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  • Hotheads derailing govt agenda: India Inc
    Sidhartha & Pankaj Doval, TNN | Dec 24, 2014, 01.13AM IST
    NEW DELHI: Corporate India had been complaining in private about Sangh hotheads derailing the development agenda, but on Tuesday it decided to speak up.

    The new FICCI president, Jyotsna Suri, minced no words. "It (recent statements of hotheads) is certainly diluting the focus and it is uncalled for. It is detrimental to the (development) agenda... The government should do some straightening out. It's definitely diverting (focus). It is an irritant," she told TOI.

    Recent statements such as minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti's 'Ramzaade-haramzaade' tirade, HRD ministry creating a controversy over Christmas holiday and VHP and RSS leaders' stridency on religious conversions, have only helped the Opposition to hold up Parliament and prevent the passage of several key Bills. "Look at the headlines, they are about conversions, not development," said a honcho.
Assocham president Rana Kapoor felt there was no time to brook delays in carrying out key reforms measures. "Irrespective of these right-wing distractions, government should firmly demonstrate its economic development agenda by ensuring that bills on GST, insurance and coal are passed by ordinance or by the combined strength of both Houses. This will give confidence and conviction to its economic policies," he said.

Another industry group, CII, too pushed for reforms. "The nation loses out if the Parliament doesn't function. Some people may have thought that with the BJP coming to power, they can push their agenda. But the government's focus is very clear. From PM downwards, everyone is trying to push the development agenda. We are happy that the government is looking at other options such as an ordinance to push through some decisions," said CII president Ajay Shriram.

There was also a sense of deja vu for some business leaders as the UPA also had failed to pass several bills as the BJP had acted the spoiler. "The events in the Rajya Sabha over the past fortnight have left me disappointed. I am filled with a sense of deja vu because this has happened many times before... The winter session was a godsend (opportunity) to push through legislation that would have shown that India finally means business. Instead, it turned out to be a wasted opportunity. Now, we have to prove ourselves afresh. As I have said before, with great power, comes great responsibility," said Hero MotoCorp vice-chairman & MD Pawan Munjal.

HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh suggested that political parties should bridge their differences and help push the reforms strategy. "We want a democracy and not a dysfunctional democracy. It hurts the nation and the people. The government has demonstrated its commitment to the development agenda in the way the FM worked overtime on GST and a series of steps on FDI, where rules have been eased for defence and construction," he said.

"The 'ghar wapsi' agenda of any section of the society will create a huge dent in the government's growth agenda... Who will invest in a country where a law-and-order situation may arise over a period of time?" asked Assocham secretary-general DS Rawat.

Hotheads derailing govt agenda: India Inc - The Times of India
1 tenure of rajyasabha and JK assembly should be brought back to 5 year, 6year tenure is a relic from emergency time.
2 tenure of rajyasabha member be tied with the existence of state assembly. It defeats the purpose that a new assembly come to power but is represented by old assembly elected leaders in rajyasabha.
Modi summons 23 BJP MPs for failing their Delhi election duty
The parliamentarians were among the 258 identified to address public meetings in the capital.


Photo Credit: Prakash Singh/AFP

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has cracked the whip on a section of Bharatiya Janata Party MPs who disregarded the party’s edict to campaign for the upcoming Assembly election in Delhi.

At the BJP parliamentary party meeting on Tuesday, Modi asked 23 party MPs who erred in their duties, including seven ministers, to meet him individually, according to a senior party leader who was present in the meeting. Though the identity of the BJP MPs and ministers summoned by Modi could not be ascertained, sources in the party said they are in for a dressing-down from the prime minister.

Sensing a serious challenge from the Aam Aadmi Party and to ensure micro-management of the BJP’s campaign, the saffron party’s national leadership has been trying hard to marshal together all its resources for the crucial Delhi elections.

Preparing ground for Modi

In early November, the BJP identified 258 MPs for campaign duty and asked each to address at least three public meetings in the capital over the next two months. It hoped this would inspire people from different parts of the country who live in Delhi to vote for the saffron party.

“These MPs were instructed to stay in Delhi and address public meetings,” said the BJP leader. “Meanwhile, the party’s state unit was directed to decide the venues in such a manner that these MPs could strike a chord with the people they were to address.”

The MPs were instructed to trumpet the “achievements” of the Modi government in public meetings till the end of December, setting the stage for Modi to join the campaign at a later stage.

Electoral plans disturbed

Out of the 258 MPs, a total of 200 addressed public meetings, while 35 MPs were exempted because they were involved in the campaigning in Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir.

“The remaining 23 MPs, seven of whom are ministers, cancelled their meetings at the last moment despite giving appointment to the Delhi state unit,” said the BJP leader.

According to sources in BJP’s Delhi unit, the state party leadership had complained to Modi, saying that the cancellation of the public meetings by these MPs, after all the arrangements had been made, considerably hurt the party’s electoral preparations.

“The prime minister broached the issue during the BJP’s parliamentary party meeting, but refrained from saying much except asking the errant MPs to meet him personally one by one,” the BJP leader said.
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Lok Sabha worked for 98% of winter session, Rajya Sabha barely 59%
Himanshi Dhawan,TNN | Dec 24, 2014, 03.42 AM IST

AWinter Session|Rajya Sabha|Lok Sabha


The most productive winter session so far was in 2004 when the government worked 101% of the scheduled time.
NEW DELHI: The winter session of the 2014 Lok Sabha — that worked for 98% of its scheduled time -- has become the second most productive session in a decade. The most productive winter session so far was in 2004 when the government worked 101% of the scheduled time. In sharp contrast, the Rajya Sabha worked for 59% of the time. In 15 of the 22 days, less than three minutes were spent in responding to members' questions.

BJP's strong majority in Lok Sabha has meant smooth sailing for the party but its low numbers in Rajya Sabha have led to a near impasse in the last two weeks of the session.

According to data analysed by PRS Legislative Research, Lok Sabha spent 44% of its productive time on discussing various issues, 35% on legislation and 14% on answering questions. Rajya Sabha decided to extend its sitting time by an hour ever day to provide more time to MPs to raise matters in the House. However, Rajya Sabha worked for only 59% of its scheduled time. Of this 34% was spent on discussing issues, 33% on legislation and a low 8% on answering questions.

The Question Hour was a study in contrasts as well. In the Lower House 23% of scheduled questions were answered orally. This is amongst the highest percentage of questions during a session since 2004. In RS to ensure smooth functioning of Question Hour, the time was moved from 11 to 12 noon. However, only 12% of the scheduled questions were answered orally in RS. Question Hour in RS lasted for less than 3 minutes each day for 15 of the 22 days. About 100 questions were answered orally in LS as compared to 44 in RS.


LS did not disappoint when it came to handling legislative business either. Both Houses passed 11 bills in this session. These included three bills related to higher education and two addressing labour laws. About 15 bills were introduced during the session of which 11 were passed in Lok Sabha without being referred to a standing committee for detailed examination. Two of the 11 bills passed in Lok Sabha i.e. Repealing and Amending Bill, 2014 and Payment and Settlement Systems Bill, 2014 were referred to Select Committees of Rajya Sabha on the last day of the session. Bills introduced during the session relate to citizenship, goods and services tax, electricity, anti-hijacking, Lokpal and Lokayukta laws.

Speaking at the end of the session Speaker Sumitra Mahajan thanked opposition parties for the smooth functioning of the House.
5 independent and 5 elected congress MLA in J & K ready to join BJP ...
Hahaha...anti defection law doesn't apply in J & K..BJP can easily emerge as single largest party & form a minority govt without anyone's support!
hahahahaha................ @jha ....ur expert views on this???

BJP "Facepalm" party .................here another blunder by them in Punjab

BJP flouts norms, runs membership drive in Hoshiarpur Civil Hospital

@ranjeet ....this one for u ...........sab mile huye hain jee :p:

Flip-flop on Majithia has BJP on back foot

all Hail BJP ....which shields druglords :close_tema:
All I can hope for it BJP takes a firm stand against drug problem as soon as possible even if it means breaking ties with Akali.
All I can hope for it BJP takes a firm stand against drug problem as soon as possible even if it means breaking ties with Akali.

half of Punjab BJP might end up in jail.............lol .....do u think only akalis are gaining from drug trade???
half of Punjab BJP might end up in jail.............lol .....do u think only akalis are gaining from drug trade???
Well it's a tough ask but lets see if they can walk the talk, especially after Modi talked about drugs in his radio address.

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