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not if one of them is married .... absolutely not....having sex with married people should stay illegal , such a move of legalizing this will destroy the family system ...
Yes, married people can give consent too. They are people. You may not like that, but we can't simply go around penalizing everything that disgusts you. The state cannot and should not do moral policing. Suppose a majority says that premarital sex is disgusting? (A majority does say that.) Suppose a majority says women going to a pub is disgusting? Should we ban things by law just because it offends the morality of some people?

And no, family system wont come to an end because that law is scrapped. Families are not held together due to the fear of section 497. If somebody's marriage is held together merely because they fear the law, then it may be better that they get a divorce anyway. Do you think a majority of women will start having affairs as soon as this law is scrapped, that they are all being held back only because this law exists? Laws and governments cannot and should not impose intimacy by threat of force.
A personal matter of a leader should be the last thing discussed in an election..... It is disgusting to see people are busy talking about it......
They're public figures.They've a moral responsibility towards the society.

Bill clinton was discussed....Shashi tharoor was discussed...Modi is still in news and now Digvijay.
If they're being discussed then rightly so.
-- dear who told you animal dont give conset,,,,...:-)
dont want go beyond .. or
see discovery special show on sex. yes..its there ..scientific only :-).. no sunny :p:
or animal planet ..after 11 .pm
I meant consent to humans. "That sheep was totally giving me the eyes!" does not sound too credible to me.
Honestly speaking then I have no problem with his affair but Its just his badmouthing Modi on his marital status. But I am sure, this story will go a long way from here.
I hope they get married soon and with that this news will come to an end.
They're public figures.They've a moral responsibility towards the society.

Bill clinton was discussed....Shashi tharoor was discussed...Modi is still in news and now Digvijay.
If they're being discussed then rightly so.
Bill Clinton's case was different - he had sex with a white house staff, which is why it was a legitimate public issue. There was a genuine conflict of interest there. Also, later he lied about it to the people.
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