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Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

Imagine if some one in Arab dress was found doing this. Whole Indian Brigade would have its tail on fire bragging Terrorist Terrorist.
BTW i dont mean to offend any culture or religion. Modi doing a ritual with guns is ok with me.
But the response from Indian Members is interesting.
So much for calling themselves the AHINSA champs. :oops:


You don't seem to have a clue on Indian customs and traditions. Let me put you wise.

On the ninth day of the Navratri festival, to celebrate goddess Durga, a ceremony called Shastra Pooja (shastra: weapons, pooja: worship) is held. It began as the worship of Durga’s weapons, in which, it was believed, her energy rested.

It evolved into the production and manufacturing sector too, worshiping the tools they use to earn a livelihood.

Once the ritual purification is complete, the tools are not touched through the day. Work continues with them only the next morning.

During this festival, even my gardener lays out all the gardening tools including hedge-cutters, lawn mower, scissors, hoe, spades and so on and does a pooja as these are his 'weapons' used for gardening.

So what's the big deal?
Narendra Modi performs Shastra Puja on Vijayadashmi | Home | www.narendramodi.in

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi performed Shashtra Puja (Worship of weapons) today at his home in the presence of police and security personnel on the occasion of Vijaya Dashmi. He called upon the security personnel to imbibe the significance of the worship of weapon as preaches by the age-old tradition.
Mr. Modi, like every year, worshiped the weapons such as sword, bows and arrows etc which received as gift during public programmes.
On the occasion Mr. Modi said the festival of Vijaya Dashmi, following to Navratri, celebrate the triumph of godly powers against the evil forces. While the weapons are integral part of the lives of security personnel, its worship keeps them distant from its misuse, he said.
Relating the example of Ravana he said the culture of the times of Ramayana teaches us that we can keep away from the ego of power and possession with the wisdom and virtues. This is evident by the triumph of the virtuous life of Lord Rama against the fall of egoistic Ravana.
Mr. Modi exhorted the security personnel to maintain their physical and mental health and practice the stress-free life in the midst of hard work. He said, “We should add sacred element in all the activities of life be it religious or existential”. He extended wishes for Vijaya Dashmi to the families of security personnel.
Chief Security Officer to the Chief Minister Premvir Singh and senior security officials remained present on the occasion and felicitated Mr. Modi.


Dramaqueens :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
For those who don't know,puja days (3 days i guess) are a holiday for schools:yay: during which hindu students keep their books for puja and doesn't open them,there is a joke that for some its puja throughout the year coz,they never open their books!:lol:
Even IT proffessionals put their laptops to puja!
Viswakarma is the God of mechanical engineering in Hindu mythology. Ayudh Puja/Shastra puja/Viswakarma puja are all the same where the machines are worshipped in Engineering colleges,factories,cars.bikes etc etc. This is an age old practice in all over India. Associating it with Modi is comical,man.
Keep your foul language to yourself,you are just blinded by your anti India sentiments.
Tell that to your country fellow, i only replied when he introduced his table manners on the thread.... so save it.
Older days Kings prayed the god with swords now with guns

same tradition equipment different
Listen you piece of dog turd, you blind as bat or simply too dumb to read what's quoted in the first picture. Pay attention to the topic you foul mouth bitc*.

Refrain from posting comments if you dont know anything about our tradition and religion.'Ayuda Pooja' is one of the important tradition in our religion.It is performed during Navaratri days Durgashtami,Mahanavami and Vijayadasami.
In Pakistan you dont know anything about that because minorities dont get any fair treatment in Pakistan.

Modi is anti Pakistan and anti Muslim

Former is right and latter is wrong .We are happy with that.He is elected as PM not to please Pakistan.He is elected for securing interest of India.
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