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Hey guys have you noticed a uniqueness in Narendra Modi's crew vehicles. Just have a look at those cars - Yup, those all are Indian cars. For example: Scorpio, safari etc. And it's nothing new, he's always been traveling in Indian cars ONLY. Thought I share this little fact with you guys. Isn't it so patriotic. Just love it Man, he thinks the same way I do. ;)
He will transfer to BMW's after he is sworn as PM.
Video Camaras of News reporters getting jammed near the cavlacade ..lol The MSM being forced to take video from afar
Just a question guys. If I am not wrong If lower house passes a bill for example on implementation of Uniform Civil Code then the bill moves on to upper house where bjp fails to get it passed due to their lack of numbers and the bill again goes to lower house now if lower house passes this bill again then it is mandatory for upper house to pass that bill. Am I right??? @Bang Galore @jbgt90 @paranoiarocks
No in that case joint session of both session is called. POTA too was passed in joint session .
What if resignation is accepted. You see Congress has never been reduced to this pathetic state.
Never... no one has the audacity to accept Gandhi clan's resignation in Congress. At the most.. Pappu may drift to the background & Priyanka Gandhi maybe drafted in. There isn't going to be any sacrificing happening here!
Twenty Hindus chased a Muslim into a shop in downtown Mumbai and started beating the hell out of him. The shop owner stood there and did nothing. When the police arrived, they stopped the fight. They asked the shop owner, "Why didn't you do anything when you saw this Muslim being hurt?"

The shop owner replied, "I thought about it. But then I realized, twenty men was enough."

this was epic

Twenty Hindus chased a Muslim into a shop in downtown Mumbai and started beating the hell out of him. The shop owner stood there and did nothing. When the police arrived, they stopped the fight. They asked the shop owner, "Why didn't you do anything when you saw this Muslim being hurt?"

The shop owner replied, "I thought about it. But then I realized, twenty men was enough."

this was epic
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Twenty Hindus chased a Muslim into a shop in downtown Mumbai and started beating the hell out of him. The shop owner stood there and did nothing. When the police arrived, they stopped the fight. They asked the shop owner, "Why didn't you do anything when you saw this Muslim being hurt?"

The shop owner replied, "I thought about it. But then I realized, twenty men was enough."

this was epic

Twenty Hindus chased a Muslim into a shop in downtown Mumbai and started beating the hell out of him. The shop owner stood there and did nothing. When the police arrived, they stopped the fight. They asked the shop owner, "Why didn't you do anything when you saw this Muslim being hurt?"

The shop owner replied, "I thought about it. But then I realized, twenty men was enough."

this was epic

That's not funny.
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