happens in our country?..


कारवां पत्रिका में छपी रिपोर्ट ने संघ की काली करतूतों को बेनकाब कर दिया है। असीमानन्द ने ये स्वीकार किया है कि राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ सांप्रादायिक और आतंकवादी गतिविधियों में लिप्त है। अपने विस्फोटक कबूलनामे में असीमानंद ने सरसंघचालक मोहन भागवत को सीधे सीधे संघ की आतंकवादी गतिविधियों से जोड़ा है। क्या हम अपना देश आतंकवादियों के हाथ सौंप सकते हैं?

In an interview Swami Aseemanand has accused RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat of terrorism and blasts in the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Sharif. He said Bhagwat who was an RSS member then asked him to do the deed as this will be good for Hindus and that it should not be linked to Sangh.
E hauwe dhobi ke kukur. Kabo enne kabo onne batiawe se kaam na chali tiwari ji. Tu kenho ke na rahaba.

Jhakaas bhojpuri bole ho bhai... Bihari badu ka..?

Hamaar bhojpuri tanik kamjor ba..

Tiwari jee overstayed his welcome in JD-U and over played his secularism card in a place like Bihar where no one gives a damn about it. He certainly was creating a problem for JD-U and so is Nitish. Thats why I have always believed that JD-U may very well junk Nitish in future because of " Janta ki rai" in coming election. JD-U badly needs BJP's support to remain relevant in Bihar. BJP can do without ruling a state but if Lalu returns to power, he will make target JD-U leaders with vengeance.
This guy is stooping lower and lower with every passing day. . . . :rolleyes:

Reminds me one of the incidents I witnessed in Hyderabad. . . .

Few Muslim boys( teeagers and most probably uneducated ) were teasing girls, abusing old men, standing on a bus stop. . .And then a big guy came and slapped one of these boys. . . and called the police.

Suddenly these boys started giving excuse of them being harassed because they belong to minority and other bla bla bla. .

.now look at this low life . . .not even sparing religion to fulfill his propaganda. . .and if some one will reciprocate his actions then he will start baby crying about personal attacks and other shit like he did in the other thread.

@Oscar @Aeronaut @WebMaster . . . plz look at his posts. .religious flame baiting . . . . a clear violation of the forum rules.
mate These Are Of Same Fanatics Breeds WE hear About In Every days Life thats why these Youths are Softly Targeted By Anti national Elements or Divisive Party Like Comgress Sp Etc
आपस में ही भिड़े 'आप' कार्यकर्ता, किसी ने फेंके अंडे किसी ने टमाटर


रांची. आप के कार्यकर्ताओं ने बुधवार को पार्टी के झारखंड प्रभारी सोमनाथ त्रिपाठी के साथ मारपीट की और उनके ऊपर अंडे व टमाटर फेंके। कार्यकर्ताओं का आरोप था कि पार्टी की लोकसभा चुनाव अभियान समिति में जिन नौ नए लोगों को शामिल किया गया है, उनका पार्टी से कोई लेनादेना नहीं है। वे कभी पार्टी की बैठकों में शामिल तक नहीं हुए। त्रिपाठी इन्हीं के नामों की घोषणा करने के लिए रांची आए थे। समिति में दो लोग बसंत हेतन सरिया और सुनील महतो पहले से ही हैं।

aam aadmi party workers fight jharkhand - www.bhaskar.com

भाजपा के टिकट पर चुनाव लड़ेंगे IPS अरुण, बातचीत से बनी सहमति

रांची. सात फरवरी को वीआरएस के लिए आवेदन देने जा रहे पंजाब कैडर के आईपीएस अधिकारी अरुण उरांव भाजपा के टिकट पर लोहरदगा संसदीय क्षेत्र से चुनाव लड़ेंगे। भाजपा के शीर्ष नेताओं के साथ दिल्ली में हुई बातचीत में इस पर सहमति बन गई है। उसके बाद ही उन्होंने सात फरवरी को वीआरएस के लिए आवेदन देने का फैसला किया है। भाजपा सूत्रों ने बताया कि उरांव अपने आवेदन में एक महीने के भीतर केंद्र सरकार से स्वीकृति प्रदान करने का भी आग्रह करेंगे। उरांव आवेदन स्वीकृत होते ही वह खुल कर लोहरदगा के चुनाव मैदान में कूद पड़ेंगे।

पहले अरुण को पार्टी ज्वाइन करने दीजिए : गीताश्री उरांव

आईपीएस अधिकारी अरुण उरांव के चुनाव लडऩे के सवाल पर उनकी पत्नी गीताश्री उरांव अभी कुछ बोलने से बच रही हैं। गीताश्री राज्य में मंत्री और कांग्रेस की राष्ट्रीय सचिव भी हैं, कहती हैं उन्हें पार्टी ज्वाइन करने दीजिए।
वह जो बोल रहे हैं, हो जाने दीजिए, तब ही वह कुछ बोलेंगी। यह पूछने पर कि आप तो पार्टी की सचिव भी हैं, इस लिहाज से इसे किस रूप में देखती हैं। इस पर सीधे जवाब देने की बजाए कहती हैं कि उन्हीं से पूछ लीजिए। हर आदमी का अपना अपना प्रशंसक होता है। उनके किसी पार्टी में ज्वाइन कर लेने के बाद वह इस मुद्दे पर बात करेंगी।

Arun would be contesting on BJP ticket - www.bhaskar.com

And so it starts.. BJP is going to attract a lot of good leaders from other parties. Some JD-U leaders as well as RJD leaders are already in talks in Bihar. Hopefully decision will be taken in next one month.
Jhakaas bhojpuri bole ho bhai... Bihari badu ka..?

Hamaar bhojpuri tanik kamjor ba..

Tiwari jee overstayed his welcome in JD-U and over played his secularism card in a place like Bihar where no one gives a damn about it. He certainly was creating a problem for JD-U and so is Nitish. Thats why I have always believed that JD-U may very well junk Nitish in future because of " Janta ki rai" in coming election. JD-U badly needs BJP's support to remain relevant in Bihar. BJP can do without ruling a state but if Lalu returns to power, he will make target JD-U leaders with vengeance.
I am from border district of Kushinagar(UP) but mom is from Bihar hehe.
Yes bro It is very much possible that RJD may come to power again in Bihar in assembly elections because on many seats(40%) RJD lost with very less margin. Anyway do you see any chance of JDU coming back to NDA or support it from outside post loksabha elections? Though it will hardly matter as JDU most probably will end up with 5-6 seats.
In Tamil Nadu, alliance talks on, DMDK wants 16 seats

@ Tamil Friends..

With the now obvious rift in DMK family, should BJP try to have a tacit understanding with Alagiri in Madurai region..? Breaking DMK into two factions will create a chance for BJP to come into TN..?

I am from border district of Kushinagar(UP) but mom is from Bihar hehe.
Yes bro It is very much possible that RJD may come to power again in Bihar in assembly elections because on many seats(40%) RJD lost with very less margin. Anyway do you see any chance of JDU coming back to NDA or support it from outside post loksabha elections? Though it will hardly matter as JDU most probably will end up with 5-6 seats.

Nope.. JD-U wont come into NDA till Nitish is at the helm. Sharad Yadav needs to retake control of the party which is slipping from his hand with every passing day. Amazingly he is aware of this and has shown his displeasure privately. If JD-U gets less than 10 seats in LS elections ( which it most probably will), I see a major portion f JD-U willing to sacrifice Nitish and create another JD.

Its worthy to note that the JD-U government will fall in state as well if JD-U does not perform well in state elections. Nitish knows this and openly said this today in rally. He is in very uncomfortable position and many of his lieutenants are not happy with the direction party is going .
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भाजपा ने ली कांग्रेस की चुटकी, कहा तीसरे मोर्चे में शामिल हो जाए कांग्रेस

चांद आहें भरेगा

कांग्रेस समिति के सम्मेलन में राहुल गांधी ने बीजेपी पर यह कहकर हमला बोला कि "विपक्ष गंजों को भी कंघा बेच सकता है।" देश भर के कई केशविहीन लोग इस पर कांग्रेस से नाराज हो गए। आखिर बाल कम होते जाना एक नैसर्गिक प्रक्रिया है। बीजेपी ने जवाब में कहा कि राहुल गांधी यह बताना भूल गए कि एक और पार्टी है, जो इस कंघा बिक्री में भी कमीशन मांग लेती है। एक अन्य नेता ने कहा- "कांग्रेस विधानसभा चुनाव तो हार ही चुकी है, अब उसे गंजों के भी वोट नहीं मिलेंगे।" कांग्रेस बेफिक्र है। एक नेता ने कहा- "राहुलजी ने तो एस्कैप वेलॉसिटी वाली बात भी जुपिटर के लिए कही थी, चांद के लिए नहीं।"

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In Tamil Nadu, alliance talks on, DMDK wants 16 seats

@ Tamil Friends..

With the now obvious rift in DMK family, should BJP try to have a tacit understanding with Alagiri in Madurai region..? Breaking DMK into two factions will create a chance for BJP to come into TN..?

Nope.. JD-U wont come into NDA till Nitish is at the helm. Sharad Yadav needs to retake control of the party which is slipping from his hand with every passing day. Amazingly he is aware of this and has shown his displeasure privately. If JD-U gets less than 10 seats in LS elections ( which it most probably will), I see a major portion f JD-U willing to sacrifice Nitish and create another JD.

Its worthy to note that the JD-U government will fall in state as well if JD-U does not perform well in state elections. Nitish knows this and openly said this today in rally. He is in very uncomfortable position and many of his lieutenants are not happy with the direction party is going .
that seems quite true and practical. If JDU perform too badly in Loksabha(sure it will) than last time then all blames will directly go to Nitish Kumar and his lalua and chapua (ali anwar and sabir ali) and their future doesn't seems so bright.
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