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That's strange as Tamils tend to be one of the most conservative Hindus I come across. Anyways hope they make Amit Shah state leader of TN BJP and see how he delivers. He will soon become the biggest nightmare for all regional satraps.
It wont work in TN,you need someone from tamil nadu whom the people can associate with like Rajnikanth.

MGR is from kerala
Rajnikanth is from maharastra
Jaya is from karnataka born in MP.
But these people adopted tamilnadu and they connect with people.
Since yesterday many Pakistanis are opening threads against Modi calling him Hitler, Mass Murderer, Terrorist etc. For all those here is my reply

1 You say he is a known terrorist. Which acts of terrorism has he been accused of? Has he been declared terrorist by any govt? Indian? Pakistani? US? United Nations? His bitterest rivals congress was in power in India for 10 years. If they could not declare him terrorist who are you?

2 You say he has been involved in mass murder of thousands of Muslims and Christians? Who has indicted him? Infact he has been given a clean chit by the Supreme Court of India.

3 You probably believe that he has no support among the Muslim. Do you know that he won 3 of 6 seats in Jammu Kashmir and 71 of 80 seats in UP beating Mullayam Singh Yadav , considered as one of the most pro Muslim politician in India. Mulayam has been reduced to just 5 seats in UP where Muslim population is more than 40% in many seats. In last election BJP had only 10 seats across UP.

UP along with Bihar and Assam is one of the highest Muslim population states after J&K. In Bihar he has won 31 out of 40 seats beating beating Lallu Prasad Yadav - another politician considered the darling of Muslims , who won just 6 seats and NItish Kumar who broke up with Modi led NDA when he was declared PM candidate just to protect his Muslim vote bank. Nitish has won just 2 seats in Bihar. In Assam Modi has won 7 of the 14 seats. BJP has no significant presence in Assam and other North Eastern states before this. In Christian Majority Goa he has won both the seats.
Do you think that Modi would have won these seats if he had no support among the Muslims? Do you know during the campaign all so called "secular" parties, which in India means those who support extra rights for Muslims, kept asking Muslims not to vote for Modi because of this "fear factor". Still the Muslims have voted for Modi. Do you think they would have voted for him if they believe he is a mass murderer of Muslims and Christians.

4 You say he has been supported by Indians in Mass. Yes that is correct. This the best ever performance by a single non congress party since independence. This is also the best ever performance by any party since 1984. So since last 30 years no other political party has got such support in the elections. BJP has a simple majority of its own and does not need any allies to form the govt. He has won his own seat in Vadodara by a victory margin of over 5,70,000 votes. This is an all time high record in general elections in India.

5 now I will tell you why people of India - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc have voted for him. They voted for his developmental agenda, his promise of better growth, more jobs, his version of secularism which means India First and Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas (With Everybody , Development for Everybody) . They voted for him because they have seen how he developed his state of Gujrat for the last 12 years. There has been a 10% growth rate and no riots in Gujarat after the post Godhra Riots.

I have answered all your queries with facts and figures. I want you to keep an open mind regarding Modi. If you can dispute any of these facts feel free to do so. We elected Modi because we want development and not because we hate Muslims or Pakistan.
But then as @Indo-guy said the risk is too high for BJP though its not a coalition government still they do expect a 2nd term in center.Meddling with 370 and UCC would cause a lot of raucous.

Next big political task for modi will be to win state assembly elections of Maharshtra , Delhi, Bihar , Uttarakahnd and so on.

that will strengthen it's tally in Rajya sabha .

Once BJP has secured enough of elbowing space in rajya sbha it will be in better position to force its way on crucial bills.

BJP needs to consolidate its power .

So it will not be any time soon when BJP will touch upon its stance on coveted issues such as article 370,Uniform civil code etc.
I don't agree. With a decisive mandate these 2 issues will definitely be taken up maybe not now but in a couple of years when Rajyasabha situation is more appealing.

Article 370 may be problematic because it requires 2/3rd majority and support of states but UCC is a done deal.

Remember these are core issues also promised in manifesto. Last time could not be taken up because of lack of majority now it is no problem
Article 370 and UCC are not the core issues. We have a fundamental issue concerning governance. Meaning having a plan of action, executing that and then being held accountable for it. All the stupid issue we see wrt electricity, roads, business development, security, law and order, health care, education and research etc have been left to rot for a long time.
I want this Modi government to fix them first as he has promised "Good government", "Minimum government and maximum governance."
The other issues you mentioned can be taken up later. These issues are also more divisive and need a lot of trust to be built before taking them up.
Article 370 and UCC are not the core issues. We have a fundamental issue concerning governance. Meaning having a plan of action, executing that and then being held accountable for it. All the stupid issue we see wrt electricity, roads, business development, security, law and order, health care, education and research etc have been left to rot for a long time.
I want this Modi government to fix them first as he has promised "Good government", "Minimum government and maximum governance."
The other issues you mentioned can be taken up later. These issues are also more divisive and need a lot of trust to be built before taking them up.

I am not saying he shouldn't go for development it is his first priority. But he can also accomplish these social issues
NaMo response to me for congratulating him on tweeter with #CongratsNaMo


Guyz. Heard NaMo address from AHmedabad?

Yes, yesterday only.
That's strange as Tamils tend to be one of the most conservative Hindus I come across. Anyways hope they make Amit Shah state leader of TN BJP and see how he delivers. He will soon become the biggest nightmare for all regional satraps. I am still unable to digest the fact that he led bjp to victory in over 70 seats in UP.

Amit Shah won't work there.. The language & Tamil pride is a big issue there..

Article 370 and UCC are not the core issues. We have a fundamental issue concerning governance. Meaning having a plan of action, executing that and then being held accountable for it. All the stupid issue we see wrt electricity, roads, business development, security, law and order, health care, education and research etc have been left to rot for a long time.
I want this Modi government to fix them first as he has promised "Good government", "Minimum government and maximum governance."

The other issues you mentioned can be taken up later. These issues are also more divisive and need a lot of trust to be built before taking them up.

Exactly, the focus should be on the work to meet the basic necessities of people. If properly done, it will generate a lot of employment for the youth. Mandir/UCC/Article 370 is the least of the priorities.. Most important thing is we need to keep supporting Namo and work with him to help improve these areas. It;s not one man, one party job. Everyone will have to contribute!!
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So my dad just tells me Rahul Sinha the candidate and runner up for the North Calcutta seat for the BJP lives in the apartment building we own.
Since yesterday many Pakistanis are opening threads against Modi calling him Hitler, Mass Murderer, Terrorist etc. For all those here is my reply

1 You say he is a known terrorist. Which acts of terrorism has he been accused of? Has he been declared terrorist by any govt? Indian? Pakistani? US? United Nations? His bitterest rivals congress was in power in India for 10 years. If they could not declare him terrorist who are you?

2 You say he has been involved in mass murder of thousands of Muslims and Christians? Who has indicted him? Infact he has been given a clean chit by the Supreme Court of India.

3 You probably believe that he has no support among the Muslim. Do you know that he won 3 of 6 seats in Jammu Kashmir and 71 of 80 seats in UP beating Mullayam Singh Yadav , considered as one of the most pro Muslim politician in India. Mulayam has been reduced to just 5 seats in UP where Muslim population is more than 40% in many seats. In last election BJP had only 10 seats across UP.

UP along with Bihar and Assam is one of the highest Muslim population states after J&K. In Bihar he has won 31 out of 40 seats beating beating Lallu Prasad Yadav - another politician considered the darling of Muslims , who won just 6 seats and NItish Kumar who broke up with Modi led NDA when he was declared PM candidate just to protect his Muslim vote bank. Nitish has won just 2 seats in Bihar. In Assam Modi has won 7 of the 14 seats. BJP has no significant presence in Assam and other North Eastern states before this. In Christian Majority Goa he has won both the seats.
Do you think that Modi would have won these seats if he had no support among the Muslims? Do you know during the campaign all so called "secular" parties, which in India means those who support extra rights for Muslims, kept asking Muslims not to vote for Modi because of this "fear factor". Still the Muslims have voted for Modi. Do you think they would have voted for him if they believe he is a mass murderer of Muslims and Christians.

4 You say he has been supported by Indians in Mass. Yes that is correct. This the best ever performance by a single non congress party since independence. This is also the best ever performance by any party since 1984. So since last 30 years no other political party has got such support in the elections. BJP has a simple majority of its own and does not need any allies to form the govt. He has won his own seat in Vadodara by a victory margin of over 5,70,000 votes. This is an all time high record in general elections in India.

5 now I will tell you why people of India - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc have voted for him. They voted for his developmental agenda, his promise of better growth, more jobs, his version of secularism which means India First and Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas (With Everybody , Development for Everybody) . They voted for him because they have seen how he developed his state of Gujrat for the last 12 years. There has been a 10% growth rate and no riots in Gujarat after the post Godhra Riots.

I have answered all your queries with facts and figures. I want you to keep an open mind regarding Modi. If you can dispute any of these facts feel free to do so. We elected Modi because we want development and not because we hate Muslims or Pakistan.

Rightly said about Muslim vote bank... Muslim brothers also overwhelmingly supported Bjp which is quite evident from UP BIHAR seats.....Days of vote bank politics gone....
I don't agree. With a decisive mandate these 2 issues will definitely be taken up maybe not now but in a couple of years when Rajyasabha situation is more appealing.

Article 370 may be problematic because it requires 2/3rd majority and support of states but UCC is a done deal.

Remember these are core issues also promised in manifesto. Last time could not be taken up because of lack of majority now it is no problem

Keeping my fingers crossed!!
I hope your prediction comes true.

One constitution -one India!!
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